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9 Must-Know Side Effects and Benefits Of Multi-Vitamin

All You Need to Know About Multivitamin

By Rohan MukherjeePublished 4 years ago 3 min read


A multivitamin tablet is essential for people who do not eat a decent balanced diet. Almost all multivitamin tablets are prescribed for a specific time period.

Though multivitamins have many health benefits, too much multivitamin can harm the body. Always consider a nutritionist first before popping any multivitamin tablets in your mouth.

4 Must Know Side Effects Of Having Multivitamins

The dosage of a multivitamin is the most important factor while taking it regularly. Sometimes multivitamin tablets show various side effects according to zotezo.com. Some multivitamin can react with other medicines and cause allergic reactions to the body such as vomiting and upset stomach.

According to the experts of zotezo.com, high concentration of some fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E can severely affect your body.

1. Stomach Problems

High dosage of multivitamins often cause diarrhoea and upset stomach. Also, if you intake more multivitamin than your body’s requirement, it can cause stomach ache and dizziness. Sometimes excessive multivitamin can make you vomit your gut out.

2. Constipation

In many cases, constipation is observed after taking iron-rich multivitamin supplements tablets. Sometimes the colour of stool and urine becomes very dark. According to reviewposts, just intaking multivitamin supplement tablets without eating a balanced diet can create many serious problems to your body.

3. Kidney Stones

The high concentration of calcium in the body is one of the common cause of kidney stones. As mentioned in zotezo.com if you intake multivitamin tablets which are rich in calcium regularly it can cause severe chronic disease in the kidney such as kidney stone and even necrosis. High dose of acidic vitamin ascorbic acid or Vitamin C can cause dehydration resulting in kidney failure.

4. Cardiovascular Problems

There are some multivitamin tablets that contain a high concentration of zinc. Regular intaking zinc-rich multivitamin supplements have a harmful effect on the cardiac rhythm and cause serious heart diseases. Also, the high concentration of zinc can stain your teeth, can cause gastric and urinary problems and also muscle weakness.

A high concentration of Vitamin A can damage your retina. Also, an excessive amount of Vitamin A can hinder ovarian health and create a problem with the process of childbirth.

5 Reasons Why You Need Multivitamin

When we fail to get enough nutrients from the food, we need to intake multivitamin supplements. As mentioned in zotezo.com, multivitamins have many health benefits.

1. Healthy Aging

With our increasing age, the nutrition needs of our body increase and it becomes harder for the body to absorb enough nutrients from the food. It causes many severe nutritional deficiencies in our body which can cause many chronic diseases in our liver and other organs. Multivitamin supplement tablet helps in these situations. According to zotezo our body gets necessary ions, minerals and other nutrients from the multivitamin tablets.

2. Good For Heart Health

Keeping the heart in good condition is a challenge for older aged people. Some water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, Vitamin K and some minerals like CoQ10 and magnesium is essential to maintain cardiovascular health. According to the experts on zotezo.com, taking a multivitamin regularly can significantly decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

Some vitamins are found to be associated with the reduction of some cancer risk. Taking multivitamin supplements may reduce the chance of some type of cancer in older people.

4. Multivitamins Boost Immunity

Fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin D and E help to boost the immunity power in our body. Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid acts as a strong antioxidant and strengthens the cells of the immune system. As mentioned in zotezo multivitamin supplements help improving immunity.

5. Strengthen Eye Health

Vitamin A, C, E, B3 etc vitamins strengthen eye health. Selenium, Lutein, Zeaxanthin protects the eye from harmful lightwaves and improves the eye condition. Studies have shown that regular intake of a multivitamin can reduce the risk of many eye diseases like cataract.


But almost all of these side effects are temporary. Taking a high dosage of a multivitamin tablet can show these types of side effects until the body gets adjusted to it. If these conditions persist for more than one week then consider your nutritionist without a further delay.

Just remember the side effects of multivitamin supplements before intaking any. Have you ever faced any problem after intaking multivitamin supplement tablets? Don’t forget to share your experience with us.

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About the Creator

Rohan Mukherjee

Rohan Mukherjee is the Founder and Chief Content Strategist at MenPosts.com

Rohan has experience over 8 years in content strategies.

He leads the review and recommendation vertical of electronics and gadgets for menposts

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