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An Inspirational Way to Attack a DAY!!!!

Being cranky is not always a bad thing

By Corinna Alexander Published 3 years ago 7 min read
Having A DAY!!!!!

Step 1-Wake up

Step 2- Release the Cranky

Step 3- Allow it to Invade Your Soul

Step 4- Be Selfish

Step 5- Have a Good Cry and End the Day

So, your alter ego has reared it's ugly head today! As soon as you opened your eyes in the morning you knew, you just knew that it was going to be an adventure. We all have those days and yet society has shown that it is something we need to hide. Is it? Really? Do we need to always put on a happy face and show the world our smile? NO, and why should we. People have moods, they have feelings and it is not natural to hide those feelings! I am pretty sure that any therapist will tell you the same thing.

So when you find yourself waking up with a general need to watch the world burn, embrace that. Get out of bed, put your cranky pants on and go on with your day! You can feel it already can't you? Feel that slow crawl of fire seeping through your veins. Feel the shiver start at the top of your head and slowly move down your body until it covers you in rage right out through the tips of your toes. Just let that anger burn right to the core of your soul and never apologize for feeling that way. If it gets bad enough lay on the floor, kick and scream at the top of your lungs. Just let it all hang out there for the world to see.

Awhile ago I woke up in this hateful, angry mood and I decided to just let it happen. No, I didn't walk around purposely being mean to everyone I saw but I did embrace my inner mood. I may have stomped my feet a little harder when I was walking. Maybe I cursed under my breath a few times when something poked at me, probably scowled a bit more than usual too. I went to work and did what needed to be done and refused to notice the sun shining or the birds singing. I grabbed two coffee that morning instead of just one and enjoyed every drop. I ate junk food for lunch, no regrets! On my drive home I played my angry music as loud as I could in the car and talked to myself about every thing that was bothering me. When I got home I got into my pajamas, had ice cream for supper and binge watched Netflix. And the best part is that I was home alone with just the dog to witness my mood. That little dog sure is one great listener. He let me talk, whine, complain and rant as much as I needed to. All he did was just be there!! Some days I wish people would be more like dogs. I do tend to like dogs more than most people, honestly. I did only things that I wanted to do and not once did I apologize for not being the happy person that I usually am. When I went to bed I let my emotions flow and had a good long cry. And you know what happened? I woke up the next day feeling better, my bad mood did not last a few days. It just magically disappeared and I believe that it was because I let my alter ego have her day in the sun, she got tired and went away for a rest.

A successful angry day! It can happen, if you do it right. And by doing it right I mean waking up the morning after with no regrets. I think that most of us are scared to let that side of us have a moment to shine and we end up bottling up feelings which eventually overflow like lava, burning everyone they touch. By pure mistake I discovered the secret of sharing my mind with my other half and I think that I might like her.

It can be one of the most productive days you have had in a long time. So just tell people to leave you alone, in a nice way of course, and focus on what needs to be done until you can get a place where you can do what you want. Sometimes now after a long week at work, I almost look forward to waking up on a Saturday in my hateful mood! Because I get stuff done. Hateful me likes to clean!!! Furiously scrubbing the house from one end to another while cursing and mumbling about every little thing that has gotten on my nerves since her last visit. Jamming laundry into the washer and slamming the lid might be exactly what she needs to do. Or maybe she needs to throw out things that haven't been used and are just taking up space. No matter what it is she needs, let her do it and if you are near enough to hear, she will give you a play by play. Explaining why she has come to the light for the day. Listen closely because you may be able to help make sure that she stays away longer the next time! ARE YOU A PART OF THE PROBLEM OR THE SOLUTION????????

It is time for this world to allow the cranky to become an accepted part of life. Let all the alter egos shine and have their days! Do not try to cheer me up and make her go away because She will come out sooner the next time. And she will be even more angry. The leftover cranky, from that day when you so graciously cheered her up, will be added to the new cranky and your day will be even worse if you have the pleasure of being there that day. In reality, by letting my Cranky Pants get aired out for a day you will be doing yourself a favor in the long run. And let's face it, sometimes people trying to cheer her up is just plain annoying and makes her cranky worse. It may last longer and the level of anger may be higher than usual. Trust me, it is not worth the anger that she will throw your way!

Stop the shaming of people who are having a bad day and next time, ask if they want company. If they say no, just let them be, maybe they too are only an alter ego and not the real person that you are used to seeing. Realize that person is not your friend or loved one, they have been possessed by their other half and it is only temporary! Wait it out and your loved one will come back when Cranky gets tired and goes away again.

What I am trying to say is, allow your cranky half to get their time outside and they will feel better. Eventually their visits may get fewer and farther in between but that will allow your friend to be available to you on a more regular basis.

Wouldn't it be great if best friends could become so close that their cranky day would align and then they wouldn't have to explain anything. Neither person would want anything to do with the world. Imagine if the whole world could have their alter egos come out on the same day! We could make it a national holiday and the streets would be extremely quiet. No one in the world would work on that day and we would all just keep away from each other. Now that sounds like heaven! The whole world, stomping around their homes, cleaning or crying, whatever they needed to do to get the anger out in the open. The junk food companies would make millions off that one day alone!

From the time I was young I remember being told that it was wrong to throw a tantrum. We tell toddlers not to scream and cry when they are upset and thus begins the cycle of hiding feelings. I know, we can't let those little people run rampant with their feelings but instead of telling them it isn't acceptable maybe we should just teach them how to have a cranky day in a responsible way. With age comes wisdom and I have seen that if I do what is expected of me than it leads to a whole level of inner frustration and a mood that I cannot shake for weeks.


About the Creator

Corinna Alexander

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