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5 Small Changes That Can Help You Live A Great Life

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By Nitin SharmaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Small Changes That Can Help You Live A Great Life
Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash

We frequently believe that our lives are far more difficult and that we are unable to do anything. As a result, we are really reducing our ability to think.

And we have no idea how to put it into action.

We all have challenges, whether they are related to our health, wealth, family, or anything else.

Instead of all of this, we want to enjoy our lives, and this piece will assist you in doing so.

Big decisions can result in major changes, but sometimes it's the smallest adjustments that lead to a better and more happy life.

And here we are discussing that small adjustment.

Change the way you think

Every decision you make every day shapes your life.

What to study and where to live are important options, but how you spend your money today is more important. We make decisions about what we eat, what we wear, how we work, how we communicate, and how we spend our time.

And, while most of these choices may appear trivial on a small scale, they eventually affect your entire existence.

If you spend your time with poisonous individuals, you will be unhappy.

You will not reach your goals if you waste your time watching the news and reading through social media feeds.

Most of the time, enhancing your life isn't difficult; it's just a question of planning and dedication.

Increase Your Potential

The majority of individuals in our modern society are unaware of their own existence.

They are so preoccupied with hurrying through life, reading through harmful social media feeds, and competing with others that they don't have time to be alone.

However, the unpleasant fact is that you cannot be happy with people if you are not at peace with yourself.

In truth, most individuals dread alone time because they are terrified of confronting their anxieties and thoughts. And, while being alone may seem frightening at first, it is the basis for knowing oneself.

Spend some time alone with yourself. Consider what you're doing, what you'd like to do, and how you want to spend your life.

And everything will be visible.

We frequently sugarcoat reality by dismissing unfavorable ideas. If you wish to break free from the past, you must first examine the events and anxieties that molded your existence.

Don't Be Sad When You Fail

Every person on the planet has the potential to develop. But the majority of us continue to be afraid.

90-95 percent of people never try.

And the remaining 4% keep quitting after failing.

And you know what happens when one percent of the people try.

Don't overthink it; just do what you can. It's okay if you failed. You have another day, another moment, another weekend to begin with more certainty.

Break Down Your Task into Small Chunks

It is not conceivable to earn a five-figure salary in a single day, but it is achievable in a year or two. So, if you want to do anything, don't overcomplicate it. Instead, divide it into smaller pieces.

The sooner you begin, and the more consistency you apply, the less time it takes to burst.

Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos do not always win; in fact, they frequently lose. So, why aren't we succeeding?

Consider this.

Consider Health Before Wealth

The majority of today's life revolves around eating, working, and sleeping. There is nothing more or less.

We all want to make more money and live a better life, yet we are actually shortening our lives by prioritizing wealth above health.

Instead, aim to live a healthier lifestyle.

Every day, combine exercise with meditation. Overthinking, which can contribute to depression, should be avoided.

And strive to finish what you've started.

It is simpler to talk about it, but it is more difficult to work on it.

And, while these minor changes have been the bedrock of my success.

That's it—thank you.


About the Creator

Nitin Sharma

An Engineer, A writer and a Web Developer.

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