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Bethany Aline

From The Streets To The Stage!

By Amy PhilbertPublished 3 years ago 14 min read
Photo credit: Lo Han/ MUAH credit: Aline Productions

Bethany Aline graced us with an in depth, transparent and no BS interview, which she discusses, in depth, her medical conditions, as well as her past and upbringing, which include having Asperger's Syndrome, coming from mental, sexual and drug abuse and even spending time behind bars. Bethany shares with us and is a living testimony that it truly doesn't matter who you were yesterday or where you come from; if you want it bad enough, you CAN achieve ALL your dreams. Today's Bethany Aline is a SAG Actress, a model, former Mrs. New Jersey Petite 2020, a singer/song writer, a music producer and SO much more! Reach on as Bethany tells her inspiring story, and don't forget to catch her interview (soon to be released) on HPE, Live!

Q & A

Question: What do you want the world to know about who you are?

Bethany Aline: I would like the world to know that I am always going to do me even if you don’t understand it or shoot me down. That’s cool. I’ve come a long way so I don’t stop for anything. I’m not like other Beauty Queens, I am one bad mama Jama. I have my own thoughts and feelings. I am the first Queen in the USA Petite Pageant with Asperger’s Syndrome and in New Jersey; second ever in history. I have a horrible past and it does not define me! I’m a beast and I’m trying my best out here. My platform is anti-bullying and for the disabled and misdiagnosed. I plan to do a lot more with this community of individuals and share some of the love.

Question: What is your greatest accomplishment or best story about someone famous you worked with?

Bethany Aline: I have so many from ghost writing lyrics for celebrities to fixing a piece of Sally Fields hair, freezing to death at 3 AM on set. I really am blessed but my absolute best experience would have to be working with and for Halle Berry on her very first directional piece “Bruised”. I find it comical that this is my favorite too because I was actually an extra in that film and had very little screen time. Without giving the plot away of her film; let’s just say there were two opponents in her story, and I was not even on Halle Berry’s side and wanted to be so badly! *darn it!* Still, it was such a special project to me because I have watched her act since I was a little kid. And this is now her very first movie as a director and here I am being thanked by her personally. Tears and gratitude in her voice thanking all of us because this was a very precious moment in her life. For myself to be a part of someone I have loved since The Flintstones. And she still got it too! That woman is a sexy powerhouse and I enjoyed every minute of her work. Well, if that’s not the best experience ever than I don’t know what is. I bet you that will always be one of my favorite experiences. It doesn’t have to be my accomplishment. It was just an honor to be on that particular set and watch her accomplishment. It was a true moment!

​She even had great food, clean set, very organized and even gave us hot packs for our hands in our pockets because the ring was freezing. She did well her first time, I was impressed. Now for my own accomplishments? Being a successful union artist. I love working legitimately and with creditability as I’m making money moves and awards. Rarely having to audition is one of my definitions of success industry wise. I’ve been asked for submissions every project this second time around. Also being helpful in several areas in the industry is an accomplishment of mine that I am proud to be capable of. I’m proud that I’m doing exactly what I have always wanted to do.

Question: What is/was your greatest struggle?

Bethany Aline: When you have the personal issues I have and the unfortunate events that have occurred in my life, the neglect, the abuse, the mental issues, I think it’s a constant struggle... My body and soul hurts badly. My mind is on a repeat of things, conversations, scripting all day. Being on the Spectrum doesn’t just go away because you’re an adult. You don’t grow out of it; you just learn how to manage the fire inside and appear normal by many years of studying human behaviors. I still have jolts of lightning go through my body. I still collapse and literally go limp when I laugh too hard or completely distraught with panic attacks and it’s embarrassing. I still don’t hold human relationships even though I want to. I still can’t read well in my 30’s because of dyslexia. So my biggest struggle was always ME. I always wished I wasn’t bow legged and walked like everybody else who didn’t suffer from Blount's Disease, or that I didn’t shake my hands when I get upset. I’ve been bullied or set apart for being “weird” for simply being I’m too extra!! So there was a time in my life where I struggled with finding purpose to be here. Substance abuse was a way not to feel the trauma that I was feeling and I went through a very manic state especially during my teenage and young adult years. Even the healing process was a rough ride. I been to rehabs for an eating disorder at a very young age and two for substance abuse just a few short years later. I’ve also been to prison. It took a great deal of loss, dying friends, my mother’s slow suicide, grief soul searching for me to get a grip on myself and life to really take charge and to re-find my abilities that were beaten out of me to focus on the right things. Today trying to be positive all the time is a struggle as difficult as that is to admit. But I do really try! I carry something incredibly heavy no matter how much prayer or therapy and I need remind myself from time to time that life is good today.

