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💪Biceps Curls: How to Do Them

Activities, Variations, and Mistakes

By Healthy Body - Train Your Body Forever Published 2 years ago 4 min read

🔴Dumbbell curls are another name for arm curls.

🔴Biceps are the muscles that are being targeted.

🔴Dumbbells are required.

🔴Beginner's level

The biceps curl is a well-known weight-training exercise that targets the upper arm and, to a lesser extent, the lower arm muscles. It's a fantastic exercise for gaining strength and definition.

This exercise can be done with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, resistance bands, or cable machines, among other things. Begin by performing a standing alternating dumbbell biceps curl, which can be done anywhere. Curls are a common strength-training exercise for the upper body.


Curls work the biceps muscles at the front of the upper arm, as well as the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in the lower arm. These muscles are used every time you pick anything up, which happens frequently in everyday life. The standing arm curl strengthens the upper arm and teaches you how to use your arm muscles appropriately while bracing your core muscles.

✔Instructions in a Step-by-Step Format

By Gordon Cowie on Unsplash

Choose dumbbells that you can lift ten times with proper form. Starting weights for dumbbells are 5 or 10 pounds per dumbbell. Start with 2 pounds if you're just getting started, recovering from an injury, or resuming to exercise after a long period of inactivity.

1. Stand erect with your feet about hip-width apart to begin. Maintain abdominal muscular engagement.

2. In each hand, hold a dumbbell. Allow your arms to fall naturally to the sides of your body, palms facing forward.

3. Bend at the elbow and lift the weights so that the dumbbells near your shoulders, keeping your upper arms firm and shoulders relaxed. Keep your elbows tucked up close to your ribs. While lifting, exhale.

4. Return to the starting position with the weights.

5. Complete 8–10 sets of curls, then rest for one or two additional sets.

😵Common Errors🤚

Avoid these biceps curl mistakes to get the most out of your workout.

😬 Excessive Speed

Instead of focusing on speed, concentrate on perfect form. Lift the weights in a smooth manner, taking the same amount of time to lower them as you did to lift them.

😬 Abnormal Elbow Position

During the curl, keep your elbows in the same posture. Only the lower arm should move, and they should stay close to your body's side. You're probably lifting too much weight if you see your elbows sliding away from your torso or floating in front or behind the body.

😬 Taking Advantage of Momentum

When doing a dumbbell curl, don't use your shoulders or torso to lift the weights. This can result in a swinging, twisting, or heaving sensation.

Maintain a tall, upright spine and a tight core by concentrating on your posture. Maintain a comfortable posture with your shoulders, and make sure they don't move forward to commence the action. If this happens, use smaller weights or lessen the amount of repetitions.

📌Variations and Modifications

Sitting curls, preacher curls, reverse curls, incline seated curls, and "concentration" curls with your elbow resting on your inner thigh while seated are all variations of the curl. You may also add diversity to your workout by doing an alternate hammer curl.

Starting in the same position as a biceps curl, but with the palms toward the midline of the body, perform an alternating hammer curl (so your thumbs are facing forward).

1. Lift one dumbbell toward your shoulder while bending at the elbow, turning your arm as it rises up so that the dumbbell's palm faces up during the movement and eventually confronts the shoulder.

2. Return to the beginning position by lowering the weight and repeating the exercise with the opposite arm.

3. Repeat steps 3–5 until the set is complete.

Curl workouts can also be done with a barbell, cable machine, or resistance bands. These variants can be used to challenge your biceps in a variety of ways.

😀Do you take a change?

Use modest weights, such as 2 pounds, if you are recuperating from an injury or are deconditioned. You can also execute the workout with a partner, who will aid you in raising and lowering the weight.

If standing is problematic, you can do this exercise seated in an armless chair or on a weight bench.

⭐Do you want to take on a challenge?

Once you've nailed your biceps curl form, add a stability challenge by completing it while standing on a balance disc or BOSU.

🦺Precautions and Safety

The majority of people are advised to do this activity. However, if you have an arm injury or are experiencing pain while performing the action, stop. After a few lifts, you should feel exhaustion and even burning in your biceps and forearm muscles, which is exactly what you want to happen in order to build and grow your muscles. If you can't do the curls with correct form, don't push yourself to do more repetitions. Before moving on to the next set, take a break.

To begin, don't raise too much weight and quit if you have any pain. It's fashionable to have large biceps, but don't push yourself to lift greater weights before you're ready. It's possible to injure your elbow or wrist, which will put a stop to your entire workout routine.

🔗 QuickFit Bodyweight Workout Exercise Poster - Body Weight Workout Chart - Calisthenics Routine - (Laminated, 18" x 27") 💪

🔗 Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells (pair) ❚█═█❚


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Healthy Body - Train Your Body Forever

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