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Colloidal Silver

By Michael GodboutPublished 4 years ago 41 min read

What to use Colloidal Silver For

This is a sampling of the pros and cons that is said about this subject. Use your own discernment as to when to use it.

Colloidal silver is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).


8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

If you haven’t heard of colloidal silver, you will soon enough if you’re on the lookout

for alternative therapies to common health issues, such as a sinus infection or a cold.

Most health food stores and pharmacies stock several brands of colloidal silver, and, of course, you can find a find a vast amount of information about colloidal silver benefits on the Internet. Unfortunately, the information out there is confusing as many sources have conflicting opinions.

On one hand, you’ll run across thousands of personal testimonials about colloidal silver helping people with practically every disease you’ve heard about. You will also stumble upon some well-known health sites that warn consumers about safety concerns. (1) Usually, these sources quote a statement made by the FDA in 1999 claiming that there is no scientific evidence to support the use of colloidal silver. (2)

This type of information can confuse even the most savvy natural health enthusiast, which is why I want to lend a helping hand and provide some evidenced-based information to help you make an informed choice.

How Colloidal Silver Benefits Work

According to a report written by Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of The Silver Institute in a 1996, there are three primary ways that colloidal silver can help heal the body: (3)


2. 3.

Catalytic Oxidation: Silver naturally holds onto oxygen molecules, which readily react with the sulfhydral (H) groups that surround bacterial and viruses. In turn, this helps block the life-preserving cellular process known as cellular respiration, which is defined as “the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.” (4)

Reaction with Bacterial Cell Membranes: Silver ions can attach to bacteria cell membranes directly and produce the same respiration-blocking effect.

Binding with DNA: Shown to literally enter bacteria DNA, up to 12% of silver has been detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to one source, “While it remains unclear exactly how the silver binds to the DNA without destroying the hydrogen bonds holding the lattice together, it nevertheless prevents the DNA

from unwinding, an essential step for cellular replication to occur.” (5)

Top 8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits

By having a direct effect on cellular respiration, colloidal silver benefits the body in numerous ways. There are, however, eight proven healing properties that I consider to be particularly supported by the medical literature.

1. Antibacterial

First, colloidal silver’s ability to control antibiotic-resistant superbugs is astonishing. While employed at UCLA Medical School in the 1980s, Larry C. Ford, MD, documented over 650 different disease-causing pathogens that were destroyed in minutes when exposed to small amounts of silver. (6)

Colloidal silver, unlike its modern prescription antibiotic counterpart, simply

doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it. This point cannot be emphasized enough, especially in light of the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) recently reporting that more than 2 million people in the U.S. suffer illness every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections and 23,000 die from these infections. (7)

2. Wound Care/Skin Health

Robert O. Becker, MD, says that colloidal silver stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues. (8) In a research article produced by Pharmacognosy Communications in 2012, it was specifically recommended that certain colloidal silver preparations should be considered for topical use to treat burns, thrush, periodontitis and other

conditions. (9)

For instance, you can treat ringworm (Tinea capitis) at home with colloidal silver because it’s a potent anti-fungal. Caused by a fungus that lives on the top layer of the skin, ringworm presents as round, scaly patches. It’s contagious and spread by skin contact and by contaminated materials, such as clothing.

Colloidal silver benefits many skins conditions such as psoriasis and eczema as well. It’s soothing to scrapes and even repairs tissue damage from burns.

3. Pink Eye/Ear Infections

Pink eye is an inflamed mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and eyelid lining, and it’s primarily caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Colloidal silver can be used for prompt action against this irritating and highly infectious virus and bacteria.

When applied on the infected eye, the tiny silver colloids pick up the infected cells by attracting them electromagnetically and sending them into the bloodstream to be eliminated.

Our modern prescription antibiotic drugs are designed to work against specific classes of bacteria, but ear infections may be caused by multiple classes of bacteria or can

even be fungal.

In this case, the prescription antibiotic will be useless, whereas colloidal silver is effective regardless of what may be causing your infection.

4. Antiviral

Colloidal silver benefits can be experienced as an anti-viral for HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles and warts. Dr. Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists colloidal silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses fast. (10)

Colloidal silver suffocates the virus and can even reduce the activity of the HIV virus in AIDS patients. There are also numerous anecdotal accounts of colloidal silver’s efficacy against the hepatitis C virus.

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Colloidal silver is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory remedy. Case in point: Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) studied the effects of inflammation after being treated by colloidal silver; they found that the inflamed skin of pigs treated

with silver experienced near-normal skin after 72 hours, while other treatment groups not treated with silver remained inflamed. (11)

Research is beginning to reflect what many people have already known anecdotally for years — that colloidal silver can reduce swelling, speed healing, and boosts cell recovery!

6. Sinusitis

Widely used to control sinus infections, colloidal silver can benefit people as a nasal spray, according to a study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology last year. (14)

Specifically shown to kill Staph aureus, you can add a few drops of silver in a “neti pot” or by applying directly into your nasal cavity and letting it drain down your throat by tilting your head back.

