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What Clothes Should I Wear for Camping in Hot and Humid Climates?

Outfit Guide for Camping in Hot and Humid Climates

By Cornell SangPublished 16 days ago 7 min read

Safeguard Your Belongings

Safeguarding your belongings is an essential part of any personal trip. Firstly, avoid carrying too much cash and ensure that money and important documents such as IDs and passports are distributed in different places, such as one in your wallet and another elsewhere. This way, even if your wallet is stolen, your other belongings will remain safe. Secondly, in public places like stations, avoid looking lost or accepting conversations from strangers to reduce the risk of being targeted. Additionally, train stations and hotels usually offer luggage storage services to keep your belongings secure. Finally, before you travel, make sure all your documents are complete and always keep them with you.

Maintain Communication

Maintaining communication is crucial during personal travel. Keeping in touch with family and friends allows them to know your whereabouts and safety status, adding an extra layer of security to your trip. Sharing your travel experiences and feelings can also provide emotional support during lonely moments. Therefore, it is very important to inform your loved ones about your travel plans and report your whereabouts daily.

Pay Attention to Food Hygiene

Paying attention to food hygiene is vital during travel as it directly affects your health and travel experience. Due to differences in food and water, tourists might not be accustomed to local foods, such as people from the north traveling to the south who may not be used to hard rice. Therefore, choosing the right food is important, such as opting for noodles if you are not used to rice. Additionally, due to the recent outbreak of avian flu, avoid consuming poultry like chicken and duck. Also, avoid eating from street vendors and choose clean restaurants, and do not accept food or drinks from strangers.

Avoid Staying Out Late Alone at Night

Avoid staying out late alone at night, especially in foreign countries. After dark, whether at home or abroad, avoid staying outside for long periods. Especially in foreign countries, safety may not be as good as in China. If you really want to enjoy the night scenery and stay out late, it is recommended to take a taxi back promptly. If you feel unsafe on the way, quickly head to crowded places or pretend to talk on the phone to increase your sense of security.

Purchase Travel Insurance

Purchasing travel insurance is an important preparation for solo travel. During the trip, various unexpected situations may occur, such as medical emergencies, loss of documents, or health issues. Travel insurance generally covers these risks and is reasonably priced. Especially for overseas travel, it is more convenient to choose an insurance company that offers a 24-hour emergency hotline in Chinese. This way, in case of any problems, you can receive timely help and support, ensuring the safety and smoothness of your trip.

Be Diligent

Being diligent is an indispensable attitude during travel. Firstly, before traveling, plan your itinerary in detail and inform family or friends, including accommodation and contact information, so they can know your location at all times. When sharing your itinerary on social media, pay attention to privacy and security, avoiding revealing too much personal information publicly. Additionally, travel is not just about lodging and resting but also actively participating in various activities and experiencing local culture, enriching each day. This not only enhances the travel experience but also makes you cherish and remember these moments more.

Avoid Being Penny-Wise

Avoid being penny-wise during personal travel. Firstly, avoid using unsafe means of transportation, such as unofficial taxis, to ensure your own safety. Additionally, be cautious with food and drink offered by locals, do not accept easily to avoid potential safety risks. In bars, cafes, and other places, make sure not to leave your drink unattended to avoid being scammed. Finally, during travel, maintain integrity, do not take advantage of others, and be cautious with free or very cheap things to avoid falling into traps.

Hot and Humid Climate

The heat and humidity create a warm and sticky environment that makes it difficult to stay comfortable. Hot and humid areas of the world are found near the equator, such as parts of South America, North America, Africa, Asia, and Australia, with average temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. In these climates, the local vegetation is dominated by jungle. Many plants and trees have thorns, and the leaves of some plants are even poisonous. In such a dangerous environment, it is very important to cover your body from head to toe for complete protection. In hot and humid climates, all clothing should be pure cotton, as breathable fabrics will keep you cool and dry quickly. Bring two sets of clothes, one for working or traveling during the day and another clean and dry set for when you return to camp at night. If you are traveling with all your gear in a backpack during the day, the spare clothes should be packed in waterproof bags, otherwise, the humid weather will wet them. Depending on the duration of your trip, you might want to wash your clothes before you leave to avoid carrying a large amount of clothing with you.

