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12 Business Psychology Books to read in 2022

The 12 best books on business psychology you should read in 2022.

By Muhiuddin AlamPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
12 Business Psychology Books to read in 2022
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Books on the psychology of doing business include Consumer Psychology, Consumer Behavior, Organizational Behaviour, and Bizarre Consumption.

I would like to say about business psychology books for newcomers, first, read books on business psychology, and think more about why the other party chooses you? Give yourself a reason for the other person to choose you.

A good manager will formulate a five-year plan for sustainable development for the nation and practice it seriously.

A good company will formulate short-term and long-term goals for the company's development, and plan ahead to ensure the core competitiveness of the company.

Doing business requires some knowledge of psychology. Read more about the business psychology books. Business psychology is a very hot research field in recent years. Let's learn below.

We will recommend the 12 best business psychology books that you must read in business. Welcome to read!

12 Business Psychology Books to read in 2022

1. Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Hey, when this book first came out, I felt like I had to read it. After I started reading it, it wasn't a pleasant reading experience.

In the end, I finally finished reading it patiently and jumping, and the latter was almost simply driven by the need for closure, rather than being attracted by the book itself.

My biggest question is, who is this book intended for?

For those who do decision-making, the content in it should be quite familiar. The writing style of this book is like a long literature review on Psychological Bulletin (he actually attached two papers at the back of the book!)

In terms of review, I don't think this book provides a good The overall framework provides a high-level summary and grasp of thinking fast and slow. Although the last chapter briefly discusses two selves, icons and humans, and two systems.

- well, for me, the point of interest in reading this kind of book is obviously the gossip after various papers, or the various authors Sharing personal stories.

Probably Kahneman himself is really boring, so the book is also boring. In contrast, Dan Ariely's several books are more lively and interesting.

For the average reader, it is hard for me to imagine that they would read the introduction and results of these experiments with interest.

(Or am I misjudging the general reader's interest in reading?)

I guess it's more useful to the general reader for various implications, and I don't think this book is as useful as Bazerman's Judgment in Managerial Decision Making.

In academic writing communication, I also don't think Kahneman is a good example.

It's like system 1 and system 2, -- is there really no better way to name it?

To be honest, even the names prospect theory and norm theory were puzzling and difficult to understand when I was a student.

Like narrow framing (disposition effect), it really doesn't even make sense.

It can be said that one thousand and ten thousand can't resist the fact that they are academic giants.

I slandered so much, maybe it's all because of my bad taste.

One of my favorites, the five-star paper, is rare, but it's really exciting to read it. There is a piece-by-piece analysis comparable to Indian Buddhism, wide-ranging discussions, and exquisite and just-right empirical evidence. Hey, I really feel like my heart is flying when I read it.

- It's called "getting me high," ha.

2. Redirect

Redirect by Timothy D. Wilson

What if there were a magic pill that could make you happier, turn you into a better parent, solve a number of your teenager's behavior problems, reduce racial prejudice, and close the achievement gap in education?

Well, there is no such magic pill-but there is a new scientifically-based approach called story editing that can accomplish all of this.

It works by redirecting the stories we tell about ourselves and the world around us, with subtle prompts, in ways that lead to lasting change.

In Redirect, world-renowned psychologist Timothy Wilson shows how story-editing works and how you can use it in your everyday life.

The other surprising news is that many existing approaches-from the multi-billion dollar self-help industry to programs that discourage drug use and drinking-don't work at all.

In fact, some even have the opposite effect. Most programs are not adequately tested, many do not work, and some even do harm.

For example, there are programs that have inadvertently made people unhappy, raised the crime rate, increased teen pregnancy, and even hastened people's deaths-in part by failing to redirect people's stories in healthy ways.

In short, Wilson shows us what works, what doesn't, and why. Fascinating, groundbreaking, and practical, Redirect demonstrates the remarkable power small changes can have on the ways we see ourselves and the world around us, and how we can use this in our everyday lives.

In the words of David G. Myers, "With wit and wisdom, Wilson shows us how to spare ourselves worthless (or worse) interventions, think smarter, and live well."

Timothy D. Wilson is the Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. He has written for Science and The New York Times, among other publications and journals, and is the author of Strangers to Ourselves, which was named by New York Times Magazine as one of the Best 100 Ideas of 2002. Wilson is also the co-author of the best-selling social psychology textbook.

3. Drive

Drive by Daniel H. Pink

I knew a few years ago that this book was very popular and it was a bestseller. Today I finally found time to read it and watched the author Ted's video. Overall, I appreciate and support these beautiful ideas and things.

The author's greatest contribution is to explain the theory of self-determination well to the public, especially using some practical examples from enterprises, which increases the persuasiveness of the theory to the public. This book says something about motivation, about being self-motivated.

This book describes three driving forces.

The first level of driving force comes from the urge to survive. Clothes, food, shelter and transportation, food, color, and sex are also human instincts. For most people, finding a first job is often based on first drives.

The second layer of driving force comes from external driving, motivation, KPI evaluation, carrot, and stick, which is also the driving method adopted by most companies; most people may find a suitable company within the scope of the second driving force for life. , a decent job with a good salary, if you give a little incentive, just work harder, if the incentive is not enough, you can grind a foreign worker.