Also, it’s important to point out that recent research indicates that hidden infections by pathogens could be a cause of respiratory inflammation associated with common allergies and asthma. Colloidal silver destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, which may be the reason why airborne allergy sufferers often find such dramatic relief from colloidal silver.

7. Cold/Flu

Some claim that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu, including swine flu, as well as the common cold. (15)

Few studies have been done to test this clinically, but in 2011 the NIH took 100 children under the age of 12 suffering from the common cold and nasal congestion and assigned them into two groups; the first group was treated with a solution of colloidal silver and beta glucan, and the second group with saline solution. Even though both groups benefited from the treatment, 90% of the people in the colloidal silver group completely recovered! (16)

8. Pneumonia

Our modern drugs have become limited in their efficacy when it comes to fighting bronchitis or pneumonia. Typically, antibiotics are administered as the first line of defense, but when the pneumonia is viral, antibiotics won’t help in the least. The nice thing about colloidal silver is that it can help regardless of the pathogen.

Colloidal silver is a remarkable product to help fight against bronchitis and pneumonia when ingested internally, but an even more effective way to utilize it? Simply breathe it into your lungs.

This way, the silver directly contacts the germs residing in the lungs, which are causing bronchitis or pneumonia. It’s basically the same thing as using respiratory support, and it works speedily, clearing it up within a couple of days.

Now, the most effective method to get the colloidal silver into the lungs is to use a nebulizer. Generally, use one teaspoon approximately three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

What is Colloidal Silver?

Before the invention of the refrigerator, it was common practice to drop a silver coin into a container of milk as a preservative because silver was known to prevent the growth of algae, bacteria and other undesirable organisms.

Dating back to ancient times, silver was also a popular remedy to stop the spread of diseases. Its use as a natural antibiotic continued all the way until the 1940s,

when modern antibiotics arrived.

Today, obviously, people don’t need to drop silver coins into their water to experience colloidal silver benefits! All you need to do is carefully take a few drops from a bottle that you buy at the store, which is:

“A solution of water containing nanometre sized particles of suspended silver. The total silver content is expressed as milligrams of silver per litre (mg/L) of water which is numerically the same as parts per million (ppm). The total silver content is divided into two forms of silver: ionic silver and silver particles. (3)

There are basically three types of products that are marketed as “colloidal silver” and these can be categorized as:

 Ionic silver solutions

 Silver protein

 True colloidal silver

Ionic silver –

Ionic silver solutions are products whose silver content primarily consists of silver ions. Although ionic silver is often marketed as colloidal silver, it’s not true colloidal silver. Because it’s the least expensive to produce, ionic silver is the most popular product in this category. The problem? It simply won’t produce the same benefits that true colloidal silver can.

Silver Protein –

In order to keep large silver particles suspended, silver protein-based products add gelatin. Silver protein is the second-most popular type of colloidal silver product on the market and can easily be made by adding water to silver protein powder. Again, it’s also often marketed and labeled as colloidal silver, but should not be confused for the real

thing. Silver protein is less effective for human use, and you won’t experience the true colloidal silver benefits.

True Colloidal Silver –

Lastly, true silver colloids don’t contain any protein or other additives, as the vast majority of the silver content consists of nanometre-sized silver particles. (4)

Colloidal Silver Side Effects

Although the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health reports that colloidal silver may cause poor absorption of some drugs, there is limited research proving that side effects to colloidal silver use even exist. (17)

Nonetheless, you may come across many warnings about it causing an irreversible condition called argyria (when people turn blue). However, this is caused by misuse not of true colloidal silver, but through other cheaper products marketed as colloidal silver, such as ionic silver or silver protein.

One point to consider is that, because colloidal silver is such a potent antibacterial agent, you should be sure to supplement with probiotics during use to be sure that you maintain a proper balance of microflora.

Colloidal Dosage & Use

Colloidal silver needs to be applied differently for each condition. To experience colloidal silver benefits, it may be taken as follows, always keeping in mind to never use it for more than 14 days in a row.

   

 

2-5 drops applied directly to the skin

1 eyedropper taken orally for immune support

1-2 drops into eyes for pink eye

1-2 drops can help disinfect any wound or sore by applying onto a Band-


If prepared properly, it can be injected into a muscle, a cancerous tumor, or into the bloodstream

5 drops added into a neti pot or directly sprayed into the nose 5-10 drops can be applied vaginally or anally (18)

http://draxe.com/colloidal-silver-benefits/ ---------------------


Colloidal silver is a mineral. Despite promoters’ claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Colloidal silver products were once available as over-the-counter drug products, but in 1999, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered “misbranded” under the law without appropriate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold as homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements.

There are many Internet ads for the parts of a generator that produces colloidal silver at home. People who produce colloidal silver at home will likely not be able to evaluate their product for purity or strength. There are many products that are far safer and more effective than colloidal silver.

Despite these concerns about safety and effectiveness, people still buy colloidal silver as a dietary supplement and use it for a wide range of ailments. Colloidal silver is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).

