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A Courageous and Compassionate HERO

Give Yourself The Love You So Well Deserve

By Harsh JainPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
A Courageous and Compassionate HERO
Photo by Dylan Hunter on Unsplash

You were born to be untethered. You're supposed to feel and share the love at all times. Don't trap yourself in the loop of self-doubt, instead, love yourself, be free, spread love and kindness. Be courageous and liberate yourself from the burden of fear, worries, and insecurities. You can make yourself free sweetheart. You have the power.

"Give yourself the love you so well deserve"

Give yourself the love, Give yourself the freedom, the freedom that is about building yourself to the level where you do not need to depend on others for things, it's like being on your own and still being loving, and generous.

I know it's hard to be not dependent on others in today's world. I mean to say that ask for help if needed, share things with people whom you trust, but in limit. Remember that you can always fulfill your own heart by doing the things that need to be done on your part, and doing things that make you happy. So, Expect less, accept more and do not please or beg others for their love because it really hurts when expectations and trust are broken. So why please anyone? right? Instead, we should please ourselves to make ourselves more disciplined and loving. We should please ourselves to love ourselves and take care of ourselves so fiercely that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done, that when others see us they should be inspired by our self-love.

"When you genuinely love yourselves and take care of yourself, you can love others more efficiently, and freely without any fears and insecurities, so, give yourself the love you so well deserve"

~ Harsh Jain

By Nathan McBride on Unsplash

When you give yourself the love, you are free. Freeing yourself require courage and faith in yourself. The kind of Courage that doesn't always come louder, the courage that sometimes comes in silence too. The Courage that comes when you say what you feel, courage that comes when you calmly listen to your heart and understand it with love and sympathy, courage that comes when you do not suppress your feelings, the courage that comes when you accept your flaws and work on them with determination and love in your heart.

Let me tell you one story-:

John had a hard time trusting people because he believes that love and trust are the foundations of all relationships. As a result, he was repeatedly hurt, with several breakups, heartbreaks, and failures. It's all because of the fact that he trusts people. His family went through some difficult times, yet he never wavered from his values of always being compassionate. After suffering so much, he learns one thing which he describes in this simple quote -:

"Do more. Expect less. Enjoy more."

He still smiles after being hurt, he thrived to heal. He collected the broken pieces of his heart and he joined them with the epoxy of love, care, and sympathy for himself.

Life tests this guy to the very extent of pain and suffering but now is the time for the reward. It's not only because of his own principles and beliefs but because of the boldness and the courage to stand on them that defined his attitude.

That's why the rewards are coming for him now. He got his dream job, he married the most beautiful soul, his parents were so proud of him. His success shut the mouths of those who used him earlier. and finally, he healed from the things he thought he wouldn't be able to. And he experienced Heaven within himself, full of serenity and joy, and he experienced this tranquility in his surroundings. It all happens because John first discovered the love and peace within himself. So, we should learn from john's courageous journey and we should first thrive to experience the love and compassion within ourselves.

So, look sweetie I know that these are very uncertain times, you may feel lost, depressed and anxious and it's hard to even understand yourself sometimes. Maybe you're not in a healthy space mentally and suffering from fear and terrible situations. But believe me, you do really have the infinite source of power that wants to heal you, all it needs is your trust and courage in yourself.

Let it be the faith and courage that lead you forward, not your scars

So go out there and show the hidden heroic aspects of you to the whole world. The world needs you, it needs your courageous heart, it needs your love, it needs your kindness and compassion.

By Denise Jones on Unsplash

So, whatever the issue is, stand up, grab a whiteboard or a piece of paper, and clearly outline it. Simply define it, put on your headphones, detach from the outside world for a bit, and delve into your heart, comprehend its needs, and listen to your intuition's true direction, and you'll find all the answers you seek. You can win, believe me, if you have a little bravery and hope. There's a part of you deep down that wants to see you succeed in the obstacles life throws at you. It wishes for you to be brave and to promote love, hope, and kindness in this uncertain world where many are afraid and lost. You've got it, my friend!

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About the Creator

Harsh Jain

A writer by heart, as well as a lover of many things. I write from my heart to encourage others and help them find peace. I write Inspiring, relatable posts about life, love, self-care, and positivity. Hope you find them useful.

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