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Winter Weather Tips And Tricks

As winter storms are moving through America here are some tricks to help with cold temps and lots of snow.

By Haylee MarickPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Winter Weather Tips And Tricks
Photo by Courtney Chestnut on Unsplash

As cold temperatures creep in more and more people are getting affected. Where I live it is -50 Fahrenheit which is super cold for us. People all over are talking about how cold it is and those who haven't experienced it are in search of help.

Warmth Tips


When it is this cold out one thing that is super important so you don't freeze is layers. Layers help keep the cold off of you for longer. A tight first layer and then some baggier clothes make for the perfect bundle. Gloves, stocking hats, hand warmers, ear muff, and some snow boots help as well.


Some people may not have access to all of the winter gear. Ear muffs? Use a shirt around your ears or put your hoods up. Snowboots? Plastic bags inside of sneakers work ok. It's not the best but will help your feet stay dry. Thermals? Just where tighter-fitting clothes for a similar effect.


If you have to be out in it remember that if you are cold find somewhere to warm up. Don't overexert yourself as the cold air can make your risk of heart attacks and asthma attacks higher. Be sure to watch your fingertips, nose, and earlobes for frostbite signs. (Need to learn more about frostbite click here.)


Pets can also get frostbite. Bring your pets inside and limit outside time for them. Watch their noses, tips of ears, and paws. If you have animals that prefer t0 be outside make sure to leave extra food and a place to get warm. We have outside cats and we rigged up a heat lamp where they could find it.

Driving Tips


Avoid using cruise control. Cruise control makes long trips easier but in snowy conditions makes you more in danger of hitting a patch of ice and losing control. Do not drive when visibility is zero you're endangering yourself and others. Pull off until you can see.


If possible don't stop on inclines. They are really hard to take off from. Slow and steady truly wins the race when it comes to snowy driving. Take off and stop slowly. If you start sliding turn into the slide until you gain traction. Increase the following distance by 8 to 10 seconds.


Put together an emergency kit for your car. Include a blanket, coats, food, water, shovel, lighter, and chain or rope. Make sure to keep it in your car just in case you get stuck,

Preparing your home

Check your heating systems or fireplaces. Ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are working. Keep an emergency kit in your house. Have a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, food, and water. If your electricity goes out make sure to have extra coats and blankets. If you have drafty windows or doors covered with a blanket it will help keep your house warmer.

Preventing falls

Slipping and falling on ice is not fun here is some stuff that will lower your chances of slipping. Choose the correct footwear, something with ridged soles for better traction. Take it slow. Fast walkers tend to slip more often them those going slow. Take short steps that are flat-footed. Heels are not the best. Keep your hands free. You use your hands for balance.


Snowy, cold, and icy conditions make life a bit harder but there are many things you can do it make it bearable. Make sure to wear a lot of warm clothing, prepare your house, keep your pets warm, and drive safely.

Authors Note: Please be safe out in the snow and cold! Have an amazing day!!!

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About the Creator

Haylee Marick

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