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10 Quotes To Encourage You To Remove Toxic People From Your Life

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"A lot of the happiness or unhappiness in your life is a result of the people you’re surrounding yourself with. So develop the courage to let go of toxic people." – Karen Salmansohnn

When we think of the word "toxic", we straight away think of something poisonous. Toxic entities can be something chemical, biological, physical, or radiation, any of which have the potential to cause us harm, sickness, disease, or potentially death. Whilst these entities can inflict such damage to us, they aren't the only things on this Earth that are toxic. In fact, we are exposed to toxicity every single day, and many of us aren't even aware of it. We only need to scroll further down on the definition of toxic, to reveal that it's also classed as something that is very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. It's not hard to put two and two together to realize that this "something", that the definition refers to, that is very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way, is in fact humans themselves. That's correct, humans can indeed be toxic and poisonous, and sadly, many individuals around the world, indeed are. So what constitutes someone to be toxic? Are we perhaps toxic ourselves, and don't even realize it? A toxic person possesses many negative and morally destructive behaviors, characteristics, views, and qualities. They are perhaps abusive, unsupportive, intimidating, controlling, emotion sapping, envious, excessively defensive, unaccountable, gossipers, narcissistic, selfish, needy, intolerant, and pessimistic. You will often find these people love to play the victim in various circumstances and situations, to make themselves the center of attention, in a bid to seek sympathy from others. They never shoulder the responsibility for their actions or their mistakes, instead, they always seek to pass blame and make other people feel guilty instead. They delight in playing with people's emotions, with the intention to inflict some form of harm on them, be it physically or mentally, and then show no signs of remorse in doing so. They prey on the mindset of others, always attempting to manipulate and influence others to believe what they believe, and do what they want them to do. It's all these behaviors, characteristics, views, and qualities, that a toxic person possesses, which can have a devastating effect on our life. The worst part to this though, is that many of these toxic people are our own friends and loved ones.

So how can these toxic people create such destruction to our life? As they love to play on emotions, it's easy to be made to feel responsible and guilty for our decisions and actions, and how we are perhaps inconveniencing others, or letting them down. They will use emotion to make us feel compassion and sympathy for them, and especially when it's our own partner, friends, family, or any other loved ones, we tend to feel compelled to follow their wishes, and cave in to their requests. We don't want to impact the relationship we have with these important people in our life, after all. In doing so though, we find ourselves sacrificing our own happiness and goals, and that's where it becomes destructive to us. We would assume that our partner, our parents, our friends, and other loved ones, will always be there to support us, and have our best interest and welfare at heart, but sadly, this is quite often not the case. No matter who the person is, it's a typical human behavior that people try to manipulate others to adopt their same views and beliefs, and try to influence other people to live their life suited to pleasing them, meeting their needs and agenda, rather than what's actually best for that individual themselves. In order to create success and happiness for ourselves, as well as achieving the goals we desire, it's important that we follow our own heart and instinct, and that we undertake the path that we believe is what is right for us. To do so, we are going to frustrate and annoy people in the process, because we are not pleasing them, or meeting their needs, but that's not our problem. Everyone is responsible for their own success and happiness in life. Even a relationship isn't about pleasing eachother, it's about supporting, loving, caring, and trusting one another, along with open communication and compromise.

In order to achieve success, and to achieve our goals, it's imperative that we maintain focus on what we desire to achieve, that we remind positive minded, and we are constantly believing in ourselves and our ability. We need to surround ourselves with like minded individuals, those who are goals driven and positive minded themselves, and those who provide support, inspiration and encouragement. Anyone who tries to belittle us and our ambitions, and who try to make us feel guilty for our decisions and actions, are not the people we should be dedicating our time to. Anyone who tries to control us, or use emotion manipulation to influence us, are also not the people we should be dedicating our time to. The simple rule is, if anyone is making you feel bad, unhappy, guilty, or who are constantly putting you down, criticizing you, or mocking you, or who are constantly negative and pessimistic, then they are toxic to your life and your future. If you can remove them from your life, such as your so called friends, or your so called loving partner, then remove them. If these toxic people are family, then isolate yourself from them, completely minimize the time you spend with them, and disengage from conversation with them. It may take some courage and will power, but it's crucial to do so. Here are 10 quotes to encourage you to remove the toxic people, who are hampering your attempt at happiness and success in life.

1.- "A lot of the happiness or unhappiness in your life is a result of the people you’re surrounding yourself with. So develop the courage to let go of toxic people."

- Karen Salmansohnn

2.- “Stack all the rocks you want, but if you don't let go of the toxic people and behaviors in your life, nothing will change.”

- Steve Maraboli

3.- “As important as it is to learn how to deal with different kinds of people, truly toxic people will never be worth your time and energy – and they take a lot of each. Toxic people create unnecessary complexity, strife, and, worst of all, stress.”

- Travis Bradberry

4.- “Toxic people don't like it when others see through them, so they'll do all they can to make everyone else look like a monster.”

- Nitya Prakash

5.- “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.”

- John Mark Green

6.- “Toxic people choose to judge you and treat you bad, based on their assumptions and perceptions they have about you, not based on what you did or said. You will defend yourself to people whom you will never be right. It is not what you did, but it is what they think of you.”

- DJ Kyos

7.- “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.”

- Lalah Delia

8.- “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.”

- Christian Baloga

9.- “We all have that toxic people around us that make our lives miserable... The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people; including them...”

- Rodolfo Peon

10.- "Know your worth and please don't invest in toxic people or relationships, because any bond that requires servicing is not worth your time."

- Masaba Gupta

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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