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3 Simple Lessons You Can Learn About Patience Through a House Plant

A small house plant may be your key to self-improvement.

By That Psych NerdPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Ever since I was a young child, I’ve always been surrounded by plants. My grandparents had house plants in every room of their house and all over their backyard, from tomato plants and snapdragons to fruit trees like peaches, pears, and plums. My grandmother would spend her days tending to each plant in her care, making sure she nurtured them to thrive.

I never understood her enthusiasm and passion for gardening. Up until this year, I hated anything that had to do with plants. Taking care of them felt like such a worthless, pointless task. With plants, everything took so long to grow. I didn’t have the time nor the patience to care for any plant that would eventually just die on me.

Over the years I would try and miserably fail at caring for house plants. I tried my best but I always seemed to end up with a dead plant. Eventually, I would just give up. I cycled through this pattern numerous times over the past 10 years.

But one day I had a friend bring me a small mint plant as a wedding gift. The poor plant was struggling with some mold growing at the top of the soil and it was having issues draining. Overall, this plant was resting at death’s doorstep. My friend had noted that she had tried to tend to it, but nothing seemed to work.

Immediately I went to work on this plant. I removed the mold and put it in a safe spot where it would get light. Slowly over time, the plant got worse and I noticed it was actively dying. That’s when I decided to do research and nurse it back to health.

I went to Lowe’s the next morning and got a planter pot with holes at the bottom, fertilizer, and fresh soil mix. I replaced the suffering mint plant into its new home and gave it plenty of soil and fertilized it.

After a month I am happy to report that I have a wonderfully thriving mint plant — along with some new additions to the plant family! I can now make a Moscow mule with fresh mint at a moment's notice, and it feels pretty darn great. Presently, my mint plant requires low maintenance because all its needs are met.

Throughout this journey, I noticed some changes in myself. I showed less stress around control, and have gained a level of patience I never thought was obtainable.

I learned 3 simple things that showed me how to live a better life, all centered around patience. We have to be patient with our plants, much like we need to show patience for our current circumstances and future goals.

1. Everything takes time

Nothing happens overnight. Plants grow on their own time, as do humans. When I started caring for plants, I began to view life in the context of how a plant grows: slow and steady.

Over time we all slowly change and morph into the person we are today. And like any plant, we will drop our leaves and form new ones.

Remember that the person you are today will not be the same person you will be in a week, a month or a year. We will never again be the exact person we are today because we are all constantly changing and evolving.

2. Give up control

Plants do their own thing — it’s just how everything works in this universe. I can’t control how I’m perceived by others nor can I fully control if my plants live or die.

There are various outside factors when it comes to caring for a plant. I begin to start controlling every aspect of the plant's care to keep it in tip-top shape, but a bug infestation could demolish my plants, or a big rain could flood them. There really isn’t much I could do to prevent these occurrences.

If we continue to hold on to maintaining control, we are limiting ourselves. Control is based on our resistance to change. Change is a normal part of life that holds the possibility for new experiences.

Embrace change, ditch the control.

3. Appreciate the small things

Whenever I look over my plants, I am filled with excitement at the start of new leaf growth. It is amazing to see all the hard work over the past few weeks finally showing itself.

A plant creating new leaves doesn’t seem like the most memorable thing in the world. But at that moment, I can appreciate and marvel at the fact that I helped keep this plant alive and now it is showing me thanks.

Aside from new leaves, I’ve caught myself being happy over the small things in life that normally wouldn’t have phased me. For example, I truly love the free-growing plants around my neighborhood that thrive on their own without care. They blow my mind and continue to astound me.

When we wrap up the three lessons discussed, we can create a solid foundation of patience. Nowadays we are so caught up in holding on to the now, that we end up not focusing on the potential we truly hold.

Much like my mint plant, I will go through phases of my life where I am less productive, less happy, and less me. But I know that with care and patience, I can get back to being myself.

By understanding patience, I know that no matter how hard I try, I can’t control any outcome. I have to be okay with letting everything take the time it needs, releasing my grip on control, and allowing myself to appreciate what is right in front of me.

The present is here and our future is unique and always evolving, so we have to enjoy the process.



As Originally Posted on Medium

self help

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That Psych Nerd

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