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Daily Meditation Challenge

Have you tried to meditate and you just don’t think it’s for you? ..or you want to meditate but you just can’t quite fit in the time?? Here’s a challenge that can help you start adding meditation into your daily routine–no matter what that routine is.

By Caylie HausmanPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Daily Meditation Challenge
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

If you've had trouble meditating you're not alone. A lot of people struggle, or even give up on meditation practices. I've been there myself.. Thinking, well...meditation, it's just not for me because I can't meditate perfectly or for 30 minutes at a time. But recently I've started incorporating small bits of meditation into my day when I feel tired, rundown or impatient. It's made a world of difference. Not only has it helped with my anxiety, but it's also made me more patient and evenly toned. Maybe 20 minute meditations aren't for you, but before you give up on meditation completely try it one more time...

Get out your to do list and add: "meditation practice". When you have time in the day, or you feel like you need a break, set a timer for 30 seconds to 1 minute. During this time find a comfortable seat, and either soften (kind of like day dreaming, stare off into one spot. You're not focused on what's happening in that spot but what's happening in your mind) or close your eyes. Take a look at the breathing techniques listed below and choose one:

Trace Your Space: Choosing the edges of the space around you, maybe the room you're in, a carpet you're on, chair legs that support you, or anything that is surrounding you throughout your meditation. Inhale imagining the breath to go up one side of the object, and exhale imagining the breath to go down the other side of the object tracing you and creating a safe space. Continue this for as long as you can.

Breath as Light: If you can slowly start to imagine your breath as light and start to brighten the light until, in your mind, you no longer see anything but a moving light. This will take some practice, and more than 1 minute but it’s a very grounding meditation. Try changing the size and brightness with your breath.

Belly Breath: Take some deep breaths and observe your normal breath. Then start inhaling deeper and deeper until you’re inhaling to take up the space from the top of your spine to the bottom. Continue this deep breathing, focusing on how the breath moves in your body and how your stomach and lungs expand and contract with the breath.

4x4 Breath: Maybe you've tried this in a yoga class you've been to... Inhale for a count of 4 and then exhale for count of 4. You can change up the number at any time. If you’re trying to calm down you inhale for 4 and exhale for 6. If you want to energize yourself, perhaps you inhale for 6 and exhale for 4.

Start your meditation routine in the quietest space available to you. Maybe that's right when you wake up, or right before you go to bed or during your lunch break, or even sitting in your car before work before you go inside. These techniques can help you get started with your meditation practice. Once you find a technique that works for you**, add 30 seconds or 1 minute to your last time when you start your meditation. Once you feel like you've reached your optimal timing in the day for meditation, maybe add meditation into less calm environments. This will help you start to bring that meditative, calm focus into your every day life.

No matter where you start meditating, or how long you meditate for, it all starts 30 seconds at a time. Happy meditating! 🧘‍♂️

**if these exercises above aren’t providing what you need for a useful meditation there are more techniques available than just these. A simple search looking on Youtube for some guided meditations or downloading an app like headspace could change your meditation practice as well. When you're starting, be open to whatever works for you without judgement and meditation will find you.


About the Creator

Caylie Hausman

Caylie Hausman is a multidisciplinary artist, designer and writer based in the U.S. Contact [email protected] for more information. Thank you for reading!

IG and TT: @cayliehausman

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