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Learn how to Truly Love

Compromising with Being in Love

By rodjrsusu4388 private/ R O D JR and the datePublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Being in LOVE is very hard work

All through my life, I have experienced all my friends getting divorced because they will not compromise when married, and supposedly they were in love, but it was just lust, and not under god, according to the marriage vows that the couple is supposed to be under God and in love, you break that contract you hurt yourself until you find real true love if, you find true love.

When you meet a friend and they have a very good heart, you try to stay friends for life, or for a very long time.

In the spirit of friendship or with a loving heart, trying to help becomes a pleasure to make the friendship grow as much as possible because it makes you feel great to help someone out, or to fix something just to get a smile every time you do something that makes you both feel great.

Love is the hardest task to master and some are still trying to master the job, like a stay at home Mom or Dad, is the hardest job in the world to attempt to do and still stay sain and healthy, a few seconds of WOW and a lifetime of work to help prepare a little person to try to take on the world without going crazy or driving someone else crazy, also trying to teach the difference between lust and love, what a conversation for life, in general, to attempt to talk to a kid about, without causing laughter or joking, a baby's life is a terrible thing to waste or give away.

If you attempt to stay nice and help others, God's love will find you in love's sweet time. Love will be worth it all, when love comes around, try to handle love as gently as possible.

When you are an adult, you should try to Lead by example, by showing the way for your kids as they mature and grow older, this makes it easier for them to trust you, and to do as you do, or monkey see monkey do, little kids do copy everything, when you get too old they will help you, out of respect for you, not abandon you as some do, do the job correctly under God and the kids will not leave you all alone. Show your kids you have a Godly heart, and we might just survive all of this heartache.

I do not have kids, but I can be a great babysitter until I get too old to babysit, but I still have plenty of heart to go around for everybody for now.

Try to continue to believe in Gods love, God does lead you to the correct path, sometimes that path is horrifying, but it is the correct path that you learn to grow while you are on that path, and when you're to go on that path, to help the world by example, to show us the way, little things do mean a great deal in this very big beautifully designed world, God did make the world, so appreciate the world, the world will support us at all times if you know where to look for the support, to get, or find the support. Please do you’re best. Sometimes life can seem like insurmountable odds, where you are not headed anywhere, but then all of a sudden the big fat problem just goes away, no more massive problem, then oh my gosh life just got better for all of us, sometimes a little bit of faith and love goes a long way, Sometimes a little bit of faith and love helps mend disbelief in each other, then your love is always going to be everlasting.

R O D JR 7/1/2023

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About the Creator

rodjrsusu4388 private/ R O D JR and the date

I want to please the people and spread new hope now, by giving innovative ideas to improve people's lives, while improving my own life in the process.

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