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Controlling Your Triggers

Calmness Is A Superpower

By Matthew HaywoodPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
I Am Grateful

We all have things and people that agitate us. They say whatever causes you to act out in frustration in any situation controls you. For example if you're in a good mood and someone says something offensive to you and you get upset. That person has power over you. They become your master. You've given them authority over your actions. I know it might feel good momentarily to curse someone out or even beating the breaks off someone and afterwards you might not want to admit it, but inside you don't feel right about how you handled the situation. You might not feel bad about cursing the individual out, because truth be told. It's a good chance they deserved it. You feel bad because you let yourself get to that point where you stooped down to their level. You know you're better than that, but that's the way emotions work though, it's so impulsive and can happen in the blink of an eye without an thought. Now medically speaking, they say an individual with damage to the pre-fontal cortex(region of the brain that moderates behavior)have a hard time controlling anger. Which maybe true, but I'm no doctor. I honestly think smoking marijuana can solve that problem. That's another story though. There's other ways you can control your triggers. The best superpower you can possess is the power to remain calm in any situation. You know it's actually people in the world that feed off their ability to make other people feel upset, because they're unhappy about their own life? A persons' perception of you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. If you the type of person who see good in others despite what others may say. You're a person who feels good about oneself, because your perception of people is a mirror of how you feel about yourself. Do you know you can learn a lot about yourself through other people? Just think about it for a second. One can never see his/her faults, mishaps or wrongdoing, but we definitely can spot faults, mishaps and wrongdoing in other people. The only reason we can spot it in other people so easily is because how you feel about people is a mirror of how you feel about yourself. Example: You ever notice how you can so easily judge a person without ever having one conversation with them? Like you can say " Oh Stacey has a attitude problem". How you know Stacey has an attitude problem if you never spoke or had a conversation with Stacey? Your perception of Stacey is a reflection of you. You got a attitude problem(lol) In order for you to overcome your triggers the first step is to say" I Am the creator and fixer of my problems and also realise people that trigger you is only a reflection of something in you that you need to fix. We are responsible for how we react to situations in our lives. Nobody can decide how we deal with something, no matter what the situation is. The only thing that dictates our reaction to certain situations is fear. You have to walk in an understanding that fear is a choice like anything else in life. Decide not to fear the unexpected, meditate, speak daily affirmations, pray and let the universe work out the details. A lot of our problems are created in our own minds, based through media, television, politicians etc. If one was to un-attach themselves from negative manipulation and replace it positive persuasion. Your whole outlook on life would change. So whenever you're an a situation that triggers you or a person that triggers you. Say something that you're grateful for. I know it might seem odd if a person gets "slick" with you and instead of a "clapback" You say something like " I have two intelligent children". They gone look at you like you crazy, but what you just did was take positive control over the situation. Plus you just spoke blessings on your two children. You just knocked out two birds with one stone.


About the Creator

Matthew Haywood

just an enlightened being living free

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