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Change starts early in the morning

Change starts early in the morning

By Richter HaysPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

An hour in the day begins in the morning. Mr. Nan Huaijin once said: "can control the morning of the people, can control life. What do you expect a man to do all day if he can't get up early?" The change of life is accompanied by the 6 o 'clock alarm in the morning.

Taking history as a mirror

Since ancient times, officials have gone to court early in the morning. In the Han Dynasty, Jia Yi wrote in the New book, Official: "In the morning, I listened to the government, and stopped the court to discuss." In addition to the inconvenience of chariots and horses in ancient times, officials had to get up at least half an hour earlier, that is, an hour earlier, taking into account the time needed to get up, freshen up and change into court clothes." At the beginning of the five drums, the train of fire filled the door, and the porch was like a city." In the hazy fog, all the officials went to court.

In ancient times, there was no light, it was inconvenient to read at night, and most of the literati got up early to read, and the school opened classes early. And now the night lights and night activities are rich, and many people choose to sleep late. Who knows, while you indulge in the morning dream, someone else is already walking on the road to strive for their dream. The most terrible thing is not that others are smarter than you, but that those who are smarter than you work harder than you.

Celebrities, for example

Modern city heavy LIFE pressure and responsibility are increasing day BY DAY, GO back and forth between work and FAMILY every day, BE able to sleep more than 10 minutes, and breakfast can be avoided. However, these people are not winners in life. If you look at the routines of successful people, you will find that improving your productivity and quality of life starts every morning.

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and Square, wakes up at 5:30 a.m., sits quietly, and goes for a six-mile jog. The person who was in charge of the two companies did not go to bed early and had to work 16 hours a day. Because he has so many things to do, he plans his time to the minute, assigns a lot of work to each day, and has a high degree of self-discipline to stick to the plan.

Wang Jianlin, China's richest man, still wakes up at 5:30 a.m. and arrives at the office at 7 p.m. to work until 7 or 8 p.m. To maintain better physical strength and experience, he also insists on running for an hour every day.

Now in his 80s, Li Ka-Shing is still an early riser. No matter how late you go to bed the day before, be sure to wake up at 6 a.m. After that, play golf for an hour and a half and make sure to be at the office by 8.

Research shows that early risers tend to wake up faster and have more mental agility to jump into higher-focus work and school. They are less likely to tire, have more energy and work more efficiently. Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada found that people of all ages are more likely to wake up early in the morning in a positive mood, feeling better about themselves and being more health conscious.

Successful people are similar in different industries and fields. They know restraint, use their time well, and don't spend their limited time on meaningless things.

Time management

Having said that, we don't have to get up very early every day. Getting enough sleep is the premise of improving productivity, but it doesn't mean you can spend endless hours in bed. Therefore, everyone should have the concept of time management and allocate time reasonably. The effect is to improve the quality of life and productivity.

Because of the extra ten minutes in bed, your dress and wash in a hurry, run quickly on the road, catch the car, stiff body on the bus and subway, be crowded miserable, to the company full of complaints, physical and mental exhaustion.

How you feel in the morning affects how you feel throughout the day. Prepare your outfit for the next day the day before, wake up half an hour earlier, wash and brush your teeth, do a simple stretch, eat a good breakfast, stagger the rush hour, be in a good mood and punch in on time. You'll find that you'll be able to get back to work quickly and be more productive.

Create a schedule for yourself and stick to a set time to get up early. Work busy, don't forget to find time to exercise. Generally, after a day's work, few people still have the energy to exercise fitness, might as well put the time of exercise in the morning. Whether it's a brisk walk or a jog, morning exercise can increase blood circulation and wake up the body and mind quickly. Don't go to bed late. Look at the dark circles under your eyes. They are caused by staying up late looking at your mobile phone or computer.

Generally speaking, it takes as little as 21 days to form a good habit, so make a short-term plan for yourself first and choose to get up early at a fixed time for 21 days. If you can't control the morning, you can't control your life. Franklin once said, "I have never met a diligent, prudent, and honest early riser who complained of his bad fortune."

Change, start in the morning!


About the Creator

Richter Hays

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