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Dear 2020,

You really outdid yourself.

By BPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Dear 2020,

The expectations and plans I had for you were filled with a lot of firsts and unknowns. Most of those so called plans were major changes to what I’ve known thus far, but probably for the first time ever since I’ve come into existence I was excited for that ginormous amount of change. That’s until the world came to a screeching halt because of COVID-19. I’m not going to lie, I was very excited at first to just simply get a break. I was overworked and exhausted in every way possible so, my outlook on the world shutting down looked more like a blessing in disguise than anything else. That is until, unemployment never came and I got bored. Then the anxiety disorder that I didn’t think I had, became assigned to me like a role in a play and every mental issue I neglected for years shortly came to the forefront. For the first time ever, I had no distractions or excuses. I actually had to live with my issues and enjoy my own company which needless to say I hated every second of it. It also made me wonder how I have any friends because that shit was not fun. I knew I needed help, but I excused it for being busy. Having to sit with myself everyday with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nobody to see really forced me to work on the relationship I had with myself. It turns out the most important relationship in my life was the one I neglected the most. I had a lot of anger and trauma that needed to get handled properly and in a healthy manner, which meant that I actually had to take the first steps in getting help and not just say that I’m fucked up and go on with my day like I didn’t start a war with my closest loved ones. I said last year that I was going to make my mental health a priority and I’m happy to announce I finally did. It only took a pandemic for it to happen, but beggars can’t be choosers. So, I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned over this past year was being content in your own presence is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. 2020 has been a shit year for literally everybody, but I think it’s been a key year in everybody’s life regarding growth and change. It’s not the year anybody wanted, but it’s the year we needed. 2020 is exactly like 20/20 vision. This was the year of seeing everything for EXACTLY how it is. It was for seeing, that there is beauty in everything falling apart at the same time. We all survived the chaos not because it doesn’t throw us off or because it doesn’t hurt. We survived because we shift, we re-evaluate what’s important to us and what needs our attention. The “little” moments aren’t actually that little; they’re the things that have saved us, always mattered, and held weight despite us making it out like they’re just little things we happen to do everyday. 2020 has felt like a sledgehammer to the head a million times over, but it has actually been the best year of my life so far. It’s made me face challenge after challenge that I’ve learned to adapt and overcome. This year has forced me to grow exponentially whether it be emotionally or mentally. Definitely not physically because if you know me personally you know I haven’t grown since maybe my sophomore year of high school. This year has also brought back a true ride or die and has allowed me to make a few new ones who mean the absolute world to me. You know who you are…*clears throat* best bitches. So although this year has been horse shit for everybody in its own little way, nobody would be who they are in 2021 if it wasn’t for 2020.

P.S. 2021, I don’t want any trouble from you. Just come in, sit down, don’t touch anything and keep your mouth shut! Let me live…like I was able to do back in summer 2016.


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