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A woman's best way to live: free children, rich raise their own

How can I enrich myself and become more confident without sacrificing happiness in my personal life? -- Exploring the way for women to enrich themselves

By antoinePublished 11 months ago 7 min read

What does it really mean when a woman becomes a mother?

Some people say that they lost all their sleep and became haggard and tired after spending all day around their children and family.

Some people say, is from now on the loss of colorful dream, can only "mother" identity to walk in the world, into the face of their own.

It sounds sad, helpless and heavy.

The reason behind this is that women put all their energy and expectations into their families, but forget about themselves.

American writer Suze Lula noted:

A poor mother who doesn't take good care of herself is like a car with an empty tank. No matter how hard you press on the gas pedal, it's idling.

Being a mother should not be a shackle, much less a shackle.

We could change our lives and save some of the energy we put into our children for ourselves. Keep some of the expectations projected into your home for your heart.

The best way of life for a woman is to raise her children and enrich herself.


No bottom line of wealth,

will let the child become arrogant domineering

As mothers, we were used to giving to our children because of traditional beliefs:

Eat fish, always eat fish head, and leave the most tender fish for the children;

When eating a mango, eat the meat around the pit for yourself and leave the best part for your children;

In the face of the long-cherished dress or the toy the child wants, the first choice is often to sacrifice themselves and meet the child's needs first.

Our original starting point, is to love the child, for the good of the child, but did not think that the feeling of the child is the most important, who like things, must find a way to get.

When the child used to egocentric, become arrogant and domineering, eyes will no longer see the mother's not easy and sacrifice, once did not achieve their own wishes, will become wronged, angry and angry.

I have seen a picture of a son who made his mother kneel down in front of him because his mother urged him to go to school.

He crossed his legs, proudly brush the phone, concurrent circle of friends show off.

For her son, the mother gave up self-esteem and pride, and did not exchange for the son's gratitude and cherish, but let the son become hateful, it is a sigh.

The French educator Rousseau once said:

"Do you know what you can do to make your child an unhappy person? The way to do it is to be obedient to him."

If a mother raises her children without boundaries and sacrifices herself, she will become insignificant in the eyes of her children and cast a shadow of failure on their future.

Without gratitude and awe, they lose their energy and stumble, leading to a tragic end.


Live loose mother, can send out infinite light

Last weekend, I met my former colleague Xiaoling in the shopping mall and was surprised by her great changes.

She was always dressed in dark clothes. Every day after work, she would rush home to cook and take care of the children without a smile on her face.

Every time I get together with her, the answer is "no time" and "I still have laundry at home."

She told me many times that she wanted to take the postgraduate entrance exam and learn some practical skills, but thinking about all the troubles at home, she could not help sighing and putting off her desire.

Until something small alerted her.

One day, she worked overtime very late. It was nearly 9 o 'clock when she went home. She was so sore and backache that she rested on the sofa and did not cook in time.

She made up her mind to change. She went to the mall to buy her favorite light colored clothes and changed her hairstyle. When she got home, she no longer took charge of everything. Belong to the husband's obligations, also by no means all.

Now, she has been admitted to the master's degree of her favorite school. While busy improving herself, she also finds time to exercise. Every day is very relaxing.

To her surprise, the children were happy to see her change, the husband was supportive, and the family atmosphere became more harmonious.

Remember a little thing that video blogger Papi Jiang said.

After my mother retired, at first, she spent all day at home in a daze, thinking that life had no expectations and expectations.

She advised her mother to go to the university for the elderly, and the old sisters to sing, in short, do not revolve around the children, but really live for themselves, to find the heart.

Her mother followed her advice and instead of texting her daughter every day, she indulged in her own happiness, Papi said, adding that she was genuinely happy for her mother.

In the eyes of children, a mother who lives loosely and knows how to love herself is magical.

No more keeping a straight face, calculating daily necessities, eyes only three meals a day, so as to miss the stars of the sea.

There is no longer a locked heart, all day long to resist new things, dare not try and breakthrough, thus missing infinite wonderful.


When a mother lives her own life, the child will

have more energy

Maye Musk, mother of Silicon Valley Iron Man Elon Musk, is considered by many to be a legendary woman.

She married at 21 and had three children with her husband, but did not give up her career and took a master's degree in nutrition while pregnant.

The marriage lasted nine years, but she divorced and supported her three children alone because she could not stand her husband's violence and indifference.

To survive, she often had to work five jobs at once, and the hard work was indescribable.

When it comes to parenting tips, she says mothers need to love their children, but never overprotect them and do their best to achieve themselves.

Although her income is not high, she will still use her salary to buy a bunch of flowers to decorate the house and fill her heart with joy.

Despite the hardships, she did not give up on her pursuits, sticking to modeling and magazine shoots to shine.

Under her influence, the three children also became independent and tough, and each made outstanding achievements in the fields they love:

His eldest son, Elon Musk, founded Tesla and is developing a rocket launch business;

Kimbal Musk, the second son, opened a chain of restaurants across the United States; The third daughter, Tosca Musk, started her own film company.

I really like a passage by the writer Bi Shumin:

Expect that you can make your life like Milan in the dark and plum in the snow, people have not come close, will be influenced, will take a deep breath, can not help but sigh this flying wonderful.

In fact, being a mother has never meant grievance or sacrifice.

Instead, we should care for ourselves from the details, enrich ourselves spiritually, guide children through words and deeds, and give them guidance and nourishment.

When you take care of your body and your emotions and keep yourself healthy and happy, you will be able to do your work and enjoy your life.

When you lower your expectations and control of your children, see their unique talents, and allow them some time to experience, trial and error, and grow, you can be pleasantly surprised.

When you learn to reconcile with yourself, accept yourself, calm in the face of their own, there is a calm power, can laugh at the ebb and flow, light to see the clouds.

In this way, children can also absorb full energy, firm and brave forward, strive to grow up.

May every mother be able to support themselves and live a regretless life.


If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

~This is Antoine, and I hope you find pleasure in each of my articles~

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