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Weight loss story: I used this fat to fit secret and lost 32 pounds!

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By suseetrendsPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

While LOSE WEIGHT is a difficult task in and of itself, it becomes even more difficult when you work. You are so preoccupied with your personal and professional obligations that you have no time to care for your health. John, 30, realized that if he was to regain her confidence, he needed to address her growing weight. Instead of blindly following a diet, he decided to return to his roots. Continue reading to learn about their inspirational weight loss journey.

The tipping point: I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, and it's seriously harmed my self-esteem. The incidents of body shaming made it extremely difficult for me to go out and socialize. In fact, I was embarrassed to leave the house because I was so conscious of how I appeared. image

I didn't want to wear western clothes because I felt like I looked bad in them and I hated it when people clicked on my photo. Tired of hiding in corners, I decided to do something to lose weight, get back in shape, and look good.

How do I maintain my motivation? When I was unhealthy, there were a lot of things that dragged me down. Despite all of the unsolicited comments, trolling, and negativity, this has been my primary motivation for attempting to lose weight and get back in shape. I recall these incidents vividly and would never want to relive them.

How do you keep your concentration?

how i lose weight suseetrendsweightloss

I won't lie: there are days when I just want to eat junk food. However, I've discovered that junk food only satisfies the mind, not the body. I don't want to go back to where I started now that I've lost a lot of weight and gotten my life back on track. Every time I look in the mirror, I feel very proud of myself, and I don't want to lose that feeling.

What is the most difficult aspect of being overweight? When you are overweight, people only look at you and don't bother getting to know you. It is truly heartbreaking. Unfortunately, you also become insecure and are more likely to develop unhealthy eating habits as a result.

==>>REVEALS FAT TO FIT SECRET HERE <<click to know more..

What do you want to be in ten years? I want to stay as fit as possible, to be drug-free, and to be able to eat whatever I want.

What lifestyle changes have you implemented? I've made it a point to stick to my diet and eat only Indian food. To lose weight, I did not adhere to any international diets. I simply followed my own diet, which was entirely based on the spices in my kitchen.

What was your lowest point?


Obesity has had a significant impact on my confidence, and there is one incident that still bothers me. There was a time when a friend of mine refused to see me simply because of my appearance.

Lessons Learned from Weight Loss: I realized that "dieting" is simply eating healthy foods and making healthy decisions. Finally, going old school is the best way to lose weight.

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About the Creator


I’m a personal trainer, nutritionist, meal planner, cook and a writer. I'm here to motivate and inspire you through this blog. You have me and my diary – SUSEETRENDS WEIGHTLOSS - BELIEVE IN YOU!

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  • Deniz Dinçer11 months ago

    I recommend a product that can help with the subject. Healthy days...

  • Deniz Dinçer11 months ago

    I recommend a product that can help with the subject. Healthy days...

suseetrendsWritten by suseetrends

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