"My body and soul hurts badly." - Bethany Aline

Question: How did you get your start?

Bethany Aline: I’ve always done school theatre and in my hometown of Cape May, New Jersey. There are dinner theatres and legions, PAC center and Atlantic City isn’t that far once you get on wheels. I did little gigs here and there, talent shows, festivals, club promos and of course we cannot forget church as we all started. Lol But Believe it or not I had a little modeling thing come through my shore town in Cape May and my sister wanted to audition but was afraid to go by herself. She asked me to go with her and I figured why not? Well, we are both petite so neither one of us booked a modeling gig but we had the option to do little commercial auditions. Ursula Ryan from The Agency Wiest-Barron-Ryan of NY in Atlantic City called a few days later saying how much she loved us and how beautiful we were. Naturally her opportunities took a lot of money, training, dedication and one of us gave it a shot, one of us did not. I will always give the shout out to WBR for the beginning of my career. Anytime they call me today I will ALWAYS be there for them. That place holds a special piece of my heart. Ursula- God rest your soul in Paradise Oma!

Question: What current projects are you working on?

Bethany Aline: I’m working on a future children’s network that I’m not really able to discuss at this time as it is so new. I’m also casted in another children’s TV show for another Company that I booked a role as the main character’s quirky fashion mom! I can’t discuss too much on that since the project is a Disney pilot!! Sorry! You have to wait and tune in! lol But It’s a wonderful opportunity and the cast is too perfect. I have all the faith in the world that this will be a hit. Aside from acting and scoring music in films and television, I’m working on my own album, mainly networking and some collaborations with international or bigger brands at the moment. It’s been writing and music video’s and working on little sleep pretty much. Lol I’m also staring as a lead supporting actress in The Five Time World Champion’s biography “Raw Power” where I am also writing a song to be featured in that film and a music video based off that song. There are endless opportunities with “Raw Power” including action figures, a comic series and more! He built an amazingly, talented team and I plan on helping as much as I can to make Diezel’s vision of his story perfect. I’m writing music for two other films, and explore along the way and nothing is ever boring. I love what I do now and I think to me that is what success is. Loving the now and enjoying the moment. I do that in my work. If I could find bigger opportunities that would be a plus.

Question: Who is your biggest influence?

Bethany Aline: I have a few but for different reasons. Star-wise Probably Snoop Dogg because he’s so chill, very open spirited and likes to crack jokes, can take them too. But I love how accepting Snoop is and how his shady past is never defying him. Robert Downey Jr. too at that! I’m so proud of my comeback stories! My real biggest influence though is my best friend Diezel Ramos. That is my brother until the day I die. That man is my husbands and mines right hand man. We both share disabilities that affect our lives and his inspiration to keep going has motivated me in ways you can’t imagine. It’s an honor to have heart to hearts with the strongest man in the entire world and him share with me his defects, even character defects and how he keeps going. He speaks life into an artist or gymnast and then demonstrates that motivation himself. The world needs more influence like that. I would like to add my Grandmother Aline. Thank you for being my voice when I was small and not brave enough to have one. Thank you for making me strong and saying “no” for me. And thank you Carol for being like another adopted mom and forgiving me.

Question: Who are your biggest and best supporters and who are the people who support you the least?

