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5. The rollercoaster stage of manifestation.

By G13.

By G13Published 3 years ago 12 min read
5. The rollercoaster stage of manifestation.
Photo by oran storm on Unsplash

Life is like a rollercoaster in away, it is full of exciting twists and turns, it is full of mystery because it is impossible to know exactly what lies ahead of us. With the right mindset, this can be very exciting. However, it is imperative that we also learn how to haul ass continually. The influence of the number 5 is to make us aware that a change is about to manifest into your life. We have two options, we can either open ourselves up to change and embrace it or alternatively, we can choose to fear it, which will not accomplish anything. The transition of Change is essential for us to grow mentally, physically as well as spiritually. 5 is a confident sign of support that we should take each day as it comes, step by step. When we seek help in healing from the Universe our guardian angel will appear, to provide us with insight and wisdom. This, in turn, allows us to not fear the future but instead, it prepares us for new blissful adventures. Our guardian Angel will act as a navigation system in order for our moral compass to work efficiently. Their guidance helps us to find our way in confusing and turbulent times, by communicating the essence of good health and vitality.

5 enables us to understand more about the essence of our Spiritual awakening and enlightenment, associated with personal freedom. It represents self-love, independence, and self-confidence. Stay positive, even amid trials, obstacles, and temptations. Don’t give up and ask for help when you need it. 5 is all about love as a way of life, a divine quality humankind cannot avoid and which will manifest in our lives in one way or another, it is an unstoppable force that cannot be reckoned with. Remember the two-way system of communication, keep your energy and aura functioning at a high vibration and you will be protected from all heartbreak.

If we want to call upon and understand our deepest aspirations and desires we first need to manifest them through the Law of Attraction. We can achieve this by consciously calling forth what our heart truly seeks. We can only accomplish this through intentional focus and awareness. Time to choose your frequency and vibration. If we learn to elevate our emotional state this will inevitably attract the people, opportunities, and situations that will align us with our purpose in life. The Law of Attraction and Manifestation is when we can take necessary forward-moving steps in making our ideas, dreams, goals, or visions step forth onto the external energy grid. This transmutation process will result in a physical equivalent of what you desired. In other words, your energy attracts that of the same frequency. When you vibe high you naturally elevate your emotional states of happiness, joy, love, and freedom.

In order for us to learn to reconnect to our intuitive guidance, we need to first get an assertive and precise vision of what we truly seek in our lives. A purposeful goal will create a strong foundation for the manifestation process. If you don't take the time to set aside commitment and time to chase your dreams you will become easily distracted and will experience an overwhelmed state of affairs. Former U.S.A President JFK said, ”Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction”. When you dare to dream big and aim for your goals to be bigger than yourself, you automatically invite in the power of the laws of The Universe, which will, in turn, empower you through all obstacles you will face on your journey. Meditate and reflect upon your heart's desires. Ask yourself where the underlying motivation behind them stems from? Is it to aid in the evolution of humanity, or is it solely to make money so you may gain status and power.

When you show up to meditate on a daily basis you will start to see a pattern emerge in your thoughts. If your doubts, fears, to-do list, drama, guilt, and shame are showing up, again and again, it’s time to release those thoughts so they don’t subconsciously deflect your desires. Again put pen to paper. This is what we refer to as journaling. It is considered a highly effective way to reveal, release, and resolve unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Ask your emotions or unhelpful thoughts what purpose they serve and write the answer in your journal. Ask them why they are there, who taught you to feel this way, and what they really want to say to you. Allow enough time for honest reflection by creating a quiet space where you can be alone. You can burn the page after writing so no one sees your highly personal thoughts. This will bring the unhelpful thoughts to your conscious attention so that you can release them from your energy and refocus on your manifestation goal.

The second step is to create a clear-cut plan for the attainment of your desire in the manifestation process. We need to discover who we are deep inside, we need to acknowledge and practice systems that will keep our spirits lifted, our vibration high, and our faith strong. Remember the answer is found in what makes you smile with ease. You need to create a definite plan for the attainment of your desire and take action on that plan immediately, not starting next week but right now. The plan will definitely change course along the way, and that’s okay too, remember to seek the lesson and to keep moving.