Colloidal silver is also used for lung conditions including emphysema and bronchitis; skin conditions including rosacea, cradle cap (atopic dermatitis), eczema, impetigo, and psoriasis; and inflammation (sometimes due to infection) of the bladder (cystitis), prostate (prostatitis), colon (colitis), nose (rhinitis), stomach (gastritis), tonsils (tonsillitis), appendix (appendicitis), and sinuses (sinusitis).

Other uses include treatment of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, leukemia, hay fever and other allergies, trench foot, and gum disease.

Colloidal silver is also used to prevent flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, and the common cold.

Some women take colloidal silver during pregnancy to aid the baby's growth and health as well as the mother's delivery and recovery.

Colloidal silver is applied directly to the skin for acne, burns, eye infections, fungal infections, throat infections, skin infections, and Staphylococcus infections.

How does it work?

Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins



Possibly Ineffective for:

Insufficient Evidence for:

 Eye infections. Some research shows that using colloidal silver eye drops in both eyes shortly after birth does not help prevent certain eye infections in newborns. Other research shows that applying a colloidal silver solution to the eye surface of people undergoing eye surgery does not prevent infections as well as applying povidone-iodine solution.

 Ear infections.

 Emphysema.

 Bronchitis.

 Fungal infections.

 Lyme disease.

 Rosacea.

 Sinus infections.

 Stomach ulcers.

 Yeast infections.

 Chronic fatigue syndrome.


 Tuberculosis.

 Food poisoning.

 Gum disease.

 Digestion.

 Preventing flu and colds.

 Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of colloidal silver for these uses.



Colloidal silver is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth, applied to the skin, or injected intravenously (by IV). The silver in colloidal silver products gets deposited in vital organs such as the skin, liver, spleen, kidney, muscle, and brain. This can lead to an irreversible bluish skin discoloration that first appears in the gums. It can also stimulate melanin production in skin, and areas exposed to the sun will become increasingly discolored.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Colloidal silver is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth, applied to the skin or injected intravenously (by IV). Increased silver levels in pregnant women have been linked to abnormal development of the ear, face, and neck in their babies. Colloidal silver supplements can also lead to silver accumulation in the body, which can lead to an irreversible bluish skin discoloration known as argyria. Silver can also be deposited in vital organs, where it does serious damage.



Moderate Interaction Be cautious with this combination

Antibiotics (Quinolone antibiotics) interacts with COLLOIDAL SILVER

Antibiotics (Tetracycline antibiotics) interacts with COLLOIDAL SILVER

Colloidal silver might decrease how much antibiotic the body absorbs. Taking colloidal silver along with antibiotics might decrease the effectiveness of some antibiotics.

Some antibiotics that might interact with colloidal silver include ciprofloxacin (Cipro), enoxacin (Penetrex), norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin), sparfloxacin (Zagam), trovafloxacin (Trovan), and grepafloxacin (Raxar).

Colloidal silver might decrease how much tetracycline antibiotics the body can absorb. Taking colloidal silver with tetracycline antibiotics might decrease the effectiveness of tetracycline antibiotics. To avoid this interaction take colloidal silver two hours before or four hours after taking tetracyclines.

Some tetracyclines include demeclocycline (Declomycin), minocycline (Minocin), and tetracycline (Achromycin).

 

Levothyroxine interacts with COLLOIDAL SILVER

Penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen) interacts with COLLOIDAL SILVER


http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-779- colloidal%20silver.aspx?activeingredientid=779&activeingredientname=colloidal %20silver


Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver Benefits

Colloidal silver is a liquid solution created using electrolysis to suspend pure, metallic elemental silver (in groups of particles 15 atoms or fewer, each with a positive electric charge) attached to simple protein molecules, in distilled water. Colloids of silver should stay suspended, rather than sinking to the bottom, as the electric charge is stronger than gravity. Good quality colloidal silver should therefore not require shaking before use, or be dark in colour. Clear or pale yellow colloidal silver is the best as the particle size affects the colour of the solution and the larger particles produce a darker coloured liquid, and aren't easily absorbed by the body.

Colloidal silver is thought to suffocate single celled organisms by disabling the oxygen metabolism enzyme. This allows the bodies own immune system to become more effective at removing these residue pathogens, and thereby become more effective at fending off disease.

History of Use

Before the invention of antibacterial soap, colloidal silver was used as a disinfectant. It is still most commonly used to kill bacteria. Silver is effective at both preventing and combating bacterial illnesses and

Colloidal silver might decrease how much levothyroxine the body absorbs. Taking levothyroxine along with colloidal silver might decrease the effectiveness of thyroxine.

Penicillamine is used for Wilson's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Colloidal silver might decrease how much penicillamine your body absorbs and decrease the effectiveness of penicillamine.


