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What happens when you take Testosterone?

What does taking testosterone supplements do to men?

By ScrewPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Testosterone is a hormone that creates a man and promotes the development of his male characteristics. After the age of 30, testosterone levels begin to decline by about 1% every year. While testosterone production normally falls beyond the age of 30, some men might experience it as early as their twenties as a result of stress and frequent exposure to higher quantities of pollutants and chemicals. Worse, the leftover testosterone becomes more linked to other chemicals in the body, rendering it inactive.

According to Male Infertility Guide, low testosterone levels are frequently associated with erectile dysfunction, reduced testicle size and sperm production, increased breast size, lack of sexual drive, and infertility. Some of the more subtle symptoms are hair loss, seeming fatigued or lack of energy, and weight gain.

Low testosterone occurs when a person's testosterone levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). According to the FDA, the normal range should be between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. To accurately diagnose it, doctors will use a blood test called a serum testosterone test, which can identify the quantity of circulating testosterone at any given time.

Dr Mulingonde Jimmy Amsini, South Africa believes that if you have an XY chromosome and at six weeks you got a y chromosome the sry gene encodes a sry protein which changes the gonads, the sry protein causes the pre-ovaries to drop into the testes, and the labia to fuse into the scrotum creating that line of tissue on the ball sack and the clitoris grows into a penis so yes at first we all kind of had vaginas then if the sry gene kicked in, you started to grow testes and started to produce testosterone but there are exclusions because human sex is complicated. You can have XY chromosomes and can appear female with a vagina but have testes internally due to conditions along chemical pathways that happen after six weeks in the fetus. This is known as being intersex.

If you are XY, the production of testosterone will begin to change your life as your pituitary gland will release a hormone called GnRH which will stimulate the production of testosterone in the testes. The GnRH hormone is decreased during childhood but when a person with testes starts to go through puberty around the ages of 9-14, their GnRH hormones emergency spike again and things start to change. The first signs of puberty are increased testicles size and releasing more testosterone; the increase in testosterone is what causes masculinization of boys-their voice lowers; they grow body hair; start producing sperm after puberty; and the testes contain continued production of testosterone which is important for maintaining bone density, fat distribution muscles strength facial hair growth sex drive and continued sperm production as a feedback loop in the body regulates the amount of testosterone that flows through your blood. If testosterone gets too high a signal sent to the pituitary gland decreases hormones which diminishes testosterone levels for this reason testosterone levels can vary quite a bit throughout your life but also vary quite a bit throughout the day. This is one reason why it can be so hard to Define normal levels of testosterone. So many men are now playing with their endocrine systems by adding testosterone supplementation to their bodies first. The most common reason for the supplementation of testosterone in older men is hypogonadism or Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome which is common in ageing men but not many people talk about it when women go through periods.

In 2020, the FDA adds that there is no one cure for low testosterone. However, consistent hormone replacement therapy can raise sex desire, lessen depressive symptoms, and boost energy levels in many adults assigned male at birth (AMAB) who have low testosterone. Treatment could also result in an increase in bone density and muscle mass.


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