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You Have Been Trained To Be Broke

Do This and Get Rich

By Frankie Seven TVPublished 9 months ago 7 min read

You Have Been Trained To Be Broke

So I think in the school system they don't want us to learn about money because they just want to pump out good employees that do what they're told. I mean if you look at school it's opposite of what it takes to be successful in real life. Don't make a mistake do as you're told, take tests by yourself, don't cooperate do it by yourself, do it on your own and the last thing was oh there's only one right answer. No there's tons of answers to a problem so you come out of school scared to death of making a mistake. You do everything on your own, you don't cooperate there's no Synergy there's no brainstorming and there's only one right answer. Everybody wants to get the right answer, there's no one right answer. So I think people come out of school paralyzed. I think the school system is criminal, in that it kills a child's spirit of learning, you know some, a child goes into school all excited about yeah I'm going to learn and it's going to be great and then the teacher says sit down and shut up don't talk we don't care what you're interested in. Did anybody in school ever ask you, did a teacher ever ask you what are you interested in? They never did so they just teach you what they want to teach you instead of finding out what the child is interested in and teaching to that. So I think Kids come out of school scared to death of making a mistake, they come out paralyzed, they don't know what they want to do because they're spirit and their creativity has been crushed inside of them. So you almost have to do a whole reprogramming once you get out of school. So you can find out what it is that that excites you, where your passion is? When Robert and I had our first date back in 1984 yes in Hawaii okay he said what do you want to do with your life? I had been fired twice from the same job out of college twice, on the same job? yep, they fired me and they hired me back and they fired me again and I knew I wanted my own business. So on our first date he said what do you want to do with your life and I said I want my own business but I don't know anything about entrepreneurship but I've never been around entrepreneurs and Robert said well I've started several businesses and all my friends are entrepreneurs. I'm like great perfect, so two months later I started my first business the funniest thought I had coming from an employee was oh now is my time, I'll do it whenever I want, and I'll have all this free time and it's going to be on my schedule, wrong, no you work 24 7. I had no free time and I'm like okay so that was a myth I had, but that was my mindset as an employee that where you work nine to five. Oh now I can get up and I can start at 11. And you know if I want to work at night I can work at night, no you're working especially when you're starting a business it's 24 7. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of Hearts it is not because you're always pushing the envelope right and the purpose of an entrepreneur is to solve problems, so every day something happens and you're like oh I didn't expect that and you got to deal with it. And I also say entrepreneurship is the fast track to personal development because it's a day right to your face, you're facing something right here, it's like oh man and you can't back down from it. You gotta deal with it they say like 50 of businesses fail and I think what happens for a lot of first-time business owners they're coming out of a job so they're coming out of an employee mindset. And I know this one guy for example in Phoenix Arizona and he decided he was going to start his own business and he had been an employee all his life so what's the first thing he does? He goes and rents a nice office space but then he buys all the nice furniture, then he gets a secretary. He hasn't made not one dollar and he spends all this, because he thinks that's what an entrepreneur looks like, go make the money first, then go rent your office, if you even need an office start out of your home. We all started, all the entrepreneurs, successful entrepreneurs I know all started out of their home, but a lot of people I see they quit their job, they start their part-time business and because they're struggling for money they make bad decisions because they're just trying to find how to put money in their pocket to keep their business alive. So I think if you are an employee that's a smart way to go, what you just said to start a part-time business, start learning What It Takes. You got to get the reality of what it takes and I came across a study and it was a study of centenarians, people that lived over a hundred and they wanted to find what were the common denominators and they found three, and one was they had a sense of purpose, it didn't matter how big or small but they had a sense of purpose, number two they were optimistic and number three was resiliency. How well you come back from a setback when you hit that wall? do you fall down? do you get up? you go through it and I'm like those seem like the three characteristics of a good entrepreneur. To me sense of purpose, optimistic and resilient, if you're not resilient and you can't persevere do not become an entrepreneur. They're so afraid to venture out on their own and not have the security of that paycheck. You know a lot of times we say if you got, if you have a full-time job, keep your full-time job, start a part-time business and and work it, look at what you do in your spare time, and people go, I have no spare time. Well yes you do, if you broke it out, how much are you watching TV, how much are you on your iPhone playing video games doing things that really are not important, and take that time and channel it into the business that you want to create and finding out what's most meaningful to you, because once you can discover what's most meaningful, then decisions and life becomes so much easier, because there's more joy, there's more better communication with relationships, they don't teach any of this in school, they just say sit down do as you're told take the test by yourself and don't make a mistake and so I think a lot of people they don't want to be uncomfortable, they don't want to get out of their comfort zone and the only way we grow and learn is by stretching ourselves and getting out of our comfort zone even by a little bit. Emerson said this is not the exact quote but something to the effect of if you're not facing something you fear every day you don't understand the secret of life because that's where growth and transformation happens yeah so and I hate making mistakes just like everybody else. I hate failing but that's where we learn the most, if we can take the lesson of the failure, can take the lesson of the mistake and learn from it then we get much smarter and it's not about do what you love and the money will follow it's not that, it's do what you love, where is the problem you're solving? where can you be a contribution? then you work your butt off and then the money will come. Amen. I can agree with that but I just like, I like having,I like thinking of making a contribution versus just selling a product right and I'll say one other thing a lot of people say. You know I really want to make a difference in the world, and I think my product or my service is going to make that difference, but they're not willing to charge money for it or really turn it into a business. If you've got a product or service and you really feel it's going to help people and help the masses then you have a responsibility to make your business successful so that people hear about you and to get it out to the world. Please don’t forget to subscribe for more edifying content. Thank you.

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About the Creator

Frankie Seven TV

Nothing is impossible, everything is possible!!

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