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be ambitious.

it is a lifestyle and he lives it.

By That One BaristaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Tylor Gentry. If you do not know the name, you should. He is a class act, an inspiration to all and killing the game one moment at a time instead of one day at a time. If you need someone to give advice that is class A certifed top notch, then he is your go to. When I first met him, I think I told him I had followed him on instagram for a little and was astounded at how much he does. But when you think about it, the grind never stops. He does instagram better than anyone I follow, to be honest. I do however miss the motivation instagram stories, they need a comeback. This is the pettition to get those back, because they made my day ten times better. Nutrition Faktory is one lucky company to have this guy working for him.

Being an inspiration to so many, he still continues to stay humble. I know that whenever I am in a stump with what I am going through or need motivation for keeping the faith up - I go to Tylor. Fitness would not be the same if we did not have someone who goes through the same struggles as we do. I remember watching his youtube videos, and thinking I could do this. So I tried, and we see how well that worked for me.... I am now a wannabe youtuber on Instagram...., But Tylor still continues to motivate me to keep the goals going, and keep the faith. I am forever thankful for his continued support, and I know anyone who knows him is thankful for his light, his soul, his kindness and the fact he inspires a whole town..... that is simply amazing.

The world is a better place because he decided one day to inspire a whole town, honestly. That is how I think of this. If you want to go follow him on instagram his handle is : _tylorgentry. You will not regret this, he is one of a kind and forever one of my favoirte people. Knowing what an impact Tylor has done, is doing and will do makes me want to at least make half the difference he has. It also keeps me motivated knowing someone else out there is supporting people and doing his thing also. Thank you Tylor for being a light to this world, for motivating people to keep being ambitious and for being you.

Do not forget to follow him on Instagram. He also has the best clothing out there, which I need to cop but your girl is trying to make it big, and has little to no money. One day my closet will be filled with Ambition Thread apparel, and I could not be more excited for that. Also if you get a chance go listen to the podcast as well, if theres anything you do just go follow, listen to his podcast and cop some apparel. Supporting Tylor is a way we can give back to him for everything he has done. Thank you for always inspiring me, giving me the advice I needed, and for being a friend. I think his instagram speaks for itself, and maybe this post got the motivation speeches to come back. Also, maybe he will start doing youtube again. Vlogs are kind of my thing.

I feel like Tylor would like my new saying as I end this post out, keep on being the unicorn of your life and I will see you in the next post. Do not forget to share with a friend, and let me know what other topics you want to see.

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