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A Caged bird flies against the tide

A Caged bird flies against the tide

By Canaday DeleonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

On January 18, 2013, the International Science and Technology Award Conference was held in Beijing. Wang Xiaomo, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, won the State Top Science and Technology Award.

When people give warm applause to this outstanding scientist, few people know that he was once a "caged bird" who could not fly freely in the field of scientific research.

Wang Xiaomo was born in Jinshan County, Shanghai 75 years ago. Since his childhood, he has been clever and outstanding. He likes to sing operas, and his voice is mellow and smooth. In middle school, a Kunqu opera theater photographer in he, want to recruit him to go on the road of artistic performance, this made Wang Xiaomo excited for a long time. Still, the year he graduated from middle school, he followed his family's advice to study national defense construction and was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Technology with honors.

In 1961, after graduating from university, he entered the Ministry of Electronic Industry 38 Institute, engaged in radar science research. At that time, he was determined to be an eagle flying at the peak of science!

A few years later, when Wang Xiaomo was enthusiastically engaged in scientific research, the domestic political situation changed abruptly. In 1966, he was labeled as a "reactionary academic authority" and was sent from the front line of scientific research to the computer room of the research institute, in charge of computer management. Deprivation of scientific research rights, for a scientist, is undoubtedly great humiliation and misfortune, as trapped in the cage of the eagle, for this, Wang Xiaomo once extremely depressed.

At this time, what gave him spiritual aid was not relatives or friends, but art. Since childhood, Wang Xiaomo, who loves opera art, has developed an optimistic character of "the sky is falling when the bamboo hat is worn" in his regular singing, reading, doing, and hitting. He is familiar with Wang Baochuan, who has been in the cold kiln for 18 years, and Su Ziqing, who has been trapped in the Hu land for 19 years. He firmly believes that "winter has come, spring will not be far away", and the difficulties are only temporary. Accordingly, did not pass a few days, Wang Xiaomo sweeps the haze in their heart, calmly accepting injustice.

Soon, he found the perfect way to self-regulate: After cleaning, he would do a standard swim demonstration in the computer room's air-conditioned cooling pool; When he felt oppressed, he would play chess with the computer, or sing a sample opera on the computer's microphone... In short, he keeps a high spirit and a positive attitude by entertaining himself.

Samuel once said, "The world is like a mirror: frown at it and it frowns at you; Smile at it and it smiles back at you." Wang Xiaomo is the best footnote to this remark. Sunshine is always in the wind and rain, in the machine room was "cold treatment" for two years, "bird in the cage" Wang Xiaomo was finally "put out", enter the scientific research line again. In this optimistic face of injustice time, he also had an unexpected harvest - became a computer expert, which made him in his future scientific research work.

The twists and turns of his life made Wang Xiaomo believe in Maslow's words: "If your mind changes, your attitude will change; Attitude change, habits change; Habit change, character change; When your personality changes, your life changes." Therefore, in the course of his life since then, no matter what kind of adversity he was in, Wang Xiaomo always maintained an optimistic attitude and actively faced all kinds of difficulties, failures, and even misfortune.

Once, in the most critical moment of project development, Wang Xiaomo first encountered a car accident, and after recovering, was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. In the face of the series of blows, Wang Xiaomo calmly faces, in the hospital, still happy to pull Jinghu, singing Kunqu opera, do design, like nothing else.

He calmly told his family, "I have no regrets in this life. I did what I wanted to do, went where I wanted to go, and my country has given me enough honor. I should be content."

After half a year, the miracle appeared, and the cancer cell on Wang Xiaomo's body disappeared actually.

When he returned to the frontline of scientific research, he cheerfully told his colleagues, "I am alive again."

It is this sunny attitude in the face of adversity that has enabled Wang Xiaomo to create one remarkable achievement after another in his scientific research journey of more than 50 years. In the 1960s, he creatively proposed the intra-pulse scanning method, which greatly simplified the radar system. In the 1970s, he designed the JY-8 radar, which became the first automatic three-coordinate radar in China. In the 1980s, he designed and made the first JY-9 radar of high and low altitude, which ranked among the ranks of international excellent low-altitude radar; In the 1990s, he insisted on the independent development of the early warning aircraft and personally served as the chief designer of a certain type of early warning aircraft and the chief consultant of the early warning aircraft development project. He made significant contributions to the formation of the initial scale of China's early warning aircraft and its entry into the international advanced level, and is known as the "father of China's early warning aircraft".

On October 1, 2009, during the military parade marking the 60th anniversary of the National Day, the early warning aircraft developed by Wang Xiaomo, as the pilot model, led the group of aircraft, like a silver eagle, flying over Tian 'anmen Square in exactly one second.

At that moment, Wang Xiaomo on the stand shed crystal tears, it is the tears of joy, the tears of success...... He felt as if he too had melted into the silver eagle, flying proudly in the blue sky of his country.


About the Creator

Canaday Deleon

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