The appropriate dose of colloidal silver depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for colloidal silver. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

infections because it does not corrode. In ancient times silver was used in wound dressings and it was frequently used for the same purposes in America following the Civil War. It is also why churches use silver chalices in Communion to stop disease spreading through the congregation. Silver fell out of favor with the advent of regulated synthesized medications but has become popular again along with lifestyle trends that promote natural organic food.

Blue Bloods

Even thousands of years ago, Ancient Greeks realised that the rich families who ate, drank and stored food in silverware were much less likely to be ill than the commoners who ate from ceramics and used iron utensils. The rich people developed a slight blue tinge to their skin from years of silver ingestion, hence the term Blue Bloods was born. (This wasn't the only reason they were called Blue Bloods. It was also as they mostly avoided working outdoors in the fields, and they tended to marry within their own social group, so they maintained their very pale skin and hence their veins appeared blue through their skin. Blood is not actually blue, although it does become a deeper maroon colour when it has given most of its oxygen to the body and is travelling back to the lungs and heart in veins, compared to the bright red colour of blood in arteries fresh from the lungs and full of oxygen. But blood is never actually blue, it simply appears that way with mostly pale skinned people due to the absorption of light by the blood, reflection of light by the skin, as well as colour perception. It is actually surprisingly complex to explain exactly why we observe veins to be blue in pale skinned people!).

How it Works

Proponents of colloidal silver claim that it is effective against every virus and illness and that it has never reacted dangerously with other medications. Scientific studies have shown that pure silver quickly kills bacteria. It even kills the super-bacteria that evolve after conventional disinfecting agents kill the weak strains of bacteria. Silver acts as a catalyst and disables an enzyme that facilitates actions inside cells. It is not consumed in the process so it is available to keep working again and again. The enzyme silver destroys is required by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast and molds. (Unfriendly bacteria tend to be anaerobic and friendly bacteria aerobic). This is the action that destroys pathogens. It stops them from using the body's own cells as vehicles for replication. Colloidal silver creates an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and multiply.

Since it is not designed to combat a specific pathogen but rather works against the very nature of their life cycles, it is an effective preventative agent against all illnesses caused by all pathogens including future mutations. There is no known disease-causing organism that can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver. Laboratory tests show that anaerobic bacteria, virus, and fungus organisms are all killed within minutes of contact. Parasites are also killed whilst still in their egg stage. Colloidal Silver is effective against infections, colds, influenza, fermentation and parasitic infestations.

Colloidal Silver is touted as a treatment for HIV and AIDS. These claims have not been recognized by the medical community but there is no denying the lengthy survival rates of some AIDS patients who swear by colloidal silver.

The same mechanism that hinders the replication of pathogens also seems to prevent the body from developing cancer. Cancerous tumors form when the cells' internal regulators stop working. The cells divide at a rate that outstrips the body's need for them. Colloidal silver recalibrates cells' rates of division.

When colloidal silver is used as a broad-spectrum viral and bacterial preventative it may cure other seemingly unrelated ailments. People who have sustained severe burns can use colloidal silver to promote healthy cell growth and fend off infections. It reduces the appearance of acne that is bacterial in origin. It helps maintain a healthy digestive environment and it maximizes the amount of nutrients that the body is able to extract from food. Colloidal silver makes it impossible for parasites to flourish and lay their eggs.

Colloidal Silver is also effective as a digestive aid when taken with meals as it stops fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Fermentation can occur if food sits there for too long and this can lead gas, bloating, pain, indigestion and reflux, so taking silver can help avoid all these unpleasant symptoms which a lot of people suffer with after meals.

Silver has also been known to destroy water-borne parasites and to filter out impurities.

How to Use

People who use colloidal silver tend to develop their own ways of maximizing its efficacy. People who suffer from conjunctivitis sometimes drop it directly into their eyes several times every day. Throat problems are treated by gargling colloidal silver. The most common way to ingest it is to mix three or four drops into a large glass of water.

Side Effects

All of these positive claims considered, colloidal silver is still ignored by the medical community at large. Scientifically speaking, the human body has no essential need for silver. Someone who is overzealous in his consumption may experience a buildup of the metal in his organs. The most common negative side effect of colloidal silver is a condition called argyria. It causes the skin and eyes to permanently become gray but it does not otherwise affect one's health. It is claimed that silver does not interact with other drugs or herbs

http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-colloidal-silver.html -------------------

Other Established Uses Of Colloidal Silver

An amazing, yet still only partial list of more than 650 diseases that Colloidal Silver has been used against include

(in alphabetical order): Acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis and athletes foot, bladder infection, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, bubonic plagues

and burns; cancer, candida, canine parvovirus, chilblains, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis and cystitis; dandruff dermatitis, diabetes and dysentery; eczema and encephalitis; fibrositis; gastritis and gonorrhea; hayfever and herpes; impetigo and indigestion; keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis and lyme disease; malaria and meningitis. Also, neurasthenia; parasitic infection, pleurisy, pneumonia, prostate infection. pruritis ani, psoriasis and purulent ophtalmia; rheumatism, rhinitis and ringworm; scarlet fever, septic conditions (eyes ears,mouth and throat), seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, staph and strep infections, stomach flu and syphilis; thrush (yeast infection), thyroid infections, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, trench foot and tuberculosis; ulcerated stomach; virus (all forms) ; warts and whooping cough and yeast infection (females).


