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Book Review: They can Hurt us

A Haunting Tale of Abuse and Resilience by Jane Doe

By Tahira TPublished about a year ago 5 min read

"They Can Hurt Us" by Jane Doe is a haunting and powerful novel that delves into the lasting impact of abuse and the complexities of love and relationships. Through the life of Sarah, a young woman with a strained relationship with her late mother, the story unravels the truth about past abuse and its profound effects.

Doe's writing style is captivating, drawing readers in from the very beginning. The narrative unfolds from Sarah's perspective, taking readers on an emotional journey through her memories and experiences. As the story progresses, we gain deeper insights into Sarah's past and witness how it has shaped her present.

One of the remarkable aspects of "They Can Hurt Us" is Doe's sensitive handling of difficult subject matter. The novel tackles themes such as abuse, trauma, and mental illness with grace, avoiding sensationalism and instead focusing on the emotional aftermath and its impact on Sarah and those around her.

The characters in the book are richly developed, with Sarah serving as a sympathetic and relatable protagonist. Her struggles to come to terms with her past and forge a new path in life elicit genuine empathy. Other characters in the novel are equally nuanced, displaying their own flaws and strengths. From Sarah's distant father to her complex relationships with friends and love interests, each character adds depth and complexity to the story.

Our culture has become hooked on the quick-fix, the life hack, efficiency. Everyone is on the hunt for that simple action algorithm that nets maximum profit with the least amount of effort. There’s no denying this attitude may get you some of the trappings of success, if you’re lucky, but it will not lead to a calloused mind or self-mastery. If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.

One of the strengths of "They Can Hurt Us" lies in its exploration of the complicated nature of love and relationships. Sarah's interactions with those around her are messy and complex, reflecting the intricacies of human connection. Her relationship with her mother is particularly intricate, as the novel delves into the ways our parental bonds shape our lives and the difficulty of reconciling love and abuse.

Through Doe's masterful storytelling, the novel captures the long-lasting effects of abuse. Sarah's journey of healing and self-discovery is emotionally charged and thought-provoking. It sheds light on the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity to find hope even in the darkest of circumstances.

From then on, I brainwashed myself into craving discomfort. If it was raining, I would go run. Whenever it started snowing, my mind would say, Get your fucking running shoes on. Sometimes I wussed out and had to deal with it at the Accountability Mirror. But facing that mirror, facing myself, motivated me to fight through uncomfortable experiences, and, as a result, I became tougher. And being tough and resilient helped me meet my goals.

Furthermore, "They Can Hurt Us" is a testament to Doe's exceptional writing prowess. Her prose is beautifully crafted, painting vivid scenes and evoking strong emotions in readers. The narrative flows smoothly, effortlessly pulling readers deeper into Sarah's world and ensuring an immersive reading experience.

We live in a world with a lot of insecure, jealous people. Some of them are our best friends. They are blood relatives. Failure terrifies them. So does our success. Because when we transcend what we once thought possible, push our limits, and become more, our light reflects off all the walls they’ve built up around them. Your light enables them to see the contours of their own prison, their own self-limitations. But if they are truly the great people you always believed them to be, their jealousy will evolve, and soon their imagination might hop its fence, and it will be their turn to change for the better.

Beyond its literary merits, "They Can Hurt Us" also serves as a poignant commentary on important societal issues. The novel raises awareness about the prevalence of abuse and the long-term consequences it can have on survivors. It prompts readers to reflect on the complexities of human relationships and the need for empathy and support for those affected by trauma.

In conclusion, "They Can Hurt Us" is an emotionally charged and thought-provoking novel that leaves a lasting impact on readers. Doe's beautiful writing style, coupled with the unforgettable characters and story, ensures a powerful and engaging read. Through its exploration of abuse, resilience, and the complexities of love, the novel offers a profound and timely narrative. If you are seeking a deeply moving literary experience, I highly recommend diving into the pages of "They Can Hurt Us" and allowing yourself to be captivated by its haunting story of survival and self-discovery.

We all need small sparks, small accomplishments in our lives to fuel the big ones. Think of your small accomplishments as kindling. When you want a bonfire, you don’t start by lighting a big log. You collect some witch’s hair—a small pile of hay or some dry, dead grass. You light that, and then add small sticks and bigger sticks before you feed your tree stump into the blaze. Because it’s the small sparks, which start small fires, that eventually build enough heat to burn the whole fucking forest down.

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Tahira T

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