Bethany Aline: This question hurts! OK, my biggest and best supporters are my incredible husband who deserves a vacation lol, my ex sugar daddy, Walter, and Godfather, Marko, my best friend Diezel, Miao Ma, Glen DiVita, and my son Maverick. You can add my dad too in ways. Musically he’s very proud and helpful but he openly admits that I’m a martin and the weirdest person he knows. I go to him for opinions because he is brutally honest. I have some wonderful fans and friends from my hometown too and I see all of them. I love and appreciate them so, so much but without these few people I mentioned above, I’m not sure I’d even be doing this again. Especially my husband. The amount of support and understanding and trust he has demonstrated are works of fiction. I strive to be more like him. The people who support me the least are obviously my bullies. Yes, I have real haters as a public figure at my age and that’s OK! But this question hits hard because I am one of those artists who does not have their family’s support at all. I am always forgotten, my kid’s birthdays are forgotten, always wrong and not valued nor respected. I come from a family where there is a lot of micro managing and verbal, physical and you name it types of abuse. If you dare to think for yourself or grow up and become your own individual it is excommunication and abuse. If you get educated it is not congratulated it is tested. I had to get out after I experienced what love and support really was from my husband during the lowest low of my life in prison... I am in over 30 productions, probably many more, and my family has never been to one single movie premier. They don’t listen to my music when I ask before I release it and they didn’t 10-15 years ago. I won music awards for my first music video ever that went directly on VEVO and not one family member congratulated me on social media or personally. Maybe a distant Aunt gave me a shout out and a couple cousins came to one big premier years ago. They were always turned off and appalled that I am a sultry artist and I think they are possibly embarrassed by the dark deep-rooted issues and secrets our family holds that I slip into my material. They know what I could share with the world and I’m not sure they want our issues their face or the home town to know. Because we grew up in Hell and it’s very painful. It wasn’t just me. We all built our lives up to be these successful, secretly hurting adults. The fact that I can say “no” to living under those unfair conditions and speak out on it is probably scary and they hate that I’m moving forward so loudly, again as a public figure. Instead of being sympathetic toward a lot of my mishaps I think there is a deep-rooted resentment that I put a damper on the family with the antics that come along with an abused, neglected child/teenager with Asperger Syndrome. I was slow at everything I did and the things I could do were superior. And for a while I was angry. Young me was angry because if I was weird, bratty and annoying it doesn’t justify being beating, tied up, molested and controlled. I’m reminded of it every time I come around and the better I do the more no one cares. So I left. I surround myself with those of similar visions and aspirations. I really don’t want my siblings lives, mentality or the things they have anyway so their opinions don’t really matter much. ​ I’ll always be viewed as a 12-year-old so this lack of support and respect my entire life has crippled me in the past. Not being accepted is the basis of my regrets. I let simple minded, bland, morons water down my flavor. I could kick my own ass and I sure did on the streets like a fool. Your mom should believe you and help when someone is touching you, not allow it to go on. Your sisters should be your best friends.. They support the town or befriend my bullies before me. People don’t understand that this type of rejection is why people kill themselves. There’s nothing to numb that type of pain so you either have a horrible life by allowing it or you become platinum and leave them all behind like they left you behind. It’s like tunnel vision. You gotta have the thickest skin ever and believe in yourself to be in this industry. Celebrities and public figures that do get that support from parents, family and friends are so unbelievably lucky. If I just stayed in the game and was my own best friend like I am now I would have been fine then. I try to focus on spreading this message of overcoming such lonely things to help the other black sheep, or the abused out there that just need someone to love them. Because I do love them. I need my fans and friends to keep the message going that a person needs to learn acceptance and then create their life based on the realistic things they do have. Success is yours when you trust yourself and allow yourself to in the atmosphere of success. It’s not where people are putting you down.

"Not being accepted is the basis of my regrets." -Bethany Aline

Question: What words of advice to you have for anyone with the same passion to be where you are?

Bethany Aline: Start worrying about yourself and not people pleasing the ones around you that would never put in the same effort you put in for them. You’ll waste your youth. Worry about yourself, your lane without hurting others. Be kind to people. It is OK to not allow yourself to be victimized by blood or people who assume power. Don’t snake people, protect what is yours, give credit when it’s due, use your manners, accept advice and actually consider wise words from experienced people. It’s fairly simple. If you want it. The time is actually is now. GO! Don’t wait. Don’t wait for miracles, you have to create opportunities. Try now so that at least you’re actively doing something. You’ll grow up one day so make sure you enjoy some of your legacy! Go! You can even be Queen! p.s. learn the business!! That helps.


About the Creator

Amy Philbert

I am a plus size Model, Actress, Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, podcast Co-Host, Casting Director and Interviewer who is just trying to shed some light on a world that can sometimes feel dark.

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