While Colloidal Silver is used as a preventative against viruses, bacteria and funguses through daily oral use; Colloidal Silver has been also applied directly to open wounds and sores to eliminate surface infections. Apart from its beneficial effect Colloidal Silver does not sting or burn. Other antiseptics sting when applied to a wound because they are killing the surrounding tissue cells as well as killing the germs. But whilst Colloidal Silver kills the topical germs within six minutes, it does not harm any surrounding tissues.

Acne: In addition to omitting sugars,fats and chocolate from the diet, any person with acne should wash and rinse the face thoroughly four times a day; and after each rinsing, use a small amount of Colloidal Silver and massage it onto the problem areas two to three times with a finger or a tiny piece of cotton or tissue. This wash- rinse-massage activity may be continued throughout an acne breakout, or better, as a continuous prevention through the teen years. This continuous habit precludes breakouts, leaving the skin continuously clear. Most people find it helpful to carry a 50ml or 200ml bottle of Colloidal Silver with them for availability throughout the day.

Cuts and abrasions: Apply Colloidal Silver directly to the open wound and onto any dressing used. Colloidal Silver may be used as the only medication on the dressing, or it may be used with another medication.

Eczema and skin rash: Dab Colloidal Silver directly onto affected area, rubbing slightly. Repeat often to keep the area moist. Bandage lightly, if desired, keeping the bandage moist with Colloidal Silver. Change bandage daily. Warts: Cover the wart with a small adhesive bandage saturated with a few drops of Colloidal Silver. Keep the bandage moist. The wart should disappear within a few days. Large warts may take a few days longer to disappear.


Optimum digestion: Put all, or a fraction of the recommended daily amount of Colloidal Silver, as determined by titration, into the beverage of choice accompanying any meal. As the food is digested, the presence of Colloidal Silver will keep the food from putrefying in the digestive tract, killing any germs ingested with the food, and leaving the food more useable. Also there will be no flatulence.

Parasitic infections: To take an amount of Colloidal Silver, again as determined by titration to preclude parasitic diseases caused by tiny, worm like animals that burrow through a particular organ, or in some cases throughout the entire body. In every case, these parasites reproduce by laying eggs and these eggs have the same characteristics of the oxygen-metabolising enzyme as the single celled bacterium. These eggs cannot hatch when there is sufficient Colloidal Silver in the surrounding body tissue. They are killed within a short time and subsequently eliminated by the immune system. Diarrhea diseases: A number of diseases such as cholera, canine parvovirus or other diseases, where the pathogen resides mainly in the large intestine, can be fatal. The fatality is mostly due to the dehydration of the body resulting from severe and prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. The pathogen causing the problem is active in the large intestine, the one place where Colloidal Silver when used correctly will not penetrate. There are two different methods to overcome this barrier.

The first is to take a 200 ml glass dosed with Colloidal Silver together with three or four big glasses of water on an empty stomach. This way the Colloidal Silver will get into the large intestine and should within a short time take care of the problem.

The other method is by way of colonic irrigation the dose rate using a 50mg. Colloidal Silver preparation is 15 ml per 200ml. of sterile water. This method in fact brings the fastest relief from the disease, Medical literature reports that Cholera has been cured with Colloidal Silver. Healing crisis: This is a condition wherein the Colloidal Silver is killing the pathogens very rapidly. The body's five eliminatory systems, the kidney, liver, skin, bowel and lungs become temporarily overloaded. This especially is true in the case of overcoming AIDS with Colloidal Silver. One may feel as though he or she has the flu. It is recommended to continue the silver regimen, yet drink up to 4 liters of water a day, take five or six grams of vitamin C and a high enema. Repeat for two or three days. Please note if the healing crisis persists see your local practitioner for additional advise.


Water purification: Colloidal Silver is an excellent water purifier. Water stored with one or two tablespoons of Colloidal Silver per 5 litres will be safe and sweet tasting for a very long time. Water containing germ contaminants (not toxic chemicals) can be made drinkable by adding two to three tablespoons of Colloidal Silver per every 5 litres of water. The Silver whilst purifying the water is

also beneficial to the body, unlike the commercial tablets containing toxic chlorine bleach!

To guard against such water-borne diseases such as dysentery, the following airlines now use either silver water filters or a well known Hydrogen Peroxide/Colloidal Silver combination. British Airways, Swiss Air, Scandinavian Airlines, Lufthansa, Air France, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Alitalia, KLM, Japan Airlines and Pan Am. The Swiss and Australian Government has approved either or both the silver water filters or the hydrogen Peroxide/Colloidal Silver preparation which are now used in homes offices and town water supplies.