Mexico’s Hot and Humid Climate

Mexico is a country with great climatic diversity, and several regions have a hot and humid climate, ideal for those who enjoy adventure in nature. This type of climate is characterized by high temperatures and high humidity, creating a lush and lively environment. If you are planning a camping trip in Mexico and want to experience this type of climate, here are some states where you can find it:

Veracruz: With its coast on the Gulf of Mexico, Veracruz is known for its tropical jungles and rich biodiversity.

Tabasco: This southern state has vast areas of tropical jungles and rivers, offering a unique camping experience.

Chiapas: Famous for its stunning landscapes, waterfalls, and jungles, Chiapas is a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

Oaxaca: In the coastal and isthmus regions, Oaxaca has a hot and humid climate with beautiful beaches and jungles.

Campeche: Located on the Yucatán Peninsula, Campeche has jungle areas and rich wildlife.

Quintana Roo: In addition to its famous beaches, Quintana Roo has tropical jungle areas ideal for exploration and camping.

Guerrero: With an extensive coast and tropical jungles, Guerrero offers various landscapes to enjoy nature.

Exploring these states will allow you to immerse yourself in Mexico’s natural wealth, where you can enjoy the jungle, rivers, and incredible biodiversity. Here are some tips for camping in these regions and how to prepare properly for the hot and humid climate.

Humid and Warm Climate

The jungle environment is uncomfortable and dangerous. Not only is there a lot of humidity, but there are also many dangerous plants and insects.


As in warm and dry environments, pure cotton underwear is also the most comfortable in warm and humid environments. Choose well-fitting underwear that does not impede your range of motion. The simpler the design, the better, as more seams tend to chafe the body. Wear a light cotton tank top or T-shirt under your shirt to help absorb sweat.

Insect Protection

Spray repellent on your hands and neck, but avoid spraying near your eyes or forehead as it can get into your eyes with sweat. Repellent bands can be worn on the wrist but need to be checked for effectiveness every few days. You can also spray repellent on the tops of boots, laces, or hat vents. Spray repellent during each break as it may wear off when walking through brush. A hood can block insects well, but it can only be used when stationary because it obstructs vision while walking and can be easily snagged by dense bushes.


Choose a long-sleeved cotton shirt in a neutral color, roll the sleeves down to the wrists, and button up to protect your arms from insects and plants. Look for a shirt with a large chest pocket, useful for storing small items you use frequently, like insect repellent. There is no need to wear a jacket in hot and humid climates as the heat lasts long and it will be difficult to enjoy the breeze.


Wear loose pants to protect your lower body and tuck them into socks or boots to prevent insects from biting your legs and feet. Due to the humid climate and sweating, everything in your pants pockets will get wet during activities. Important items like maps and documents should be wrapped in waterproof bags.


Always wear a sturdy sun hat to protect your head and face from plants and insects. Ideally, it should be a wide-brimmed cotton hat. Ventilation holes on the sides of the hat allow air circulation and reduce sweating, and a strong chin strap can prevent low branches from scratching the hat. Gently wrapping a cotton scarf or a long towel around your neck not only absorbs sweat that falls from your face, avoiding constant wiping, but also prevents sunburn on the neck and keeps insects out of the shirt collar.

Shoes and Socks

The jungle floor is moist and uneven, requiring proper footwear to protect your feet. Jungle boots are specially designed for these climate conditions and are better than walking boots. Wear lightweight pure cotton socks under jungle boots and try to change your socks daily to keep your feet comfortable.

Understanding local environmental conditions in advance and preparing accordingly is the secret to dressing comfortably in a jungle environment.

Camping in Mexico’s Hot and Humid Regions

Camping in Mexico’s hot and humid regions is a unique experience that deeply connects you with nature. From the lush jungles of Chiapas to the stunning coasts of Veracruz, each destination offers amazing landscapes and incredible biodiversity. Proper preparation is essential to fully enjoy these adventures, so don’t forget to follow our tips on appropriate clothing, insect protection, and essential gear.

Remember that planning and respecting the natural environment are key to a successful and safe trip. Take the opportunity to explore these wonderful places, create unforgettable memories, and appreciate the natural beauty that Mexico has to offer.


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    CSWritten by Cornell Sang

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