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6 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON'T

Everyone has this idea of becoming a millionaire in a stage of their life, or dream to become a millionaire and buy the luxurious cars, clothes and live their life as a king.

By Saber Meilleur GarçonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Everyone has this idea of becoming a millionaire in a stage of their life, or dream to become a millionaire and buy the luxurious cars, clothes and live their life as a king.

Who among us did have this idea to travel the world and not caring or giving much attention to the money.

here's a fact that I've read in the Business Insider:

The top 80 wealthiest people in the world control approximately $1.9 trillion, which just so happens to be the amount controlled by 3.5 billion people on the other end of the spectrum.

This just happens to be that Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $130 billion, and he is deemed to be the first billionaire in the modern history to accumulate a fortune of over $100 billion.

Maybe you are wondering: why is this big difference? What are the things that make rich people richer and poor people poorer?

So here are 6 different habits that rich people do and poor don't.

1. Poor people watch TV and rich people read books:

Ask yourself these questions: how many hours do you spend in front of the TV binge watching Netflix series and movies?

When was the last time you read a book? How many books do you read per year, per month, per week?

TV programs doesn't change your status or give you anything but steal your precious time and money.

However, reading will give you how to think, how to overcome obstacles, giving you the tools and the positivity to live your life.

Reading a lot will help you become a better write, better thinker, and better problem solver.

Watching TV will waste your time, affect your health, ruin your relationships, and in some cases even incite you to do violent actions.

2. Poor people get paid based on time and rich people get paid based on results:

Let's say that you are working at a cafe , restaurant , company , you might be the best cafe maker, the best server on the whole world but you still paid the same salary over and over and over again.

also, if you are working on a product and spend so much time and efforts to make it, to perfection it, but at the end no one buys it, you don't make money either, you lose.

People don't care about how much time you invest in, efforts that you put in to make the product and bring it to the marketplace, or how much risk that you take, in a nutshell they don't care.

What they care is results.

That is why the highest paid athlete in the world; they don't get paid by how many hours they practice, or how much time they invest.

No, but :

They get paid based on the performance, number of goals they scored in a match, the first or the second on the race.

3. Poor people blame others and rich people take responsibility:

you always hear poor people complaining : it's the government ,it's the city, it's my job, it's my friend, it's my boss, it is always somebody's else .

But never their own fault .

Rich people take responsibility for their actions.

When poor people stop blaming and complaining they gain power, the power to make a difference, the power to change themselves and change others.

And keep this in mind:

Lame people blame people.

4. Poor people focus on saving and rich people focus on investing:

Do not buy that Gucci bag and try to save few dollars in here and there.

Don't fly first class, fly economy.

Always try to save few dollars.

But here's a thing: a saved dime is still a dime.

Believe me, you are not going to be rich by saving money, the only issue that you are having is an income problem, so you have to earn a lot to invest.

5. Poor people think they know it all and rich people continuously learn:

You see, poor people are always stubborn mind.

They always want to tell the world about their opinions, about politics, government, society, sports, everything that is around them.

They have opinions about almost everything: you should do that, instead of that.

But rich people are always willing to learn, asking questions, they keep listening, reading books, continuously learning.

6. Poor people have lottery mentality and rich people have action mentality:

Most people believe that the only way to get rich is by winning the lottery, although they know that the chance of winning is almost none.

But they live in that fantasy: if i win, I'm going to buy that house ,if i win, I'm going to marry that wife, if i win, I'm going to live a luxurious life….

rich people think : if it's going to be ,it's up to us ,I'm going to make it real ,I'm going to make it happen.

Finally,Stop building big projects and business relying on winning the lottery, but instead and always bear that in mind: be the change that you want to be.


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