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5 Things the Media Hasn't Told You About Life Lessons

You have to be brave enough to suck a little bit first.

By Noorain HassanPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Ekrulila on Unsplash

You’re walking down a subway and see many different kinds of people—some holding their laptop bags to the chest and some listening to the songs zoning out. You try to figure out if any of them are successful in their lives, but you cannot.

In reality, successful people never label themselves as successful. They’re like normal human beings. You sit in front of someone who survived a family dysfunction, and you might not know.

Theory of successful people

A similar case happened with Vitalik Buterin, who bought 25,000 worth of bitcoin tokens and saved them in his wallet. The moment he tries to talk someone to buy Bitcoins as it's the future, they used to slam shut him. He stopped saying that he’s going to be a future millionaire, and yet he is today.

That's because successful people have all the knowledge, but they never share it with anyone. The reason? A guy who never studied astrophysics will know the circulation of the lunar eclipse. A person who has never been a bartender would never know about mixing flavors.

Similarly, successful people don't talk about what makes them successful. They hide it all. And it's for a reason.

Let's talk about 5 great things about successful people you won’t hear them say.

1. Appreciating luck that made them successful

Elon musk used to repair cars. At that time in 1900, repairing a car seemed a fair job. He later founded Tesla — one of the richest electric vehicle companies in the world.

Now talking about the 2021 era, all those working as virtual assistants and copywriters aren't valued so much today. Compared with how Elon musk made a fate out of his work, no job is low.

When we start low in our jobs, it's time for us to test our waters. See if we can one day make our own organization and start something new. The chance you get here without the risk factor is something most people don't get. Yet, they bankrupt themselves because they never knew what steps to take.

Suppose you’re a copywriter now; it's your chance to see how you fit in this position. This way, you analyze how many projects you can handle at the moment.

This trick explains how you can leverage your risk factor while working for someone and carving out a dream from it. It's always someone who helps you grow, someone who gives you opportunities.

Often times you build the opportunities by yourself.

2. Validity the process takes

Most people who want success earlier visit fortune tellers and palmist. The eager people get to know what will happen ahead of their life.

A palmist and fortune teller would tell you these things:

  • You'll be successful between 2–5 years
  • Your palmist say you’ll suffer a great deal of defeat from your family

The point is, if anybody can change your future, it is you. If you can change your future, why is there a need to consult people who make you believe in overlooking the odds that are coming in between your success?

There isn't. Being the number 1 in the world requires patience. Price comes with patience. Everything in this world moves promptly. It might take 2–3 years to get successful, but it will come.

Honestly, there’s absolutely so much fun in waking up every day and walking yourself to the successful zone. Patience is always the key to make yourself successful and design your future.

The first step to change your future is to make it first.

3. Humans never came with a manual

Change is only a 6 letter word but almost versatile to mean anything. Human beings change, evolve but little from the mind and more from the body.

What we need here is a change from mentality. Because human beings never came with a manual, to change us or not to change lies in our hands.

All those people who got successful change their routines. It's not like they followed a strict outlook on life on never meeting friends, only eating avocados and exercising every day, but they become responsible for every act they did.

Even if they go to a party, they will come home year to finish their left off work. When they knew they have to go running some errands, they completed their work before time runs out.

Change your life in a matter where we become responsible for our actions. Change yourself how it suits you and makes you one step closer to meet your goals.

Note that change always mean starving yourself to death but molding yourself to reach the goals.

4. How it’s a journey from can’t to can

Ticks are a popular notion amongst human beings.

One thing that all of us have in common is saying negative things.

By saying this, we step away from good opportunities knocking on our doors. How about if we change every negative word to a positive word?

What would it change? Would it only make our schedule busier than it already is? Remember that successful are those people who learn in every stage of their lives. Saying “Yes” and later decide if sacrificing your time is really worth the effort is another thing, but saying yes is all it matters.

David Olsen says in his book “The Big Book of Words You Should Know”:

“What if I tell you you can be an astronaut and an artist. Your first instinct would be, I've got no training at all. Fair enough. But what if I tell you that if you train your mind to be an artist for 30 days straight, you can become a painter. It's all the tricks of the mind, and how to cage it is important.”

5. How short term actions can make you successful

Sound fake, right? But is not.

Successful people are guilty of hiding what they knew could have made themselves successful if they chose a different path. They know all those short tricks that could make you successful in the long term. Some are:

  • Managing time properly
  • Looking out for new opportunities
  • Always being positive
  • Doing side hustles
  • Learning, learning, and learning

The problem is everything works differently for everyone. If it works for you means that you don't have to step short, you’ve to keep learning and moving ahead in your life. Success isn't a one-time cake; it is a cake you can eat possible every day for the year if you know how to make it.

Final thoughts:

Always start with making yourself upgraded along with the time.

Greatness does not happen overnight. You have to keep embracing the growing edges and choose to allow yourself the space to learn.

When trying something new in your life, embrace the space between where you are and where you want to be.

Take some time from your schedule and get et to learn about who you are. Securing new skills and knowledge can lead to amazing destinations and success beyond your wildest dreams.

You have to be brave enough to suck a little bit first.


This article is published elsewhere under a different title.


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