A daily goal would be for us to create a schedule and follow through with our routine of choice. This will aid in us pushing ourselves to complete an energy transfer before we rest. It will also teach us how to stay focused. Essentially we are planting a goal (seed) into our subconscious mind and watering it and allowing it to grow through daily awareness and action. It is now time and for you to write down what you intend to manifest. Read your affirmation out loud on a daily for best results. This technique will train your subconscious mind to focus on creating, and therefore, make your stated reality your actual reality. Your subconscious mind will respond by attracting mindsets, people, and opportunities aligned with your goal. Remember the power of Meditation, visualize your goal in your mind's eye, take deep breathes. Your mind may wander but by applying awareness you can gently bring your thoughts back to your aspirations.

The final stage is round 3, which allows the process of detachment, by practicing patience and by placing trust in youself. You must create space for divine timing to align the opportunities needed to present themselves to you so you can successfully live your dream. Don't doubt yourself, don't let fear keep you down if you fall, everything is possible. Don't go to your grave with regret without even trying. Commitment and focus will equate to the Universe sending loving energy back your way to match your frequency. Consistently move forward, no matter what. I will always send my love to a heart willing to receive.

Stay centered, your heart will reveal the truth as your answer. I hope the unfoldment of my words will have a positive impact on all the stubborn hearts of the world, you too are worth saving. Remember the healthier your body is, the easier it is for you to manifest what you want in this reality. Create your own future, you are the author. Don’t lose yourself to fit into anyone else life. Your bad days are coming to an end, a new chapter full of love, light, and success is awaiting. Are you ready for a life change? If so lose the attitude that you have to explain yourself to people who can't understand you. You and your reality are one, you only need to understand your own magic. When you change your way of thinking, everything changes, your thoughts, your lifestyle, your gratitude. I write to inspire you to find your true self. It's good to remember that you are not a physical universe, but a non-physical consciousness vibrating at a certain frequency.

Time to take stock of what you have achieved in your life so far, when we choose to focus on our accomplishments, we attract more stability and power into our lives. Like the wise owl, we need to cultivate a razor-sharp vision that sees through people's bullshit. Having your shit together is attractive, mindset right, it means you have conviction. It means you know what you want and don't want, determination over complacency every time. Our consumer-driven culture has given us an abundance of choices. But we all know that with great decisions comes great responsibility, being able to live how you want and in the way that you want is an immense liberation of one's freedom. This includes our choices in our personal relationships, employment, social situations. We should all be constantly reflecting on what makes us feel peace and joy in our hearts.

It is now time to Pray for guidance and insight, and for us to practice mindfulness so we may receive the answers we seek. Love is the higher realm we all seek, do what excites you, try things that naturally make you smile, the world will open up theme parks for you to discover new fun interests and opportunities, create space to play and enjoy. Embrace the unknown and be open to your life surprising you. All of our lives up until this point has been continuously been bombarded with stimuli seeking the attention of your mind. Daily Meditation will allow your awareness to flourish. Trust your intuition. Trust your journey.

We are part human so worries will always try and surface, when this happens ask your Guardian Angel for celestial confirmation for a favorable solution as quickly as possible. I prayed to my Guardian Angel Chavakhiah, I feel the deposits of Divine Grace deep within my soul, my return of unity has begun, my path has to lead to the reunification by bringing Love and Forgiveness forth. The world can only heal when it decides to foster reconciliation and invite moral regeneration as a source of transcendence. Life is eternal after all, trust the timing, there is no need to rush, there is only a desire to become aware and the vision will draw you. Learning to calm your mind and thoughts will allow us to practice patience.

When we finally choose to love ourselves, our heart and mind will pick up clearly the abundance of signs from the Universe, when the why is clear, the how opens up into all areas of life, through your conversations, in music you listen to, even in the clouds, and in the night sky. When we meditate we call upon our Inner Teachers. They are the members of your Spiritual Family who have graduated from learning in the physical reality assisting those who remain behind so that your Spiritual Family may move forward by supporting your spiritual development by communicating to you through the Mental Environment. They will send you signs and messages to you to help you though you may not hear much of what they have to offer, that will come in time as your mind settles down.

