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Common Sense

by: Nerissha Hunt

By Nerissha HuntPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 3 min read

Some people have no common sense. You give them advice and they run to someone else to see if it’s true. You don’t have to touch the stove to know it’s hot.

If someone has told you something, most likely it’s because the person has gone through it themselves. If this person is advising you about something in detail, then this is the person you need to listen to. A person that helps you is the one you stick with instead of running to someone else with everything. Coming back to say, that’s the same thing he/she told me is crazy and is an insult to the person that originally gave you the advice. Why ask for advice if you are going to contradict the original advice? You know why? Because you want to see if it’s true or you want a different answer.

I’m going to touch on a few subjects. First subject: Children. People say you shouldn’t give people advice if you don’t have any. I disagree. Just because you don’t have children doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings. Children and adults have feelings. You may not be able to tell a parent how to RAISE their children, but you can make suggestions. There is nothing wrong with telling a parent, maybe you should try this or that, rather than saying beat the child’s a** and then they will do right.

Thinking that way about a child says a lot about the person giving the advice. No, you don’t have children, but you have to watch what you say because you don’t want that person to fire back at you with the, “you told me to do it” number. The advice I give to parents about children: Get on the child’s level. I think that sums it up. Telling parents, you need to beat the child’s a** or telling the child that you will beat their a** to make them do what you want them to is the primary reason why DSS has so many children in their custody today.

Next subject. Marriage. Easy to get into and hard to get out of. This is a major step in life and some people take it for granted. They marry for money, sex and what I have always been taught, a shotgun wedding (because she is pregnant and/or in some cases, they are forced to do). You will both share the same feelings when you feel that you are right for each other. Marriage is beautiful. When you take those vows and make that kiss, you are attaching yourself to this person.

Last subject. Divorce. This is something that has so many angles. The divorce rate was not always this high. People had marital problems and they worked it out. But now, people are getting divorces left and right. People are leaving their spouses for men/women that they think are so much better than the person they are currently with or plan to be with.

Well man/woman know this: You were something to do and the same way they got you, they will get someone else. Some people want out of their marriages so they can be free to do whatever. People rarely marry the person that they cheat on their spouses with. The person in the affair was just a play toy. But the spouse gave them the notion that that they were leaving their husband/wife for them. The person in the affair held on to false hope because they were happy, and they kept waiting for that chance that would never happen. I wouldn’t bring it up if I hadn’t been through it myself.

To conclude I say this: Some people are like a steel door, a solid foundation (the outside) and no flexibility (the inside). Your advice has to be validated by another person for them to believe it.


About the Creator

Nerissha Hunt

Writing is not a talent; it's a gift. My stories are transparent. Not fact, not fiction. They are in a category to themselves.

You never know what to expect.

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