The third type is intrinsically driven and spontaneous. The third drive consists of three elements: autonomy, specialization, and purpose.

It’s important to emphasize what you mean by “purpose”: to transform what you are doing into fun, to be guided by the principle of maximizing interest rather than maximizing profit, and seeing profit as a pleasant by-product of achievement.

Maybe entrepreneurs or people with an entrepreneurial mentality use the third drive to do things. Those who do things with this drive must be the most worthy of cooperation.

Some people are not suitable for starting a business, or because they are still in the first driving force or the second driving force, evaluate yourself correctly.

4. The Invisible Gorilla

The Invisible Gorilla by Christopher Chabris & Daniel Simons

That's just one aspect of this excellent book - the memory illusion. Many psychology-related works or novels may refer to "illusions". Illusions are one of the most interesting things in cognitive psychology, their existence is so common and yet so completely ignored.

As Richard Wiseman, the author of another equally excellent book, The Psychology of the Weird, said, "Illusions affect your life and mine all the time, and reading this book is like experiencing a blood-boiled, but A meaningful trip."

"The Invisible Gorilla" summarizes and analyzes six major illusions:

  • Illusion of Attention
  • Illusion of Memory
  • Illusion of Confidence
  • Illusion of Cause and Effect
  • Illusion of Knowledge
  • Illusion of Potentiality

There is no further introduction to each part because I don't want to spoil the surprise of other readers who haven't read the book in advance. In the process of reading, I always repeat this cycle: I am surprised at the existence of this illusion, and at the same time I have to admit that I am also deceived by the illusion from time to time.

One of the examples mentioned here is something I still believed in before reading this book - the Mozart Illusion of Potentiality. I forgot which report I read. Often listening to Mozart’s music can stimulate the untapped potential of the brain. We always firmly believe that the mysterious brain contains a huge unstimulated potential, so we always chase after swarms. The so-called "brain development" product.

In fact, everyone will become a fool from time to time to be fooled by illusions. This is not terrible, as long as we can admit the existence of daily illusions, be a little more cautious and rational, just like dealing with memories, whether it is our own or someone else’s memory needs to be held A certain attitude of skepticism, and in important cases, it is necessary to verify to avoid mistakes.

5. Strangers to Ourselves

Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy D. Wilson

We think that we like a person because of his uniqueness, and only after we break up do we realize that there is no "uniqueness" in love; The job we do is not necessarily what we are good at;

we think that with a house, a car, and money, we are successful people, and we will gain peace and happiness, but when we have all these things, we are inexplicably lost and empty.

These unexpected situations occur only because our true selves, our ideal selves, and our selves in the eyes of others are not a unified image.

We want to live according to our ideal self, but we are often limited or criticized by our true self and the self in the eyes of others; we want to accept our true self and arrange life according to our own abilities, but we cannot let go of our inner desires and social values.

When these three selves collide, people are like prisoners in a car split, being torn apart by forces from different directions in the south, east, and northwest.

Timothy Wilson, a famous American psychologist, pointed out in "The Most Familiar Stranger: A Journey of Self-Cognition and Potential Discovery" that the reason why people are constantly entangled and not knowing how to make a choice is that they lack a true understanding of themselves.

Jasmine said, how do you know that you are not, I used to think I was not either, but then I realized that I didn't dare to face it, and I didn't have the courage. Obviously, we are often not the kind of people we think we are.

So how do you know exactly whether you are or not? Wilson says there is no other way than to dig deep into your subconscious mind to uncover your true motives, feelings, and thoughts.

6. How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

In my senior year, my reading habits benefited a lot from Gillian. He said that when reading a book, half of the energy is spent thinking about these questions: Who is this author? What has he done? For what purpose does the author write this book? How is its reliability?

Carnegie was not a philosopher, he was a successful scientist, an adult education expert. To put it bluntly, the work he did at that time was similar to that of a lecturer hired outside the company to train new employees.

I also went to Google to find some information about him. I think the achievements he has made are too exaggerated. In my opinion, he just did his best work in the industry when adult education was not well-established, and at the same time he had his own uniqueness in this area, and then wrote it into a book.

The book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People. Carnegie's purpose for writing this book is clearly stated in the preface: "I know what those adults want (the ability to deal with people). But the book they need has never been written."

At the same time, he also made it clear that this book is not a rational lecture, but teaches you how to do it. "This is an action book"

There is very little truth in the whole book, most of which are some cases or stories. Two are the most impressive, one is a letter Lincoln wrote to Meade at the height of the Civil War, and the other is Roosevelt calling a neighbor to ask her to see bobwhite.

There are detailed details in the book, so I won't repeat them here. I find these detailed stories taken from great men to be more convincing. That's the reason those great people are great.

Books are good books, not cryptic or flashy. Recommend to everyone.

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Muhiuddin Alam

I'm Muhiuddin Alam, a blogger and content writer. Explore book recommendations and reviews of fiction, novels, and nonfiction on your trusted site & Geek Book

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    Muhiuddin AlamWritten by Muhiuddin Alam

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