My journey will not stop here, my love is still coming to all. The hope is to lay a solid foundation for the seeds to germinate now. I'll come back when the timing is perfect. I pray that we all can reflect on all experiences of life that trigger us. You may say you want true love, if this is true then all your walls need to come down. Self-imprisonment can also be having money in abundance but using it as an excuse to shield yourself from ever opening your heart fully. This is but a fear, to think people are only interested in your money and not the real you, that's your mindset. Instead to fall in love with your own beautiful mind will move mountains and bring you into an expansive space of creativity, harmony, and balance. Some people genuinely have a heart of gold. I will continue to pray that we all accept the quest for self-liberation. We are our own responsibility, meditate and pray for guidance when you are having trouble deciphering messages.

Your Spiritual Family is with you right here and now, allow yourself to experience the spiritual presence, you are worthy. Pay attention and become aware of the patterns. Finding your passion is like resurrecting your soul that once was buried alive under the needs of others and never your own. Like the phoenix, you will rise as your authentic true self. Klaus Joehle a metaphysical author poetically said, “The Universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen”.

We are all whole and loved, it’s time now to seek our spiritual family. This union will activate ancient wisdom that adds to the mass collective with an aim to contribute to the evolution of human consciousness as a whole. Your purple spiritual circle will always be small here on Earth, but infinite in higher dimensions. Trust and loyalty are paramount to one's devotion to the emergence of the Spirit of the Universe. The time is now the Holy Trinity reigns in a new Golden Age of Love, Hope, and Freedom.

Glow up

The best way we can help humanity,

Is to first help conquer oneself by dissolving the insanity.

Don’t resist; breathe and allow the flow.

When we lead by example, the truth is that others naturally glow.

Most days you are the light that leads the way, you are the best.

Just know others will guide you when it is your time to rest.

Faith and hope reside here as a mighty force,

Rock bottom serves only to teach us valuable lessons to hold close,

That mountain tops of temporary distractions can’t so let’s now toast.

By focusing our awareness on the present moment, we can create space, Consciously clear out all un-serving clutter and embrace.

Deep breaths in the form of inspiration,

Now exhale out all our bad stagnation.

Now with less distraction, our focus is to maintain.

Our glow up shines so brightly, we must sustain.

It is the truest reflection of who we are, let us fly,

Aligning with the Orion and Sirius in the glorious night sky.

Stop replaying past distorted memories in your mind.

And finally, accept that your heart is trying to heal, so be kind.

Take a moment to appreciate the person you have become,

And all the inner work it took to get here, all you had to overcome.

Just when you think something is out of reach,

Grab it with your heart, it’s time to teach.

You were sent here on Earth to initiate and reclaim relationships, to recognize your gift. Before you came into this world, you were not alone, and those who were with you then are with you now. Our Higher Purpose is to recognize and allow our gift to be expressed for the world to see, by shining our own light. After all your soul has undergone a lifelong process of preparation. At a certain stage in your spiritual development, you will be drawn to certain people. A feeling of longing will prevail soon after, you somehow deeply know this person as if from a past life, your mind cannot comprehend this attraction but yet your soul recognizes this strong bond wholeheartedly. Are you ready to receive it? Your inner circle should only bring joy and triumph satisfaction. If this is not the case lose all excess baggage, you have the power. How strongly do you want to change for the better in your life? Your destiny awaits. The time is now to reclaim and initiate your membership of your Spiritual clan. Tyler Kent White an explorer of the human condition once said, “I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world, you will eventually become it”. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, you are loved and an abundance of blessings is coming your way. Open your mind and heart and prepare to receive. Miracles and magic are on route and will transform your life completely from the inside/out. Happy days are well deserved, reap your rewards for finding yourself. Real love is coming, your twin flame is attracted to you.


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