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What is a Dental Filling?

Dentists Woollahra

By Kevin LashleyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Dentists Woollahra

Have you been told by your dentist that you need to have a filling? Are you unsure exactly what that process entails, or are wanting to prepare yourself as best as possible for the treatment?

The good news is you don’t have to be too concerned about what to expect — a filling is a very common dental procedure performed by dentists in Woollahra many times a day. Continue reading to learn a little more about why you require a filling and how the treatment involves.

What is a filling?

A filling is a procedure performed by a dentist to fill a hole in a tooth. A filling is not the same as a crown, which is a type of prosthetic that sits over the tooth. It’s also different from an implant, which replaces an entire missing tooth. Crowns are typically used to repair teeth that have been extensively damaged, while a filling is a way of treating more minor issues.

Why do I need a filling?

Fillings are generally recommended by dentists in Woollahra to help treat teeth that have experienced degradation. If left untreated, tooth decay can be a significant problem. A filling aims to prevent further complications, including gum disease, inflammation, and tooth abscess, from occurring.

Some patients are surprised to learn that they need a filling. They may not have reported any symptoms or never had problems with cavities and holes. While it’s true that cavities don’t always cause pain, some will result in a slow ache or sharp pang. Other symptoms can include a visible hole or one that can be easily felt by running your tongue along your teeth.

What is a filling made of?

There are a few different types of dental fillings. Some are designed to look as natural as possible, while others will make certain teeth stand out in your mouth.

A white filling made from composite resin can be matched to the colour of your existing teeth to ensure your smile looks as natural as possible.

Some patients may prefer to have a gold filling put in. While it certainly won’t match your other teeth, a gold filling is particularly long-lasting. Of course, a gold filling is quite expensive compared to other traditional options.

There are other materials available — if you have a specific preference or concern, speak with a dentist in Woollahra to receive tailored advice.

What to expect during and after a filling

A dental filling is a very common procedure. However, if you’ve never undergone this process before, you may have certain anxieties. Asking your dentist what to expect is the best way to prepare yourself.

The dentist will usually start by desensitizing your mouth to lessen the pain. They will remove the decayed material from your teeth before cleaning the area thoroughly. The hole that is left behind will be filled by the chosen filling material, which is then filed back to remove any sharp edges.

Following the procedure, it’s not uncommon to experience some pain and sensitivity, particularly after the numbing solution wears off. Your dentist may recommend avoiding foods that are hot or cold and advise you don’t chew on the affected side of your mouth.

How to prevent fillings

The best way to prevent anxiety around fillings is to look after your teeth well and reduce the chance of ever needing to undergo this procedure.

There are many simple strategies you can adopt to improve your dental hygiene. To start with, always remember to brush twice a day — in the morning and the evening. Doing so will reduce the build-up of plaque and keep your mouth feeling minty and fresh.

Flossing is another important preventative treatment that is often overlooked. Flossing should be performed at least once a day. If you notice while flossing that the string is becoming ragged or breaking easily, it could be an early sign that there are holes and chips in your teeth that may require filling.

Cavities are often caused by patients consuming excessive amounts of sugary and acidic food and drink. Following a healthy diet is critical for all aspects of your wellbeing, including your dental health. Avoid too many soft drinks and sweet foods to reduce the likelihood you will end up in the dentist’s chair!

It’s perfectly normal to have some level of anxiety about visiting the dentist. If you are looking for dental care near me and are nervous about receiving treatment, explain your concerns to your dentist. They’ll be able to explain exactly what a procedure involves and create a calm, welcoming environment for your benefit.


About the Creator

Kevin Lashley

He writes in several genres. Kevin and his wife, Julia, to whom he dedicates all of his published works, and their dog, Buddy, live in Melbourne, Australia. A regular contributor to New Path Web Morning Edition.

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