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Dear 25, Welcome!

As I am now days away from my 25th birthday, I wrote myself a letter to welcome in a new year.

By Erika HunterPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Here's my first video on my YouTube channel of the 25 things I hope to accomplish in my 25th year!

Years ago, I dreamt about this particular birthday. I'm not sure why; however, I just knew it was one that I looked forward to. As I am now days away from it, I wanted to write myself a letter as a source of encouragement for the 365 days to follow. For those of you who have a milestone birthday approaching, it might be beneficial for you to adopt this practice as well. It might help you navigate through the trials you will inherently experience in your coming year.

Dear Erika,

Well, you made it. Not only to 25 years old, but to where you're supposed to be at this exact moment. I know that you sometimes fall victim to the idea that you ought to be further along in your story than you are, but understand that you aren't in control of this thing. Your life is beautifully orchestrated by a God that loves you enough to know exactly what you need and when you need it. This year, I want you to rest in that and release the pressure off of yourself to have it all figured out. I urge you to refrain from this poor ideology because you will never reach an age where you will have accomplished this. Besides, no one on this planet has it all figured out and if they claim otherwise, they are telling you a fib.

You must also practice the art of letting go this year. Whatever this looks like for you, make it a habit. You have witnessed firsthand how heavy things can get when you hold onto them for too long. It not only stunts your growth, but it also distracts you from the very things that are deserving of your time and attention. If it hinders you from living the life that God has called you to live, you must do away with it. This goes for people, too. Habits, included. Since we're on the topic of letting go, there are some specific things that you've held on for far too long and can no longer take with you. These things include: the unrealistic expectations you have of people (extend grace!); the naysayers and haters; the hurt of yesterday; the things out of your control; and even the emotions that arise from the build up (and worry) of these things.

Listen, you are only in control of you. That's it. The responsibility you have when it comes to handling people is to display your character and nothing outside of it. What they say or how they act towards you in the end is not what you have to take account for.

In 25, I just want you to live. But, with your shoulders down. You don't have to be so uptight, tensed or worrisome. Life wasn't created for you to experience those feelings habitually.

I want you to love.

I want you to laugh.

I want you to be of priority to you.

I want you to chase all of your dreams with full force and tenacity.

I want you to do the very things that scare you.

I want you to travel and learn about your brothers and sisters of different cultures.

I want you to spend time with the orphaned and share your story with them.

I want you to be quick to forgive and listen to those who desire to be understood with a sense of urgency.

I want you to say no to any and everything that doesn't sit well in your spirit.

I want you to be unapologetic to placing yourself first because how can you pour from an empty cup?

I want you to grow deeper into your womanhood and reach higher heights on this journey to futuristically aspire your children.

While in this new chapter, don't forget what you've learned thus far. I'd like to say that the year 24 gave you some great lessons and even battles to strengthen you for this next spin around the sun (and even decade!).

In 24, you learned the importance of speaking in love even in the hard times. Take that with you. You learned that you must choose your battles in relationships of all kinds. Take that with you. You learned healthy boundaries of saying no. Take that with you. You learned how vital your time is. Take that with you. You learned that cooking is how you connect with your late mother. Take that with you. You learned that wearing your dad's old sweaters is how you connect with your late father. Take that with you. You learned that you don't need everyone's opinions. Take that with you. You learned that you can share what you want with whom you feel most comfortable. Take that with you. You learned that committing to a partner takes work, patience and discipline. Take that with you. You learned that you aren't always right. Take that with you. You learned that debt isn't fun. For God sakes, please take that with you!

You are on the right track and I can't wait to see the woman you blossom into over the course of this next year. Always remember that you are 1) worthy, 2) capable, 3) enough, 4) beautiful and 5) powerful. Use what you've been given by the Father to shake the world and the community around you. You, my friend, have it in you to do any and everything you set your mind to doing.

Like, that book. Like, that podcast. Like, that YouTube channel. Like, that TV hosting career. Like, that non-profit organization. Like, that app. Like, getting out of debt. Like, loving that man. Like, showing up for your family, friends and community. Like, being a better person. Like, being a better daughter to the Father. Like, being a better servant to my church and those around me. Like, being a better friend. Like, being a better family member. Like, just being.

25, let's do this! I'm excited for what's in store and to learn from you. Something tells me that this will be a great year because it's the age of a new decade!

WOTY (word of the year!): Free. Free from bondage because as long as there's breath in my body, my yesterday won't hold me hostage.

Cheers to 25!


About the Creator

Erika Hunter

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