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6 Easier Things to Do Enrich Your Life

A good evening routine will help you decompress, improve mental focus, and finally motivate you for the next day.

By herbalistPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Morning Activities

Darren Hardy argues in his novel, The Compound Effect, that morning and evening rituals are the "bookends" of a productive life.

Mason Currey talks about the habits, routines, and rituals of history's greatest minds in his book Everyday Rituals: How Artists Work.

Currey arrived at this conclusion after researching the great artists:

[A routine] can be a precisely calibrated tool in the right hands to take advantage of a number of scarce resources: time (the most restricted resource of all) as well as determination, self-discipline, optimism. A strong routine encourages a well-worn groove for one's mental forces and helps stave off mood tyranny.

Every night, the time between clocking out of work and hitting the sheets is golden, and it's typically entirely yours to prepare.

The importance you put on the most important things in life is reflected by how you spend the hours before going to bed. Using the time to do something meaningful to you will enrich your life incredibly.

The rest of your future is decided by what you do after work. The course of your life can be improved by a well planned evening routine.

A really well life is a generative life that is continuously imaginative, fruitful, shifting, evolving, and the possibility of surprise still exists. More than you put in, you get out of it. "In a well-designed life, there is a lot more than "lather, rinse, repeat," writes Bill Burnett in his book, Planning Your Life: How to Create a Well-Lived, Joyful Life.

Finding TIME to do things, hobbies and ventures that will completely help them decompress from work is the main challenge many individuals have.

You will prepare your mind and body for the next day by striking a balance and committing quality time, focus and energy to things that help you relax.

You should really savor this time and make the most of it by trying out a host of new things instead of wasting all of your nights in front of a TV.

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

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Learn for joy

"To the mind, reading is what exercise is to the body," says Richard Steele.

You will introduce yourself to new stuff, models, values, new ways of solving problems and new ways of achieving your goals through reading.

Reading strengthens the comprehension of the laws of life, which will help you adapt, adopt and better adapt to society with new experience.

Follow your favorite project of passion

Starting and doing or creating something regularly can give you a feeling of empowerment that can also be translated in the workplace.

Extracurricular outlets not only improve your fitness, they feed back into your everyday work and can make you more efficient in reality.

The daily grind can easily shadow passion projects such as writing a book, starting an online company, making art, designing, learning to code .

Find out more about a topic you are curious about.

After work, exercise your curiosity.

Different talents, feelings, cultures, and perceptions may have a positive influence on your own views of the world.

A established way to take your career to the next level and increase your self-esteem is to learn new skills and develop experience on a regular, gradual basis.

Take some classes in an entirely distinct domain

Benjamin Franklin once said, "The best interest always pays for an investment in knowledge."

If you are interested in learning more about a particular subject in a different area, but have never got around to learning more about it, you can make time to study it in the evenings.

Whatever your direction in life, it will advance your career and help you develop yourself by committing to learning entirely new skills beyond your sphere.

Choose an unique artistic hobby

Is there something fresh and different beyond the normal hobbies you like to do outside work that will challenge you mentally?

Will you learn how to paint if you're a web designer? To shoot better photographs, a writer may begin a digital photography course. A programmer can learn how to play an instrument or how to draw, or how to invest, better still.

In your spare time, you could also take up drawing or painting. When you get your hands dirty, there's something almost mystical about brain connections.

Create authentic and deeper connections

In politics, in religion, in philosophy, I have never seen a difference of opinion as a justification for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson, " —"

Thomas Jefferson was famous for his iconic dinner parties, where he would invite people from various backgrounds and then ask everyone at the table a deep, philosophical question to address.

The importance of establishing genuine relationships and learning from others was acknowledged by Jefferson. During these difficult times, you may not be able to meet people face-to-face, but you can still communicate with others and have conversations that go deeper than small discussions.

Build a better routine for the evening and set yourself up for success. That's up to you, whatever you want to do. Enjoying your evenings is the secret. A better evening routine can help to disconnect, unwind and recharge adequately.

"And bear in mind what Aristotle once said, "We are what we do repeatedly." Therefore, perfection is not an act, but a practice. "

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