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8 Simple Habits That Can Fix 80% of Your Problems

Most of us have problems we can’t seem to fix, no matter how hard we try. Whether it’s our health, our relationships, or our finances, sometimes it seems like our problems will never go away. However, there are some simple habits that are so powerful that they can solve 80% of most people’s problems almost immediately, no matter how complicated the issue might seem on the surface.

By TestPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

1. Just Say No

Here are four simple fixes that you can use to solve most problems: no caffeine after 2 p.m., exercise for 30 minutes every day, limit screen time to a half-hour per day, and get seven hours of sleep per night. It’s important to note that these are not simply good things to do;

They will have a direct impact on your energy levels, mental clarity, and productivity. If you take care of yourself, you will be able to take better care of others and your problems will be much easier to fix.

Simple habits can help you fix some of your biggest problems. For example, drinking less alcohol or doing more exercise can fix most sleep problems. Feeling overwhelmed? Write down everything that’s on your mind, and then prioritize what needs to be done first. Being regularly active helps improve many aspects of your health including stress levels and memory.

When we think about the changes we want to make in our lives, many of us focus on big and abstract objectives like I want to be happier or I need to make more money. But by setting such grandiose goals, we risk making important, day-to-day problems feel too big to tackle. Instead, start by asking yourself a simple question: what problem do I want to solve? Be specific about what you hope will change.

2. Focusing on One Thing at a Time

By now, most people know that multitasking is a great way to slow down and limit productivity. But all too often we can’t help but jump from one thing to another because we become bored with any single task, or worse because we feel like we need to stay on top of everything.

While it’s always important to be careful about avoiding procrastination, it’s also important to remember that sometimes doing one thing at a time for an extended period is best for your long-term productivity. Start by setting aside a certain amount of time during which you plan not to multitask — no checking email or Facebook or Twitter or anything else.

When you’re juggling multiple projects and responsibilities, it can be challenging to focus on just one thing at a time. Successful people know how to prioritize their tasks and concentrate on one at a time. This is one simple habit that can help you solve problems in your business or personal life by making you more efficient.

Do you want to get stronger? Lose weight? Feel more at peace? Start by focusing on just one thing, instead of trying to fix everything all at once. The Tao Te Ching says: A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving.

When we try to tackle too many things at once, we become easily frustrated. Our attention shifts from one goal to another. We don’t know where to start or what step comes next. And we give up before achieving anything significant. Focus on one habit for now; you can always add more later!

3. Enjoy the Now

One of our favorite simple habits for fixing problems is to simply start embracing change in your life. Small changes, even positive ones, can completely reshape your life. If you’re not ready to jump into a major lifestyle overhaul just yet, try making small changes at first like trying a new workout class or taking a different route home from work.

Or maybe make just one big change every week (like eating less sugar or going meatless). The important thing is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and that starts with making changes that are easy enough to implement in your busy daily life.

You’ll be surprised how far you can go by setting mini-goals for yourself instead of major ones — and before you know it, you might find yourself shifting into a much healthier lifestyle without really even realizing it!

It’s far too easy to get caught up in thinking about past failures or stressing about future failures. The truth is, most of your problems are either not important or fixable (there are exceptions, but I digress). Enjoy your successes and enjoy each day as it comes by finding simple habits you can do today that will make life easier and more enjoyable — thus fixing those pesky problems.

Learning to appreciate what you have can be a powerful tool for reducing anxiety. It’s easy to get wrapped up in feelings of want or fear and, over time, these feelings can really start to weigh you down. A simple habit that may help is learning to enjoy each moment for what it is and finding gratitude in those moments.

You don’t need fancy vacations or expensive items; simply practicing appreciation for your surroundings and relationships can bring about long-lasting happiness.

4. Embrace Change

Understand that our problems arise because things in life are always changing. If we always expect that everything will stay exactly as it is, we’ll eventually have a problem. Therefore, accepting change and embracing it can help us fix problems more quickly and efficiently.

If you’re struggling with an issue, be it personal or professional, ask yourself what has changed recently in your life? Have you been experiencing a lot of stress? Be honest with yourself and look for change; if you embrace it and adapt to changes while they happen instead of reacting to them, they won’t become problems.

We all have problems. It’s just a fact of life. What we do with them, however, can sometimes make or break us. The following are 8 simple habits you can adopt to help fix those nagging issues and get your life back on track

When you have too much going on at once, your biggest challenge is usually to change. Identify what needs to be altered, then shift your thinking from I can’t do that too How can I make it work?

It will help put things in perspective and allow you to focus on getting something done. Once you start one new habit or routine, others will follow naturally. Here are a few simple habits that can fix 80 percent of your problems

5. Get Rid of Negativity

The easiest way to get rid of problems is to get rid of negative people from your life. Unfortunately, negative people can often seem like good friends or family members, and it can be difficult to tell when someone is going from a well-meaning friend who occasionally gets on your nerves to a toxic person bringing you down.

