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Unlocking Wider Shoulders for a Better Physique

Enhancing Shoulder Muscles for a Better Physique

By Zee ArticlesPublished 11 months ago 8 min read


1. Introduction: Enhancing Shoulder Muscles for a Better Physique

2. The Challenge: Genetics and Body Structure

3. The Importance of Side Delts for Broad Shoulders

4. Research on Shoulder Exercises and Activation

- Testing 17 Shoulder Exercises for Activation

- The Role of Lateral Raises

- Introducing Behind the Body Cable Lateral Raises

5. Training Volume for Shoulder Growth

- Shoulder Recovery and Training Frequency

- Optimal Training Frequency for Shoulder Growth

- The Effectiveness of Twice-a-Week Training

6. The Weight Factor: Using Lightweight and Rep Range

- The Unique Feature of Lateral Raises

- Choosing the Right Weight for Growth

- Progression and Increasing Weight Over Time

7. Pushing Intensity: Going Beyond Mental Limits

- The Burn and Discomfort of Lateral Raises

- Complete Muscle Activation and Growth

- The Importance of Pushing to Failure

8. The Role of Diet in Shoulder Muscle Growth

- Calorie Surplus and Maximizing Growth

- Consistency in Caloric Intake

- Balancing Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

9. Balancing Shoulder Development: Front Delts and Rear Delts

10. Conclusion

11. FAQs


Unlocking Wider Shoulders for a Better Physique


So, a few months ago, I asked my girlfriend a question: "If there was one muscle I could grow to enhance my physique, what would you pick?" Her response was clear: "Your shoulders! They're like the twirling whirlpools that just look good to me." And so, I embarked on a journey to develop broader, more defined shoulders. However, being aware of my body structure and genetics, I knew it would be a challenge. In this article, I will share the five simple tweaks I made to my training routine that have transformed my shoulders and garnered attention from many of my followers.

1. The Challenge: Genetics and Body Structure

When it comes to broad shoulders, some individuals are naturally blessed with a wide frame. However, for those of us without that genetic advantage, achieving wider shoulders requires strategic training and focus. As someone with smaller bones and a heritage that doesn't typically boast superhero-like physiques, I knew I had my work cut out for me. But I was determined to overcome this challenge and make significant improvements to my shoulder muscles.

2. The Importance of Side Delts for Broad Shoulders

To develop wider, broader shoulders, it's crucial to focus on the side delts—the muscles responsible for shoulder width from the front and back. While the front and rear delts contribute to overall shoulder mass, it's the side delts that create the desired width. Fortunately, recent research has shed light on effective exercises to target and activate the side delts.

3. Research on Shoulder Exercises and Activation

In my pursuit of broader shoulders, I conducted an experiment to test 17 different shoulder exercises and determine their effectiveness in activating the three regions of the shoulder. While traditional shoulder presses activated the side delts to some extent, they primarily targeted the front delts. To achieve maximum growth in the side delts without excessive fatigue, I needed an exercise specifically designed for this purpose. This is where the concept of lateral raises came into play.

4. The Power of Lateral Raises and Muscle Stretch

Lateral raises, a classic shoulder exercise, proved to be the key to unlocking broader shoulders. However, I didn't settle for the conventional lateral raise technique. Incorporating the latest research on muscle stretch, I modified the exercise to fully challenge and stretch the side delts. This tweak in technique allowed for more activation and potential muscle growth in the side delts.

But why did I choose to modify the lateral raise exercise? Well, during my research, I came across intriguing findings that suggest muscles tend to grow faster when they are challenged the most in a fully stretched position. While this hasn't been extensively studied with the delts, it is highly likely that they would benefit from this principle as well. The traditional dumbbell lateral raise, however, presents a problem—it is hardest at the top when the shoulder is fully contracted, the opposite of what we're aiming for.

To overcome this limitation, I introduced my secret weapon: behind the body cable lateral raises. In this variation, I stand in front and slightly to the side of the cable machine, allowing my deltoid muscle to be fully stretched and challenged in this position. This exercise targets the side delts effectively without placing excessive strain on the body.

5. Training Volume for Shoulder Growth

Understanding the recovery capacity of the shoulders is crucial when designing a training routine. Research suggests that the shoulders recover relatively quickly compared to other muscle groups, and they may not get as sore as easily. However, there is still a limit to how much you should train them to maximize growth.

