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Whispers of destiny

unveiling the power of choices in a world shaped by fate

By Story Teller Published 3 months ago 3 min read

One evening a grandfather was narrating a parable to his grandson. That is, there is always a battle between us with two animal-like qualities. One is a very good character, qualities like affection, love, humanity, truth. Another said that anger, jealousy, falsehood, ego-like qualities are called everything. Then the boy asked which animal would win. Grandpa said... whatever you feed it will win.
The grandson was intrigued by his grandfather's words and pondered over them for days. He couldn't shake off the significance of the tale and its profound message. Determined to understand it better, he embarked on a journey to discover the truth within himself.

He delved into books, seeking ancient wisdom and modern philosophies that explored the battle between these two animal-like qualities. He learned about the power of love, compassion, and integrity and how they can shape one's character. He also studied the negative aspects like anger, jealousy, and ego, understanding their detrimental impact.

As the boy immersed himself in self-reflection, he realized that these qualities were not merely external forces battling within him, but rather aspects of his own consciousness. He understood that he had the ability to choose which qualities he would nourish and allow to flourish.

With this newfound understanding, the boy decided to nurture the good animal within, feeding it with positivity, compassion, and honesty. He realized that by focusing on love, humanity, and truth, he could create a ripple effect that spread goodness in the world.

The journey wasn't always easy. Challenges surfaced, triggering moments of anger, jealousy, and ego. But the boy remembered his grandfather's words and infused every situation with a renewed intention to choose the better animal within. He found solace in knowing that he had the power to shift his perspective and react differently.

As the boy grew older, his commitment to nurturing the good animal became his guiding principle. He became known for his kindness, empathy, and integrity. People were drawn to his positive energy and sought his counsel in times of trouble. He inspired others to embrace the good within themselves and make a difference in the world.

Years passed, and the boy transformed into a wise and humble man. Grandpa, who had observed his grandson's journey, took immense pride in the person he had become. The man cherished the lessons learned from his grandfather's parable, understanding that it was not just a story but a roadmap to living a meaningful life.

And so, the legacy was passed down from generation to generation. The man shared the parable with his own children and grandchildren, ensuring that the wisdom would endure. The power of choice, to nurture the good animal within, became a cherished mantra for their family, inspiring them all to lead compassionate and purposeful lives.

And in the warmth of that familial bond, they breathed life into the eternal truth that whatever you feed will win. For it is in the mindful choices we make, the love and compassion we nurture, that we sow the seeds of a better world—where good prevails and humanity thrives.

In the end, the whispers of destiny unfolded through the choices of a young boy who, guided by his grandfather's parable, discovered the profound truth that one's character is shaped by the qualities they choose to nourish. Through a journey of self-reflection and conscious choices, he embraced the power within him to feed the good animal, fostering a legacy of compassion and purpose that transcended generations. The timeless wisdom echoed through the family, illustrating that in the mindful cultivation of love and compassion, they were sowing the seeds of a better world, where goodness prevails and humanity thrives.

_Good Gurney_

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Story Teller

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