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My Battle with Lupus Hair Loss

By Maria Raven

By CureZonePublished about a year ago 4 min read

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects different parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart and lungs. One of the common symptoms of lupus is hair loss or alopecia. This is my story of how I dealt with lupus hair loss and how I learned to love myself again.

I was diagnosed with lupus when I was 18 years old. It was a shock to me and my family, as we had no history of autoimmune diseases. I had been feeling tired, achy and feverish for months, but I thought it was just stress from school and work. Then one day, I noticed a butterfly-shaped rash on my face and some red patches on my scalp. I went to see a doctor and he ran some tests. He told me I had lupus and that I needed to start treatment right away.

I was scared and confused. What was lupus? How did I get it? What would it do to me? The doctor explained that lupus was a disease where the immune system attacks healthy tissues, causing inflammation and damage. He said that there was no cure for lupus, but there were medications that could help control the symptoms and prevent complications. He prescribed me some anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and antimalarials. He also told me to avoid sun exposure, stress and infections.

I started taking the medications and hoped for the best. But soon, I noticed another symptom of lupus: hair loss. At first, it was just a few strands here and there. But then it became more noticeable. I started seeing clumps of hair on my pillow, in the shower and on my brush. My hairline started receding and my scalp became visible. I felt like I was losing a part of myself.

I tried to hide my hair loss with hats, scarves and headbands. But they only made me feel more self-conscious and uncomfortable. I felt ugly and unattractive. I avoided looking at myself in the mirror or taking pictures. I stopped going out with my friends or dating. I isolated myself from the world.

I was depressed and angry. Why did this happen to me? Why did I have to lose my hair? Why did I have to suffer from this disease? I hated lupus and I hated myself.

But then, something changed. One day, I stumbled upon an online support group for people with lupus. I read their stories and realized that I was not alone. There were many others who were going through the same thing as me. They shared their experiences, feelings and tips with each other. They also encouraged each other and celebrated their achievements and successes.

I decided to join the group and introduce myself. I was nervous at first, but soon I felt welcomed and accepted. The group members were kind and supportive. They listened to me and understood me. They gave me advice and comfort. They also complimented me and praised me.

They told me that lupus hair loss was not the end of the world. They told me that there were ways to treat it and cope with it. They told me that there were alternatives to cover it up or embrace it. They told me that hair did not define me or my worth. They told me that I was beautiful and valuable regardless of how much hair I had or didn’t have.

They also told me about red light therapy, a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level laser or LED light to stimulate blood circulation, cellular metabolism and collagen production in the scalp. They said that red light therapy could help improve the health and function of the hair follicles, which could promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. They said that red light therapy had been proven by multiple studies to be effective, convenient and safe for treating various types of hair loss, including lupus hair loss.

They recommended me to use a red light therapy cap at home to treat my scalp with red light for a few minutes a day, without any pain or side effects.

I was intrigued by this idea and decided to give it a try. I ordered a red light therapy cap online and started using it every day as instructed.

To my surprise, after a few weeks of using the cap, I noticed some changes in my hair. It looked thicker and fuller than before. It felt softer and smoother than before. It grew faster than before.

I was amazed by the results and continued using the cap every day.

After a few months of using the cap, I had regrown most of my hair back.

I was overjoyed by the outcome and couldn’t believe my eyes.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

I felt like a new person.

I felt like myself again.

I thanked the support group for their help and guidance. They congratulated me and cheered me on. They said that they were proud of me and happy for me.

They also encouraged me to share my story with others who may benefit from it.

So, here I am, writing this article to tell you about my battle with lupus hair loss and how I overcame it.

I hope that my story can inspire you and give you hope.

If you have lupus and struggle with hair loss, don’t give up.

There are ways to treat it and cope with it.

There are alternatives to cover it up or embrace it.

There are people who support you and love you.

You are not alone.

You are beautiful and valuable.

You are more than your hair.

You are a warrior.

Thank you for reading.


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