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Celebs who changed their names according to numerology. Famous People Life path Number 1-9.

Celebs who Changed their Names Based on Numerology

By Mohsinaa AhmadPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Introduction: Celebrities and Numerology

In the world of Hollywood, Bollywood, etc., celebrities have been known to undergo gruesome training. This training is not only extensive, it affects the mental health of famous personalities. Positivity from anywhere would benefit a celebrity, as their faith is tested when they have to put up a facade for media channels. Keeping that in mind, this article explores celebrities and numerology, along with famous people who have the life path number which lies between 1-9.

Celebs who Changed their Names Based on Numerology

1. Raj Chakraborty: When this high in-demand director was a struggling working professional, he consulted a numerologist. The numerologist changed his name based on his birth chart - the name being “Raj”. According to him, this type of science is highly dependable and helped his life immensely.

2. Yassh Dasgupta: Alike to Raj Chakraborty, a numerologist took this celebrity birth time and tallied the name numbers accordingly. Since celebrities are still human at the end of the day, numerology learning and tallying of the individual letters of one’s name is said to make an impact on their personality. Just ask Yassh Gupta and the many cousins of his who did the same!

3. Gargee Roychoughury: This celebrity highlights the importance of numerology as a science. Unlike the other celebrities who experienced unexplained positive occurrences, this actress was getting opportunities while she was still Gargi. However, she reported that changing her name to Gargee gave her inner peace and a more positive outlook on life.

4. Paayel Sarkar: This actress commented on numerology as an ancient science. According to sources, she reported advancements in her professional and personal life after consulting a numerologist. She explains that the power of one’s name creates a deep and meaningful impact on one’s life, whether they know it or not.

Birth time in numerology, along with one’s name, is correlated with destiny and the inner purpose of an individual. Furthermore, the celebrities mentioned here are all Indians, which shows the amount of importance people place on numerology in India.

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Famous Celebrities & Life Path Numbers 1 - 9

Individuals are not only restricted to their names when numerology is concerned. Some things can never change, such as your birth date - which is the essence of numerology and its mystical study of numbers. Famous celebrities who changed their name did it for the sake of increasing the numerology compatibility between their name and their birthing time.

1. This number is indicative of a person who is powerful and creates an impact on their actions. It portrays courage, bravery, and resilience. Famous personalities under this life path number: Martin Luther King Jr. Steve Jobs, Elizabeth Hurley, George Lucas, Charlie Chaplin, Tom Hanks, Walt Disney.

2. Individuals under this life path number are known for their femininity, delicacy, flexibility, and partnership. Individuals who have 2 have their master number are flexible and their personalities compliment the personality of those around them.

Famous celebrities under this number: Emma Watson, Amelia Earhart, Kevin Bacon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tim Burton, Madonna, Kim Basinger.

3. This number signifies imagination, creativity, innovation, etc. They are entertainers who have qualities of the planet Jupiter and are influenced by it all their life.

Famous celebrities under this number: Charles Dickens, David Bowie, Kevin Costner, Jodie Foster, Alfred Hitchcock.

4. This number is directly correlated with human traits such as Secretive, Dependable, and Practical. People under this number face many unpredictable circumstances and are generally known for their individualism and originality. They are methodical in their approach to life.

Famous Personalities who have this life path number: Kim Kardashian, Pamela Anderson, Frank Sinatra, Donald Trump.

5. This number signifies traits in people such as mobility, versatile, flexibility, curiosity, changing tastes.

Famous people under this number: Stephen Spielberg, Abraham Lincoln, Mick Jagger, Tina Turner, Malcolm X, Sir Isaac Newton, Angelina Jolie.

6. Individuals under this number are associated with characteristics such as harmony, patience, due diligence for work, organizational skills. To better understand this number, see the following celebrities who are associated with this number.

Famous people under this number: John Lennon, Christopher Reeve, Michael Jackson, Ben Affleck, Richard Nixon.

7. This number associates individuals with the characteristics of an explorer and a philosophical thinker. People who have this sign are original thinkers who are introspective and deep with their thinking.

Famous people under this number: Queen Elizabeth, Julia Roberts, Johnny Depp, Jerry Seinfield, Leonardo DiCaprio.

8. People who have this life path number are known for their unparalleled level of wisdom and confidence.

Famous people under this number: Joni Mithchell, Michelangelo, 50 Cent, Edgard Cayce, Nelson Mandela, Pablo Picasso, Sandra Bullock.

9. Characteristics of this life path number: communicativeness and universalism. Individuals who have this sign are primarily known for their diversity and courage. People who have this number rarely fear taking risks.

Famous people under this number: Mother Teresa, Morgan Freeman, Kurt Cobain, Harrison Ford, Kurt Russell, Anthony Hopkins.

The above is a conclusive list of all the individuals who are associated with the life path numbers 1 - 9. Celebrities and numerology give an interesting take on the nuances of life path numbers.


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