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Define Success

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
“Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.” - Anne Sweeney

What exactly is success? If we take a look at the definition in the dictionary, there a couple of different descriptions. Firstly, it is "the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose", and secondly, it is "the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status". Pretty standard descriptions of what success is, hey? Irrespective of what is written in the dictionary, we actually all define success in a variety of different ways, relative to whatever personally brings us great happiness and satisfaction. We could define the marriage to our partner as being a success. We could define the fact that we have a job as being a success. We could define a job promotion as being a success. We could define achieving our lifetime goal as being a success. We could define owning our own house as being a success. We could even define the fact that we have woken up this morning as being a success. Success really doesn't have any boundaries, it basically all depends on our perception of what it is. Even the likes of failure can be viewed as success. Work that one out! Anyone who has ever travelled the road to achieving their goals would well know that there are many failures, setbacks, challenges, and rejections to be experienced along the way, but unless we succumb to these adversities, and give up on our journey, then they are actually a blessing for us. How is that so? Well, these such times provide us the opportunity to show adaptability, resilience, patience, and creativity, as each time, we are forced to work hard on devising a solution to overcome these adversities, if we are still determined enough to achieve our goals. In doing so, we are actually learning, growing, and developing ourselves in the process, and that is indeed a success in itself. Bettering ourselves in any manner is a success, and when we continually strengthen our character and mindset, we can often find that success begins to multiply in various aspects of our life.

Today is about getting honest with yourself, and gaining clarity within your mind. What defines success for you? What is it that you class as achieving success? There are many aspects of life to continually manage, and it's near impossible to ensure each and every aspect of our life is exactly where we want it to be. From relationships, to career, to spirituality, to finance, to health, to happiness and wellbeing, to lifestyle, to family, to home life, to community, and to friendships, there are so many aspects to keep in good shape. There always seems to be at least one of these aspects that we know needs improvement, that we know we can do better in, and that we know isn't bringing us the happiness and satisfaction we seek. We may have now been married for over 20 years now, have children, and live in our own house, albeit still paying off a mortgage, and we can define this as being successful, but is it really, especially when we are not finding that spark, intimacy, and love in that relationship with our partner? That's not really success! We can define success as being the fact that we have a steady job, we live in our own house, albeit again having a mortgage on it, and we are earning a decent salary, but yet we hate the job we do with a passion. That's not really success! We can define success as being the owner of the latest and greatest sports car on the market, yet we have a significant debt for the money we used to purchase it. That's not really success! So many of us have a bad tendency to define success as being something in which we believe we can boast to others about, something that potentially make others feel envious towards us, and something that we believe makes us look superior to others. It's that variant of the definition of success in which we feel we are attaining fame and social status, but deep down, it's not really providing us with that ongoing happiness and satisfaction we long for though. We are trying to make ourselves look good to others, and be keeping up appearances, when in reality, we are not at all happy and satisfied in life.

What success all boils down to is creating a life by our own design, in which we are accomplishing our goals, and creating genuine ongoing happiness, satisfaction, fulfilment, and prosperity for ourselves. We can try and fool ourselves, and others, as much as we like in saying that we are happy and satisfied in life, but deep down, we know the real truth. Success is not only limited to what we can accomplish for ourselves, but also in how we can serve and support others. We can be wealthy, famous, and have achieved a great amount of success in a certain field or industry, but if we fail to show generosity, care, compassion, kindness, and respect for others, that success becomes diminished and futile. Goals and generosity are the two key factors to success. When we give to others, we are automatically generating that sense of satisfaction and happiness, because we start to see for ourselves the positive impact it has on the lives of others. It makes us feel good. Then there are the goals. For many, they don't even have any goals set for themselves, and for many others, they have goals that lack solidity and clarity. How can we create success for ourselves if we have nothing to strive for, or we don't even really know exactly what we are striving for? We hear of so many people say that their goal is to become wealthy, or to win the lottery, which are both completely foolish things to aim for, based on greed. Goals are about achieving something personally to which we have an emotional attachment to, something meaningful, and something purposeful. It's so important to get clear on exactly what we desire to achieve, so we can then better establish an action plan in how to achieve it. Once we have that action plan, it's then about actually taking action. We will fail many a time on the journey, and be tested with our patience for how long it will take to achieve our goal, but the moment we accomplish it will be the moment that we understand what true success is. Success is never about achieving something we don't even have a passion for! So what defines success for you? What is it that you yearn to achieve in your future? Stop settling for what you believe is success, being those things that you accomplish in which you don't have a passion for, and start actually creating genuine success for yourself by achieving your goals, and creating a life that's of your own design, not what others have designed for you. Become clear in your mind exactly what defines success for you, and start working towards it. Work towards happiness, work towards satisfaction, and work towards fulfilment, not just short bursts of it, but long term. Remember, you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to achieve!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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