If you notice that you have a bad habit of listening to people complain about everything and everybody, then it’s time for you cut them out. Getting rid of negativity might mean getting out from under that toxic influence or removing yourself from their presence entirely. The benefits will be immediate and worth it every time.

The first step to fixing any problem is getting rid of negativity. If you are unable to get rid of your negativity, you will never be able to focus on a solution.

Whenever negativity enters your mind, talkback! Remind yourself that negative feelings come from poor eating habits and poor self-care. Be realistic about your situation and keep a journal to remind yourself that all those negative feelings don’t make sense.

Negativity is like cancer that eats away at your performance, relationships, and overall well-being. While it can be hard to pull yourself out of a funk, doing so is one of those simple habits that can fix almost any problem.

Negative attitudes are contagious so you should also watch what you say around others; catch yourself saying something negative and think about replacing it with something positive.

Work to get rid of negativity from your life by changing your perspective, seeking positivity in everything you do, focusing on a personal improvement project, and surrounding yourself with positive people. Don’t let those negatrons get ya down!

6. Surround Yourself with Positive People

The people you spend time with have a huge impact on your life, for better or worse. If you want to fix problems in your life, try surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people.

This doesn’t mean cutting negative people out completely — sometimes it’s necessary to have a little tough love in your life — but generally speaking, if you surround yourself with positivity and uplifting thoughts, it’ll rub off on you! Plus, when you feel good about yourself and others around you too, that can make all of your problems seem a little smaller.

Surround yourself with positive people. The people you surround yourself with and interact with on a daily basis have a large influence on your outlook and frame of mind. If you’re always surrounded by friends who complain, gossip, belittle others, and bring negativity into every aspect of their lives — you’ll subconsciously mimic these traits in your own life.

Simple habits don’t fix problems, they just shift your perspective to see a solution that was already there. Surround yourself with positive people who will help you work through whatever problems you may have and keep you grounded when it gets difficult.

The most common way we get stuck in stressful situations is because we let our emotions take over and make us feel sorry for ourselves. We need to remember that being negative is not productive and will only make things worse for us in the long run.

Instead, we need to focus on where we are now, how far we’ve come, what success looks like, and how lucky we are to be experiencing whatever issue it is that’s stressing us out!

7. Play a Game

Procrastination is a huge problem for many professionals — it can cause stress, poor performance at work, and generally mess up your life. Instead of waiting until you feel motivated to take action on a problem, try playing a game that requires you to focus on and accomplish small tasks.

For example, instead of saying I’m going to sit down and write that email I’ve been putting off, create an anti-procrastination game called write three sentences. Set a timer for 5 minutes; once it goes off, move on to writing another three sentences. Each time you complete all five rounds in under 5 minutes, give yourself a reward!

Chances are, your problems aren’t related to a single thing; in most cases, multiple areas of your life need work. In order to fix things once and for all, you have to tackle each issue one at a time. This is where habits come in: Small steps repeated over time will help you tackle any problem — from obesity to low energy levels — and increase your health overall. Our bodies are capable of amazing things if we let them.

Unplugging from a stressful day is one of my favorite ways to unwind. I know that sounds odd, but hear me out — I don’t just play games on my phone or tablet while I wait in line at Starbucks or fly across time zones. I play old-school board games (my favorite right now is Settlers of Catan).

When you play a game, you have to communicate and make decisions together. So it’s much more fun than playing a game alone on your phone because you get to interact with people around you — and because having fun together is one simple habit that can fix most problems!

8. Be Patient

A lot of problems in life can’t be fixed immediately, but when we try to fix them right away, it only makes things worse. If you feel like a problem is unsolvable, resist your desire to make a hasty decision. Give yourself time to think, research, and be patient; it will pay off in more ways than one.

Patience is key in a world where everything moves at light speed. Some problems are so easy to fix that you can do them without delay. Other problems take longer to solve, and if you rush into fixing something before it’s ready, you might end up making things worse instead of better.

If you focus on being patient — not just right now, but always — you’ll be less likely to experience negative side effects in your life.

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. If you make a mistake, don’t be hard on yourself or dwell on it too much; instead, take a step back and ask yourself:

What can I learn from that? After all, being patient — and treating others kindly in spite of your problems — will help you problem-solve more efficiently, putting you in a better position to fix your problem in the long run.

Don’t worry. Calm down. Breathe in. Count to 10. It’s natural to feel frustrated with your circumstances, but you can’t fix what you don’t understand, and things might be a lot worse than they seem.

If you want to make progress on any problem — whether it be with fitness, relationships, or finances — it’s important to take time and reflect on how that issue impacts your life.


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