After testing 23 methods of purifying water, NASA selected a silver system for its space shuttle. Home-canned foods: One-half teaspoon of Colloidal Silver per 1 litre in home-canned foods precludes the growth of all bacteria, virus and fungus. As the food is consumed, the presence of silver will aid in the digestion process by not allowing fermentation of starches contained in the food, and will prevent the putrefaction of protein or rancification of fats in the digestive tract. Neither will there be a formation of gas in the bowel, nor food decay from toxins to diminish a sense of well being.

Most commercial food processing operations to date have elected to use preservatives which, unlike Colloidal Silver, are toxic and poisonous to people. were these commercial food processors to use Colloidal Silver instead, it would yield the triple benefit mentioned above.

Questionable refrigeration: In addition to keeping prepared foods cool and well sealed, add about one table spoon of Colloidal Silver per 1 liter (volume) to picnic foods containing mayonnaise, dairy products, or anything that has a potential for Salmonella growth and poisoning. Stir in very well.

Leftovers and Condiments: Mix about one quarter tablespoon of Colloidal Silver into each container of mustard, ketchup or pickle relish. Mix one half teaspoon into items that spoil more easily, i.e. mayonnaise, milk etc. They will store longer, remain fresher and benefit digestion.


The following conditions in animals, birds and fish have been successfully treated with Colloidal Silver:

* Bacteria and parasites in house pets, farm animals and birds.

* Parvovirus in dogs.

* Revival of belly-up goldfish.

* Scours and undulant fever in cattle


Most chemistry text books have a chapter on the colloidal state, as if it were a special case. Actually, the colloidal state is the only state for all living things.

Within fluid water, the chemical elements of life occur in a flux of halves, or opposite electrical pairs, always in motion and swapping these molecular halves in complex chemical reactions that are the process of growth and repair. In this flux of the body's fluids are the germ pathogens also, whose own molecular pairs interact with those of the body as they strive to survive. They are all parasites that attack and eat the body cells of the host person, dumping their waste into the surrounding tissues and the bloodstream. When this fluid flux contains an electrically charged ion or micro-particle of Colloidal Silver, it selects from among the tissue cells of the body only those disease causing pathogens and suffocates them catalytically, simply by being there; then, unaffected drift on, to repeat the process again and again.

The crystalline state is the condition of dry, dead matter. Most medications are in the crystallized state. The body must first convert them to the colloidal state before they can be used. There is some expense to the body in time, energy and effectiveness. During this process some molecular pieces are left over, which burden the body with their need to be eliminated. In the case of Colloidal Silver, nothing is left!


Colloidal Silver will react chemically with many of the 92 natural elements and compounds. While many of these compounds are toxic, pure silver is non-toxic. It acts only catalytically with the enzyme, or chemical lung of single celled organisms. Pure Silver won't dissolve in water, however if pure silver is by some process divided into single atoms of micro-clusters of fewer than 15 atoms each, given a positive electrical charge and attached to a molecule of simple protein, it will float in and throughout the pure water indefinitely, creating a so called colloidal suspension. The force of electric charge is stronger than the force of gravity, thus the particle remains suspended. Much has been written and claimed by people displaying a fair amount of ignorance of the workings of a colloidal substance mainly with regard to the color of colloidal silver. True colloidal silver is a colorless liquid because the micro-clusters of the silver are simply too small for light to reflect back to the human eye ( the particular wave length of the reflected light determines the color we perceive) Many manufacturers not being able to make a true colloidal silver preparation resort to using food or other coloring agents to give the liquid a yellow appearance because they somewhere have read that colloidal silver should have a color to its liquid.

Color will be noticed if one of the following conditions are present:

* The Silver used is of a silver sulfide type and not very healthy (yellow, mainly used in the ceramic industry)

* The Silver used is Silver Oxide (brownish, black in color)

* The particles are too big in size

* Food or other coloring dyes were used

* If the silver loses its colloidal state and precipitate out of solution (mainly black) in this case the product will have lost its efficacy and should be disposed of as contrary to some advise to shake the bottle will not revert the silver particles to a colloidal state.

People are best advised to stay clear of these products as they are in many cases of dubious quality and most certainly have little or no beneficial effect. If you have any doubt regarding the actual colloidal silver content, ask the vendor for a Batch Sample Silver Analyses. Reputable manufacturers will have Health Department approval for their manufacturing facilities and have their Colloidal Silver batches analyzed and the result of same available for their customers.


Keep Colloidal Silver in the food storage, store it in glass containers only and away from electrical appliances. Although glass breaks easier, glass is the only material that will keep Colloidal Silver for any length of time. DO NOT accept Colloidal Silver packaged in plastic as its shelf life is minimal and the silver particles most likely will plate out on the surface and hence are no longer in suspension. There is an inherent electric charge in the hydrocarbon molecule that will draw the charged silver particle out of solution, bonding it to the side wall of the plastic container! You may not see it but it's there all right. The preparation is then unusable.

Do not store Colloidal Silver in a refrigerator or freezer, as the long term electric charge of the appliance can have the same effect on colloidal silver as does storing it in a plastic container.


