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A negative mind will never give you a positive life

By fatima boulfaglatPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Remember, live every moment as if it was the last moment in your life."

jay Shetty, he is a Youtuber. he has a video that caught my attention. This video contains many quotes that include things from reality and how to implement them and work with them

Albert Einstein saw this remarkably in his conversation with Warner Heisenberg. He said to her: We have created a beautiful ship in the West, with all the amenities. But the only thing a boat doesn't have is a compass, which is why the ship doesn't know where it is going.

The Dalai Lama introduced the theory of contradiction to others when he said: We have wide roads but narrow views, we have tall buildings, but people have become irritable. Will Smit said: We take the money and spend it on things we do not need to impress people that we don't like. Strangely, the same technology you are showing from afar is the same that keeps us away from people nearby. You want to send 30 billion messages a day on WhatsApp, but 48% of people say they generally feel isolated. It is a paradox for others that we have a lot of testimonials but less awareness.

We have more knowledge but less insight. a lot of experts but few solutions.

Martin Luther Kent said: The misfortune of our time is that our missiles are a march, but miss guided men. It is so easy for us to go to the moon and leave it. It is difficult for us to engage in dialogue with people on a road or a train. Does this contradiction make both actors perfect, make journalism enjoyable, or make politics fun, or make television enjoyable? Is it a contradiction doomed to take responsibility or to have discussions with our friends? Why are we trying to protect the environment, but we pollute our souls? We dreamed of corn, but only others got hurt, and we yearn for high wages, but our morals are low. I am nowhere to ask you how we can change ourselves. How can we deal with this contradiction that exists in our life? We don't need to hit the pause button, then hit the "reset" button and hit the power button again.

Let's take a moment to be more consciously, let,s take a moment to be aware. Take a moment to think about the consequences. The unnecessary arguments that we did not need to have. Or speak to someone a little differently, in a different tone, in a different voice, with the other sympathy, with a separate initiative. To connect with people on a different level, Thinking Out Loud started with, Einstein. And now I end this passage with a saying when he said: You can't solve problems using the same kind of thinking you used when you created them. We have to seek educational alternatives, we have to delve into the ancient books of wisdom, and we have to go back to those crumpled pages, which revealed our knowledge and judgment on how our lives are changing today. Otherwise, this contradiction means with each step that you go forward; in fact, we take three steps back each time. All these contradictions learn to change your life on your own. turns all the negatives into answers to improve yourself

If you care about what other people think you'll always be their prisoner. Do not be concerned with other people's impressions of you. They are dazzled and deluded by appearances. Stick with your purpose. Walking alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence.

There are things, people, and even parts of us that go with us on our life journey for a specific purpose and a particular period, and not to accompany us throughout the trip, so it is time to leave them alone.

- When you do not know what to do, your actual business begins, and when you do not know which way to take, your real journey begins. Not will be happy for you. They are not always happy for you. And'' if you surround yourself with people who are not accustomed to your success, they become fearful. They become scared because you reflect something they do not recognize''. Oprah


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