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By Emlyza StudioPublished 4 years ago โ€ข 4 min read

You're allowed to feel the happiness. You're allowed to feel the sadness. You're allowed to feel not okay, today. You're allowed to feel lost. You're allowed to feel everything. You're human, existing with purpose.

You won't feel the success if you didn't face failures in life. Failure can bring disappointment and can also slow the pace of progress. But failure is also part of life, and we have to learn to deal with it. You should look at one part, failure is a chance for a new opportunity. To help you gain. But what do you do when an experience of failure weighs you down? We are all learning: No one gets it right every time. A more compassionate attitude toward ourselves only helps us to stay in the game. The dynamic process of lifeโ€”trying, succeeding, failing, and trying againโ€”is the only way to develop lasting confidence in ourselves. We learn through experience that we can both succeed and recover from failure. We also learn to be humble and so to develop a view of ourselves as limited creatures that will always need the help and support of others. No matter how mature or successful we become, the child within always will need mentors and friends whoโ€™ll see us through.

"Problems are forever." Everyone has problems in life. Regardless of what the problems, family should be our main support. Or at least you have someone who can be your outlet and vice-versa. What if you don't have? Your fear of being open? Then there could be a crisis within your family. There may not be anything as sweet as love and family life, but it can also be the source of pain for some. Human imperfections in a relationship can cause a major crisis in life. Sometimes patching up the your relationship with your family is the toughest thing to do.

"There is no human being on Earth that isย strong, powerful, wise, or richย who has not experiencedย struggle, suffering, or failure."

In the amidst of the Covid19 situation, there are so many different things and aspects you discover as this quarantine continues.

Why are problems getting bigger and deeper as we get older? Sometimes, it drowns us from sadness and anxiety. And, the hardest part of it, is that you can't even control nor help someone drowning in his own thoughts.

These past few weeks I've noticed how someone's behaviour changes. First, he became easily irritated.He does not want to hear words from anyone (especially his closest sister.) Second, he barely talks to everyone that he became so distant. Third, I've seen how exhausted, he was everyday though he just woke up. He had been drinking alcohol twice a week. It wasn't easy to see him like he was hiding a lot of pain. I can feel the way he stares. I realized he was vulnerable and hurt for so many reasons. He was not that stronger like how 'we' think that boys can handle everything. It's how depression and anxiety affects him. I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

As he mentioned his mother, I got hurt and affected because he craved for the mother's care. He just wanted to talk to his mother. He just wanted to see her again. This pandemic affects everyone's life, especially when it comes to travelling issue. It's a different level of affection that we all needed. It was not enough giving advises and lecture someone when we couldn't know what's inside their head.

Maybe, we have the same ways on how we get happy, but it was different when it comes to facing problems. Sometimes a little problem is bigger for a certain person. If you can handle your problems, maybe he/she can't deal with it on his own.

During this pandemic situation, I've realized what really matters. I thought it's a romantic relationship that I want. I thought I craved for something I've seen and watched thru' social media platforms. I thought I wanted a boyfriend that I can call my partner in life. But, no!

Instead, I want an intimate and deeper relationship with my siblings. I want to know what they want. At least to know what they feel and their thoughts.ย  My family is the most important in my life. I couldn't be more thankful enough than I am today for having the greatest family ever in life.

Little by little, I am learning to set aside the things that I desire to the matters I needed to do. As you get older, you would lately realize your obligations are becoming more. The responsibility you have to shoulder is getting bigger, but that teaches you how to be patient and understanding. I, however, have different views on how I deal with my own problems. For example, I let myself at least feel the sadness because that's what I needed. That's what helps me to get through it. I rest if I feel exhausted and burnout. We're human, we need to rest for us to be able to function properly because even computer shut down. You have to allow yourself to feel everything.

When you are on a break, everything becomes normal, dull, unproductive, and yet difficult to change. That you may feel the emptiness and boredom. This may not seem like a serious life problem, but it can have a great impact on your life. And, to be able to overcome boredom and emptiness, is to take new routines. Do something you're passionate about.

Problems make what life worth living. They help us become tougher and see this as an opportunity for growth. Always remember that whatever problem you are facing, you'll get through it. Never allow these challenges stop you from fulfilling your life goals.Maybe life is uncertain for you now, but you're capable to take back control of your life.

"A change in perspective can make all the difference. Recognizing the good and receiving it with gratitude is a recipe for emotional health and well-being. This attitude enlarges the possibility that we can make use of the good we have been given and even use it to cope with the difficulties that we inevitably inherit."


About the Creator

Emlyza Studio

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