Some people believe there may be a time in the foreseeable future when food storage may be the only means of antibiotic/disinfectant for any of us. Life would be very different then, with many items unavailable, and a storage of Colloidal Silver could be life saving.

A very different condition in the future could be rampant diseases, plagues from contamination's of the water and air through man made Bio-toxins of germ warfare (as seen in the Strecker Memorandum video) Whatever the source,

either invasion or local error any military activity can result in a major outbreak of anthrax or lesser causes resulting in Salmonella poisoning. Another extreme threat for our immediate future is the emergence of so called Super Bugs. Because of the current over-use of pharmaceutical antibiotics today, many virus and bacteria organisms will be immune to the conventional medicines!

Colloidal Silver is not only a way of prevention now, but may possible be our best choice to store for future use.


Colloidal Silver and illness: The author of body Electric Dr. R.Becker, noted in his studies a correlation between low silver levels and illness: Those who had low silver levels frequently were sick more often with colds, flu, fever and other illnesses. He said he believes a silver deficiency is the reason for the improper functioning of the immune system and that silver is critical for the destruction of bacteria and viruses. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on a wide range of bacteria without any side effects and without any damage to the cells of the body. Colloidal Silver and healing: Becker also states that the silver ion was doing something more than killing disease causing organisms. It was, he observed, facilitating major growth stimulation of injured tissues. When human fibroblast cells, which are common throughout the body, were exposed to silver, they differentiated. That is, they changed into an embryonic general cell, able to multiply at a great rate and then change into the specialized cells of the organ or tissue that had been injured. Even in patients over the age of 50 years, tissues healed as easily as a child's tissues.

Colloidal State and Cancer: Again Becker concluded that in the presence of silver ion, cancer cells change back to normal cells regardless of their location in the body. He concluded that the presence of silver ion regenerates tissues and eliminates cancerous cells as well as eliminating other abnormal cells.

Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom of Sweden's Karolinska Institute has used silver in his cancer cure methods for many years. he records that he has successfully cured patients who had been diagnosed by other doctors as terminally ill. Swimming pool water purification: Silver is widely used to purify swimming pool water, and it does not sting as does chlorine. A dramatic demonstration in Nebraska recently placed 250 litres of raw sewage into a pool containing no disinfectant. A standard measure of fecal contamination is the count of Escheri coli ( E. coli) and organism found in the human intestinal tract. The count soared to 7000 colony forming E coli cells per milliliter of water. Subsequently the water was flushed through a silver electrode array, which totally eliminated the E.coli within three hours. Follow-up tests also shown the water to be completely free of other one- celled organisms. Hydroponics testing: Tests in a hydroponics greenhouse showed that Colloidal Silver is absorbed and used by the living plant as are any

other minerals. Hydroponics is an ideal gardening method having only one problem: Viruses, funguses and bacteria tend to thrive in the plant nutrient fluid. Colloidal Silver is proven to kill every one of the pathogens, and without any consequence to the nutrient medium or to the delicate plants. In addition, the plants ingested the silver through their roots, thus becoming a source of the silver minerals for human consumption.

Overdose testing: In laboratory tests since 1985 researchers knew that overdose testing needed to be performed. One lab technician involved in the project from the beginning, volunteered himself as a guinea pig for the first project. He consumed 1 liter of water dosed with a high concentration of Colloidal Silver for a period of several weeks. The chemistry of his body fluids was monitored, as was his general well being (colds flu headaches etc. ). He was especially observed for any change in skin color to see if the technicians skin would develop a gray pallor of Argyria. He had no change of color in his skin, felt more vigorous and alert and experienced no aches or colds etc. Others in the laboratory repeated the test themselves finding the same results.

UCLA study: It is claimed that some years ago an independent research laboratory sent to the University of California in Los Angeles a sample of Colloidal Silver to be tested against AIDS and anthrax. UCLA undertook the tests and proved conclusively that Colloidal Silver was highly effective in remedial applications against both disease pathogens. The independent researcher has obtained the same results in his own laboratory, and sought confirmation from UCLA. When the UCLA laboratory director called to confirm those findings, the director of the independent laboratory asked to have as the test results on a letter bearing the UCLA letterhead. However he was advised that a payment of U$ 10,000 was required for this letter. The UCLA lab report confirming the effectiveness remains unofficial.


Argyria or Argyrosis: a condition of skin having a gray blue pallor caused by excess silver being stored in the skin Bacteria: Morphologically simplest group of organisms of various species concerned in fermentation, putrefaction and the production of disease

Collagen: the protein contained in connective tissue and bones and finger nails. Colloidal state: a system of particles in a dispersion medium in which the particle diameters are between 10-7 and 10-9m, i.e. between true molecular solution and a coarse suspension.

Enzyme: a protein capable of catalyzing a chemical reaction necessary of the cell Fibroblast: is the nucleus cell responsible to manufacture the cells and enzymes of the body's immune system.

Lymphatic System: are vessels within our body conveying the so called lymph, a clear to yellow slightly alkaline fluid derived from the tissue of the body (primary part of the body's sanitation system.)

