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Be Proud of Your Writing: Even If It Feels Like Nobody Is Reading.

You Wrote it! Be Proud Of Yourself For That.

By Carol TownendPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Be Proud of Your Writing: Even If It Feels Like Nobody Is Reading.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

You sit at your computer desk working on your greatest creation for hours, only to find that it doesn't generate as many views as you wanted it to. However, let us think about this for a minute.

How much effort did you put into that story?

I can usually write a story as soon as one comes into my mind. However, depending on what I am writing; it can take anything from a day, a week to two weeks to publish my work. If my work is easy, I can publish it within a day. For more complicated stories, I like to take my time. The more effort you put into your work, the more satisfied you'll feel with it. In the past, trying to get the word count right on Vocal used to drive me insane. Now, they have invented a word counter which you'll see at the bottom left corner of your page, which makes writing a little easier, especially if you're doing one of Vocals challenges!

I feel satisfied when I know my stories are finished. It is like I have created a celebrity work of art! I get a feeling of joy, excitement and elation once I see my story approved by Vocal. I get the same feeling once I hit that publish button on Medium. Of course, sometimes I feel anxious about my spelling and grammar, and I don't always notice mistakes until I have published. This is why I love the quick edit button on Vocal and the fact that I can click edit on Medium; I can quickly correct any mistakes that I pick up, and voila! I'm done. I do like to proofread my stories before publishing them, but sometimes mistakes can go unnoticed. It is important not to worry about this too much. What matters is that you made the effort to write your story.

Worry about the editing later. If you pick up on mistakes in an article you have already published, you can still correct them later.

Did you enjoy creating your story?

Some of the stories I come across by other people here on Vocal are also about how much money people have made from their stories. When you are struggling to earn from your work yourself, it can make you feel a little out of place. I have no idea how these people do it, but I can say it must take a lot of hours and work. I share my stories whenever I can, but like many of you out there, I have to balance my time with other duties such as caring which I cannot leave to the bottom of my list.

I have heard many people become worried about not getting enough views on their work. I'm in the group of low views too, though I think the big question is:

'Did you enjoy creating your story?'

While everybody likes to make money from their work, and there are many best sellers and top writers out there. It is important not to lose the fun moments that come from putting your story together.

Sometimes, other peoples eyes see what yours can't see.

This means that while you feel that your story is bad, someone out there might think that it was really good. Let me tell you a story.

I wrote a horror a while back that didn't generate many views or make a top story. I thought my story was badly written and nobody would read it. I added it to thepublished stories page which is a page created by myself and runs in conjunction with Jonathan Townend and is where we share many stories that we publish here and on Medium, and where we will be promoting our upcoming books. I had a reader on my horror story who really loved it and then shared it in his own posts. That one reader made my day, and it gave me a massive confidence boost in my writing. I then shared it with others on Twitter, Facebook and WordPress. It didn't generate as many views as I wanted, but the readers who read it gave me some great feedback.

The point is, while it is good to get views and see the money flowing in from your stories; it is also good to step back and ensure that you are enjoying creating the stories that you are creating. I also love writing in vocals Filthy community. I write many sexual and erotic stories here, which is now something I love doing. However, these stories do not get read as much as others because they are not everyone's favourite coffee. Therefore I took my stories and decided to create a book on Amazon, which is in progress as we speak. If you like stories like these, then you can pre-order my book and visit my author page here. I also have another author page, where my work on 'Carrie in Love' is ongoing and will be released soon. You can view this here:

It takes me a while to create these stories and my book Carrie and Love is an ongoing process. Writing and earning from that take time and patience, though if you really enjoy the process then it makes it all worthwhile.

Be proud of yourself.

The important point out of all the points I have made is to be proud of yourself.

The fact that you wrote the story and made an effort to produce your work, deserves more praise than the views or money that you earned from it.


I was nervous and unconfident as a first-time writer, despite having written many unpublished pieces that I wrote off-line, and despite being praised for my writing at school. However:

writing in private is very different to writing a book or for the web. Your work is made public on the web and when it goes into sales. You can end up with millions viewing your piece!

Knowing the above can be nerve-racking for any writer. One can sit there for hours wondering whether or not our work is good enough. However, pondering and procrastinating will not get your work out there; and you're not going to know how things will go unless you do get it out there!

We all wonder whether our work is really good enough, and we can sit in our chairs forever until we perfect it. It is better to do your best and unleash the creative in you without worrying too much. You can only improve over time.

The best way to write is to stop worrying and start doing it today. The only way to learn how to be a writer is to write!

I hope you enjoyed this story, and that you have the confidence now to become a writer yourself. Hearts and tips are welcome.

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To read my horror story click below:

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About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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