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3 Best Ways to Build Your Creative Skills

Do you believe that creativity is an inborn gift? It's time to change that.

By Syed BalkhiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
3 Best Ways to Build Your Creative Skills
Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash

Do you believe that creativity is something you’re born with? And that if you don’t have a natural creative bent then jobs and hobbies that need you to be creative aren’t for you?

If you do, then it’s time to question that belief and understand that creativity isn’t a trait that you’re either born with or not.

If you’re human, you’re creative. It’s a matter of tapping into a new way of thinking that resonates with you.

In this post, we’ll look at ways that you can build your creativity and add it to your personal life and work.

Take online classes

You can develop and expand your creative abilities with online classes. There are amazing platforms like Skillshare and Udemy where artists share their knowledge and teach you their best tips.

Whether you’re interested in drawing, journaling, content writing, or even coding, you can find online classes to help you. And here’s something interesting: learning to code provides you with another way to showcase your creativity. With code, you can build online tools, programs, or simply automate your everyday tasks. As a result, you’ll find more time to focus on your creative projects.

So, make a commitment to join a course today. And you’ll be surprised at how creative you can be when you have someone guiding your efforts.

Do something every day

People think that writers, artists, and scientists start working only when they get a burst of inspiration.

But the great creatives of history know that the reverse is true: you need to work hard first and then creativity follows.

There’s something about drawing, painting, carving, or writing every day that unleashes more of your unique thoughts and perspectives.

Just like how you have to exercise every day to build your stamina and fitness level in the future, you also need to develop your creative muscles with daily creative practices.

Here are some ideas for you to work on your creativity on a daily basis:

  • Practice freewriting every morning as soon as you wake up
  • Start a journal and write in it every day
  • Draw something every evening
  • Carry a sketchbook and draw something you see during your commute or lunch break
  • Start a blog and post an article daily
  • Share your thoughts and ideas on social media
  • Such simple steps have a powerful impact that’s beyond what you can immediately see. For starters, you’ll become more attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. And if you start sketching or writing about things you see, you also become more attentive to the world around you and feel more present.

    There are also surprising ways that you’ll also start applying creativity to your workplace and home life. But you do have to put in effort every day. In time, you’ll start to see the results.

    Join a community

    You’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with. If you want to get news, updates, ideas, or simply grow as a creative person, then it’s important to hang out with people who feel the same way.

    Fortunately, thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever before to connect with your ‘tribe’.’

    I suggest joining online Facebook groups and forums as well as gated communities where people share their creations and thoughts.

    You’ll get daily inspiration and even updates on when craft and art stores have major sales.

    The best part about joining a creative community is that it becomes easy to practice your creative skills because you’re motivated by the people around you.

    It’s less of a chore and more of a challenge or fun activity when you’re socially connected with others who share the same interests.


    Building your creativity is rewarding and easy to do when you know how to apply yourself in the right direction. I’ve laid out some helpful tips you can follow to start expanding your mind and creative abilities.

    Don’t try to see big changes in your skill level soon, but rather, focus on small and incremental changes over time to really develop your creative skills.


    About the Creator

    Syed Balkhi

    Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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