Silver: Ag precious metal one of the earliest known metals contained in earth's crust at a concentration of 0.1ppm and in seawater at 0.01 PPM.

Titration: to ascertain the required quantity of a substance by volume or weight which exactly fulfills certain given requirements.

Virus: infective disease agent, smaller than a micro-organism and requiring living cells for multiplication

http://altered-states.net/barry/colloidalsilver/suggesteduses.htm -----------------------

Colloidal Silver Benefits: The Truth About Colloidal Silver



Have you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver? The basic reason for any colloidal silver efficacy and safety controversy is that the medical establishment (medical mafia) and the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) see colloidal silver as a financial threat. While you may have been cautioned against using colloidal silver, know that colloidal silver benefits are tried and true.

Both the medical establishment and Big Pharma have put silver medical products to work in hospital equipment and medical tools as well as anti-infection burn remedies to prevent MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections, which are potentially lethal and have become antibiotic resistant.

Yet the medical establishment promotes fear mongering lies through various media outlets and threatens colloidal silver manufacturers through various federal, state, and local health agencies.

The difference between their medical products and colloidal silver is patent rights that yield royalties for several years. Colloidal silver can be made by anyone with inexpensive equipment and it can’t be patented.

As of January 2009, the EU has banned colloidal silver manufacturing in its European member nations. Whenever Codex Alimentarius gets “harmony” compliance from the USA, the same will happen here.

So now is the right time to stock up and try it yourself or buy a kit permitting you to make it yourself indefinitely.

How Colloidal Silver (CS)Works and Colloidal Silver Benefits

Many consider colloidal silver an antiseptic and not an antibiotic because it kills more than bacteria; it destroys viruses and eliminates fungal infections. So far, bacteria that are resistant to silver haven’t developed, while colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic-resistant pathogens, even the dreaded MRSA.

As a matter of fact, now the medical mafia has been covertly adding colloidal silver into antibiotics to conquer the super- bug strains that have developed immunity to those antibiotics. I say covertly because they aren’t talking too much about it!

Keep in mind that while antibiotics don’t touch viruses and fungus’s, colloidal silver eliminates them – making colloidal silver benefits incredibly useful. It eliminates anaerobic pathogens by destroying the enzymes that fend off oxygen molecules, thus oxidizing them to death.

Conversely, the silver nano-particles neutralize the minority of aerobic pathogens by disrupting their ability to use oxygen. This begs the question: will colloidal silver destroy friendly gut bacteria the way pharmaceutical antibiotics do? Some colloidal silver advocates claim it is so readily assimilated into the blood through the stomach and gut linings before it can linger in the lower intestines where our friendly bacteria mostly reside. Therefore, it isn’t an issue.

Others consider electrical charge bonding as the main factor for eliminating pathogens while sparing gut friendly bacteria. Most friendly bacteria are not negatively charged, eliminating any attraction to the positively charged silver particles.

However, a couple of key colloidal advocates, one from whom I purchased my colloidal silver making machine, don’t think that the intestinal flora issue has been clearly established. They recommend the following:

 Have probiotic materials on hand and use them an hour or more after ingesting colloidal silver.

 Swish and hold a dose of colloidal silver in your mouth to absorb most of the particles sublingually into the

bloodstream through the capillaries under and around your tongue as long as possible before swallowing.

 Nebulize the colloidal silver solution, making it go directly into your bloodstream via the lungs blood vessels.

As magnetic scavengers, they don’t have to collide into pathogens by chance the way antibiotics do. Because the tiny colloidal silver particles (colloids) have strong positive charges, they are attracted to or attract negatively charged microbes, including viruses.

How It’s Made

A colloidal silver solution is made from a small electrical current applied to silver strips placed in distilled water. After some time, the distilled water becomes flooded with tiny nanoparticles of silver.

The liquid itself should be clear, and it’s important that it be shielded from sunlight exposure. As the nanoparticles get oxidized from light exposure and they settle out of solution, coloration occurs.

Since colloidal silver may become banned someday, because it’s so effective and safe, it would be wise to purchase the apparatus for making your own to protect you from epidemics, whether incidental or created. Its cost makes future colloidal silver use very cost-effective.

Here a site I have personally used for reasonably priced silver or gold colloidal products and a silver colloidal machine.

Big Pharma’s Colloidal Silver Bad Press

The blue grandpa “smurf” photos of Paul Karason’s Argyria (an almost permanent blue skin disease) has made the mainstream media rounds for anti colloidal silver propagandists.

What isn’t mentioned is that Paul made his own crude large particle colloidal silver and drank at least a pint and up to quart a day for years! The normal dosage is a teaspoonful one to three times daily, depending on the severity of infection.

Another disinformation meme is that the silver accumulates in the kidneys and creates a toxic situation. This would only happen if the kidneys are already defective, and even then accumulation factor has not been actually established or proven.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Michael Godbout

Blue Skies Baby, Yeah!

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