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5 Ways To Finish What You Started And Achieve The Desired Result

If you ask almost any successful person about what helped him achieve high results, then I am sure that one of the first abilities he will name is the ability to complete what he started. Agree - a long list of unfinished projects, unrealized ideas and goals is unlikely to contribute to success.

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
5 Ways To Finish What You Started And Achieve The Desired Result
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Being able to complete what you started, you instill confidence in other people in your abilities - they see you as a responsible and professional person, with whom it is pleasant to deal both in business and in general in life.

But at the same time, we all at some stage feel the desire to stop and quit everything. Yes, we start to work on some task with all our energy and enthusiasm, but somewhere along the way this energy fades, and we lose sight of the ultimate goal ... However, daily "juggle" work and personal life, you need to learn to complete each task on time so that they do not begin to accumulate like a snowball, and do not bury our future success under them.

Even if it seems to you that the ability to finish the things you have started is completely not inherent in you due to your character and temperament, I hasten to please you - this can really be learned. Otherwise, there would not be so many prosperous businessmen, politicians, scientists and artists in the world ... How can this be done? I offer you 5 simple steps - let them be the beginning of something great and successful in your life.

1. Correctly allocate time for the task.

Each project has 4 main stages:

1) idea;

2) planning;

3) execution;

4) completion.

Too much thinking or planning can cause the idea to simply "die". A too long execution phase can also lead to this!

Therefore, try to allocate an equal amount of time for each stage. After one time is up, move on to the next. Maintaining the rhythm will keep the momentum going and ensure a successful finish.

Download the Double Productivity Worksheet and start planning your tasks competently from today to ensure that they are completed at the right time.

2. Pay close attention to even the smallest steps.

Sometimes we are so focused on the end goal that the small tasks that need to be solved can seem too trivial to devote time to. With a busy schedule, small tasks are ignored, but in the end, they can prevent you from finishing what you started.

For example, if you want to lose weight in the long term, then you should keep your sugar intake low on a daily basis. Without this little daily work, the desired result will not be achieved.

Keep your end goal in front of you and give equal attention to each task - it is these small steps that will pave the way to big achievements.

3. Avoid multitasking as much as possible.

When you divide your attention between two activities, neither of them wins. So you just jump from one to another, wasting time and forgetting where you left off, or just remembering what to do next. Plus, it literally drains you physically and mentally. And it's very likely that you won't see any of your projects completed the way they should.

Focus on one task 100%, push the others aside and complete it before taking on the next one. So you will no longer return to it and really enjoy the result.

Use the Balance of personal and business goals checklist to clearly focus on a specific task in one period of time and at the same time harmoniously develop the main areas of life (health, relationships, business, leisure).

4. Finally say goodbye to perfectionism.

If you strive to polish everything to a “perfect” state, then this may be the reason that you fail to complete many things. Striving for perfection can be quite dangerous because you never feel like you're good enough.

If you set the bar at an inhuman level, then your self-esteem will decrease, even if your results are very good.

Draw a clear line between a job well done and trying to achieve some kind of ideal. You can complete a task while still doubting its perfection, but the important thing is that you're done! And if you understand that you could do it better, then see the situation as an opportunity to learn and receive valuable feedback that you can use in the future.

5. Set goals, but be flexible.

There are times when the projects and things that you want to complete, for some reason, do not lead you anywhere. Your interests pull you in one direction, then in the other ... Do not worry. This period will pass , and you will find a way to combine your disparate interests, which will lead you to a single and whole result. The Checklist "Balance personal and business goals" will also help you prioritize during each day and focus on the main thing .

However, there are times when it is better to reverse course rather than finish what you started. For example, Mark Zuckerberg left college to create Facebook. Therefore, if you have a real opportunity to make a breakthrough, feel free to change the route without completing what was started. Because life also has its own plans, which are often better than ours;)

By learning to always finish what you start, you will no longer make long lists of unfinished tasks. You will no longer be constrained by the feeling of something unfinished and pulling back - in return, it will come with ease, confidence in your actions and satisfaction with the results obtained. Agree, it's worth it to start applying these tips in your life and cross off unfinished business one by one from the waiting list.


About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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