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5 Things to STOP doing before 2020 Ends

End this year with a BANGER!

By Mark SmithPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
5 Things to STOP doing before 2020 Ends
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As of writing its December 13th 2020 and we are only a few short weeks until the new year hits and we wrap up this tumultuous chaotic year. A year of uncertainty for the future, people losing their lives, unemployment rates at a all time high, businesses being shut down, protests, riots and the questionable outcome of the lastest election. But honestly, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

In the past 9 months we have seen the world dramatically change right before our very sight, people can't go places without a mask, it definitely feels like a different atomsphere, alot of people are on edge and filled with hostility. 2020 will go down in the history books as the year that change happened, whether you look at it in a positive way or negative way. Things will not go back to what it was before and thats a harsh reality that we all have to come to terms with.

However, there are 5 things you can do right now or things to stop doing before January 1st 2021. Lets start focusing on our lives again:

1. Stop being negative all the time

By Francisco Moreno on Unsplash

Face it, life is too short and unpredictable to stay being negative 24/7. I get it whats going on currently in the world, its hard more than ever to be positive. We all lost loved ones, we all been fired or layed off from that job that supported our living, we all been battling through addiction and things not going in our favor. We've all had to struggle but that doesn't mean your life is over, these tradegies are actually happening to grow you and to give you the strength you need to overcome these trials and tribulations. So instead of always focusing on the negative, turn your attention to the positives that are currently happening. But always maintain a level of optimism.

2. Let go of the past, forgive youself!

By Lucian Andrei on Unsplash

There are things from your past that you are still holding onto, you have not unpacked the dirty laundry of you're trauma. Throughout 2020 I was really looking into my past traumas that would plague my teenage years and post high school years. My past was really holding me back from accepting and loving myself, I've been hurt alot in my life and I've faced so much rejection to a point where I became isolated from others. I was letting it destroy my self-confidence and therefore I was unable to experience real change because I wasn't ready to let go. This is what is required of you to do if you want to see the grass greener on the other side. People that you have hurt may not forgive you but it's important that whatever terrible mistakes you made in the past, you have to forgive yourself and come to terms that this trauma I faced does not define me. When you forgive you and let go, you are taking the 1st step to a new you.

3. Stop watching too much Television

By Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The average person sits in front of the TV and watches their favorite cartoon or favorite sitcom upon hours and hours weekly let alone for even a day! In 2017, an average U.S. consumer spent 238 minutes (3h 58 min) daily watching TV. According to a Nielsen report, Unites States adults are watching five hours and four minutes of television per day on average 35.5 hours weekly, slightly more than 77 days per year. The TV has been proven to be a distraction for most of us who have lives to live and get important stuff done. In those 3 hours instead of watching reruns of Law and Order (my favorite show, by the way) utilize that time to read a couple self-help books, draw, cook a new dish, walk your dog at the park or meditate for soundness of mind. Most Americans have a daily habit of turning on the news, CNN or FOX news and the information being fed to your brain is very negative. Watching the news can actually become mentally exhausting for you if you keep absorbing all the bad press. Learn to detox from the tv screens at least for 30 days to give your brain time to air out all the toxicity it has conjured up. Maybe for an hour a day or less use your down time to turn on your favorite sitcom or favorite movie. I learned the hard way by watching the tv for 3 hours, more specifically if you are a WWE fan, you know as well as I do those shows sometimes elaspses over 3 hours! It can drain your energy and keep you stuck on overload.

4. Stop Caring about other people's opinion

Everybody has one.

First of all, understand no matter what someones input of you is, opinions are just attitudes or judgements that can't be proven right or wrong. There is no undeniable truth to what someone says about you. It's someones own perception that they have made up in their mind about you because its either they're too afraid to know the real you or they have gotten their perception of you from someone elses own mouth. When it comes to being a big shot in movies & the entertainment industry, you don't think some of the all time great actors/actresses get harshly critiqued by movie critics after every release of the film they starred in? Heck yeah they do, cause deep down that chit chat going on is the reason why these pros get better at there craft. If Kobe let all the hate and opinions sway him of being a legendary basketball player, he wouldn't be the player that he later morphed into long before his passing. We wouldn't be saying "Kobe!" everytime we shot a free throw to the net. Don't let the opinions of others convince you that this is a fact about me. If someone calls you fat and you know how silly that sounds it's because well, theres no fat around your abdominals, you have a flat stomach so you naturally would not even entertain the idea of you being fat cause its simply not true. Opinions don't have a right or wrong. There's no factual evidence that backs up that person's claim about you. Stop caring.

5. Stop putting your life on hold

By Jordan Opel on Unsplash

I'm gonna be honest in the final paragraph of this story, if you are still putting your precious life on hold for any unknown reason at this stage, someone with some sense needs to slap you upside your head or dump a bucket of cold water on you to wake up. Your time is now to become the best version of yourself and to realize your full potential. This is your time to free yourself from the box of norms and conditioning that has restricted your growth and progression. Alot of us have been letting this pandemic put our own life on hold, well now its time to start charging this pandemic for a mighty holding fee cause that all stops today. In order for us to overcome this difficult war, we must take control and finally be in the driving seat. Lets end 2020 with a banger! And march into 2021 with a reinvention.

Thanks for reading and blessings to you! add a heart and a tip if you would like.


About the Creator

Mark Smith

Youtuber, Podcaster, Blogger, Freelancer Writer & Putting the Lord 1st

Your attitude towards life is what's going to be life's attitude towards you.

Nature heals the soul.

I don't walk with the crowd, I walk solo dolo.


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