Studies indicate that muscles generally require around 36 to 48 hours to fully recover. This means that you can train the same muscle up to a maximum of three or four times a week before it becomes too much to recover from. With this knowledge in mind, I adjusted my training frequency to fit my routine and goals.

While I could have trained my shoulders three times a week, I found that twice a week worked incredibly well for me. On one day, I performed four sets of dumbbell lateral raises, either standing or on a bench. A few days later, I repeated the same exercise but with four sets of cable lateral raises. Surprisingly, these eight sets per week were sufficient to stimulate significant shoulder growth, thanks to the other tweaks I incorporated.

6. The Weight Factor: Lightweight and Rep Range

One common misconception about lateral raises is that you need to use heavy weights to achieve optimal growth. However, there's a unique characteristic of this exercise that often goes overlooked—the further away the weight is from your body, the heavier it will feel. This means that even with relatively lightweight dumbbells, lateral raises can become extremely challenging.

To take advantage of this feature, I implemented the use of lightweight dumbbells and focused on increasing the rep range. Research suggests that you can perform up to 30 reps with a lightweight before it becomes too light to stimulate growth effectively. So, I stuck with a consistent weight and increased the reps gradually.

Only when I could perform at least 15 to 20 reps with good controlled form on all my sets did I increase the weight by five pounds and repeat the process. It's important not to rush this progression. Over the course of three months, my lateral raise weights increased by just five pounds, but that represented a nearly 20% jump in weight. This gradual increase ensured that I didn't sacrifice form and allowed me to be confident that my strength gains were indeed from my shoulders growing bigger.

7. Pushing Intensity: Going Beyond Mental Limits

In any workout, pushing through mental barriers is essential, and lateral raises are no exception. Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with lateral raises—the burn and discomfort can be intense. However, I discovered that these factors play a crucial role in achieving maximum muscle activation and growth.

A study from 2012 revealed that for the side delts to reach full muscle activation during lateral raises, subjects had to push to within three to five reps short of complete failure. This finding convinced me to adopt a mindset of pushing beyond my perceived limits. Even when my shoulders were burning and I thought I couldn't do any more reps, I challenged myself to go further. And you know what? I was surprised to discover that I had more in me.

As soon as I started pushing through my mental limits, I was able to squeeze out five more reps on lateral raises compared to when I usually stopped. It's amazing how our bodies can push through the discomfort when we set our minds to it. Muhammad Ali once said, "I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count." And that rings true here. Pushing through the burn and discomfort is what separates champions from the rest.

8. The Importance of Diet for Shoulder Growth

While training plays a significant role in building muscle, your diet is equally important, if not more so. Some individuals may be able to build some muscle while in a calorie deficit or at maintenance calories. However, recent meta-analysis suggests that being in a calorie surplus is likely necessary to maximize muscle growth.

For nearly a year now, I have been in a bulking phase, consuming a diet rich in calories to ensure I consistently maintain a calorie surplus. I've been incorporating foods like pasta, potatoes, rice, beef, and other high-calorie options into my meals. Admittedly, seeing the increase in body fat has been mentally challenging, but I have also noticed significant gains in muscle size, particularly in my shoulders.

If I had implemented all the training tweaks I've discussed earlier without being in a calorie surplus, I might have seen improved definition, but I wouldn't have witnessed the substantial difference in muscle size and strength. As I eventually transition to a cutting phase to shed the excess fat gained during the bulk, I am confident that the gains I've made in my shoulders will become even more apparent.


In conclusion, growing broader and wider shoulders is a challenge that can be overcome with the right training approach. By focusing on exercise selection, training volume, modifying exercises for optimal muscle activation, rep range, pushing intensity, and maintaining a calorie surplus, I was able to transform my shoulders and achieve impressive results.

Remember, it's not just about lateral raises. Balancing your shoulder development by targeting the front delts and rear delts is essential for a well-rounded and three-dimensional look. Incorporating a comprehensive shoulder training routine, customized to your goals and preferences, can help you achieve the shoulder gains you desire.

So, are you ready to unlock wider shoulders and take your physique to the next level?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long did it take to see noticeable shoulder gains?

2. Can women follow the same shoulder training routine?

3. Should I incorporate other shoulder exercises besides lateral raises?

4. What if I can't perform lateral raises with perfect form?

5. Is it necessary to bulk in order to grow wider shoulders?

Now that you have the knowledge and insights to build broader shoulders, it's time to put it into action. Get started on your shoulder transformation journey today!

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Zee Articles

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