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Day 1 - Finding Your Life Purpose

What do you want and why do you want it?

By Kellie WynnPublished 6 years ago 8 min read
Don't be selfish - Find your life purpose and give it to the world...

“Today is the first day of rest of your life” Charles Dederich.

We start day 1 with Mr. Dederich’s quote purely because I do believe this is the first day of your real and designed life. And no – you don’t need to believe in a God, the Universe or fairies to read or participate in this course. Your beliefs are your own, and you can use them to help you on your exploration of self-discovery anyway you want.

Everyone can find their life purpose no matter what they believe.

From today you will learn a hell of a lot about yourself, which at times you may find overwhelming. You may feel confused, angry, and scared. Please don't worry, these are all natural, and we will talk about how to cope with these feelings if and when they manifest. All I ask is you remain aware that intense emotions may materialise throughout this time we spend together. But if you prepare yourself for a possible flood of positive and negative feelings, then you have a chance of succeeding over the coming days.

What do you want to do with your life?

This is the first question I'm going to ask you to focus on and contemplate during the first day of finding your life purpose. As you think about this question you will see yourself in one of the following camps:

You haven’t got a frigging clue what your passion is.

• You have an inkling, but you’re not confident its right and need help honing in on your choice.

• You know what makes you tick but have no clue if you should follow it because your worried what others will think of you.

• You know what your life purpose is but have no clue about how to make the transition from your current life to this new exciting life you’ve always dreamed of.

• You know what your passion is and you want to make a living out of it but have no idea where to start.

• You know what you were born to do, but you’re scared for many reasons which are personal to you, and you need guidance on how to deal with those close in your life who may not want to see you change.

• None of the above and you’re hoping for some inspiration that covers your current life situation.

If you’re in the first camp, it may take you a little longer to figure out what reverberates with your mind, body, and soul. That's ok. In fact, it could take a long time before you finally settle on what your life purpose is.

Get Your Groove On...

Enjoy your life - Find your passion...

I started my journey approximately three years ago.

In that time I tried many things that got me excited. They led me down more rabbit holes than I can write about, but each one brought me closer to what it is I love to do but also helped me learn about myself.

One of the biggest things I realised about myself in 2017 is I'm am an introvert. I do best when I am doing what I love to do when I am on my own. This is how I learned that I am passionate about writing, editing work for others and coaching people to become writers.

On my journey to get to where I am today, I learned tarot reading (I know very different to what I do now), I became qualified in Reiki, Indian head massage, angel therapy, coaching, and counselling. I painted, crafted and renovated furniture. With each new passion, those around me thought I was either going mad - my husband at one point was worried I was going to sell all our belongings and join a cult! - to being called fickle by those close to me because I would start a business in one of the areas I learned, and then close it down to start my next venture.

But I wasn’t fickle – I was learning. Each new project taught me something about myself. For example – with reiki and Indian head massage, I realised I didn’t really like touching people! Which let’s face it – that’s quite a biggy.

Trying new things and then putting them aside is NOT fickle. My interpretation of everything I did is this – I was brave. I wasn’t happy to settle. Yes, I could have made a perfectly good living reading tarot cards and massaging people, but it didn’t feel quite right. And there was no way I was going to settle for this life just because I had invested money and time to learn these things. I was on a mission to find my life purpose and whatever that was going to be; it meant I had to love every single part of what I was doing.

Helping people (this was what my soul was crying out at me to do) through writing makes me happy, content and worthy. I have never felt happier and have been following this path for over a year now. I work with people to help them write their books, and I write whenever I can.

Now it’s your turn to find your life purpose. You take all the time you need.

It will require you to evaluate your entire life. This will mean looking at your work and whether it fulfils you both on a conscious level and soul level. Your health and if it could be improved upon. Your values and beliefs, including your spiritual beliefs if this is important to you. Relationships with family and friends will need to be reviewed, and sometimes the results may not be pleasant. We will address relationships and how they can affect your life purpose positively and negatively in the coming articles.

If you do want to change your life, then you are going to go through a process of immense discomfort and also a feeling of entitlement. Change, whether it be for your own good or that of another, will always bring about negative emotions, especially from others.

I will explain more on this as we progress through the days in this plan.

Listen to yourself...


So, what do you want?

Think seriously about this question. Please don't take two minutes after reading this article or move onto the next Facebook thread without taking this all in. Set aside an hour or more of your time, today if possible, and think about this question. Get a piece of paper or start a journal, and go to town with your answers. And I mean really go to town!

I want you to imagine that whatever it is you decide you want to do you could never fail. You will be able to pay your bills and live your life comfortably doing what you love to do. Write down everything that has ever made you happy while you have been in the throes of doing it. Go back to when you were a child because this is where you would have been truly honest with yourself. When I did this, I remembered that as a child I was an avid reader and wrote little stories that I kept to myself.

Take your time. You are looking for those moments when you were doing what you loved and time passed without you knowing; you forgot to eat and even poop! Everything you are writing down is your private thoughts, which means no one is judging you, looking over your shoulder as you write this, and there is no one to ridicule you about the fact you will never achieve your dreams.

If you want to leave your job and help others by counselling, healing or working with others, write it down. If you want to travel the world, write it down. If you want to paint all day, every day, write it down. If you want to sing and perform on stage, write it down. If you want to work in fashion, write it down. You have to be honest with yourself and miss nothing out.

My daughter who is eight-years-old wants to be a singer, author, and dog walker! I encourage her to try everything she wants to do. She wanted to dance but after a few months realised it wasn’t for her. She now has singing lessons. But if in a few months she tells me that’s not for her either, I’ll respect her wishes, and we’ll move onto the next thing, as she tries to find her life purpose.

Be completely honest with yourself no matter how whacky it is and don’t let any thoughts of how on earth you will achieve this put you off.

Why do you want all of the above?

This question is going to stir up some raw emotions. That's good. It means you are on the right track, and on the road to changing your life by finding your life purpose and happiness. There is no room for guilt in this exercise. You are worthy of everything you want. Really think about this question. You will definitely need to be on your own when thinking about this. I was in tears when I answered this question. I still get teary now when I think about what I want and why.

This is your life, no one else's, and you need to answer for yourself. Try to forget about those that surround you at the moment while you work on this first day. We will worry about those people later down the line.

The two questions set out in this activity are extremely important to your success. Please don't gloss over it. Please engross yourself in this challenge, and I promise you will learn so much about yourself, especially about where you currently are in your life and if you want to change your life so you feel fulfilled.


Until tomorrow where we will discuss a little more about what you are good at. This might help you if you are struggling with today's article and still can’t figure out what you want.

Please contact me with any questions.



About the Creator

Kellie Wynn

I love Beagles, my family and writing. Ever since I realised that writing and helping others to write is my life purpose, I write or edit other peoples work - every single day! I hope I brighten up your day with my work. Love Kel.

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