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Uncover the Truth: 7 Telltale Signs Your Ex Wants You Back - Don't Miss Out on Love

Did you know that there are signs your ex wants you back?

By Alsong DunstanPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Uncover the Truth: 7 Telltale Signs Your Ex Wants You Back - Don't Miss Out on Love
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Did you know that there are signs your ex wants you back? If you want to get back with your ex, and you recognize these signs, this will make you sure you don't be the one that got away! You can use these tips to get back together with your ex and bring real love together. These magical and effective tips are the advice you need to win back your ex so you two are happy again.

Before reading on, you should first ask yourself whether you want to get back together with your ex. Make a list of pros and cons about your past relationship and be careful to be honest with yourself. Is she the right woman for me is the question you need to be asking yourself before you start looking for the signs she wants you back. If she broke up with you, you should also be questioning whether you actually want to be with her again or if you just want her chasing you. Sometimes all we really want is for the other person to admit they made a mistake. But sometimes we want more, sometimes it's really worth looking for the signs your ex wants you back.

Is she trying to get back together with you? It can be hard to tell sometimes because women tend to be far more subtle about their intentions then men, they expect us to be able to see the signs and know.

One of the first signs your ex wants you back is that she tries to do things that bring more of your attention to her. If you are talking to her she may touch you more or find herself moving physically closer. This is a major indicator that she's still into you. This is her way of non-verbally telling you that she wants things between the two of you to be back to the way they were when you were dating. These actions are no accident on her part, she is fully aware of what she is doing. Her actions are designed to remind you of how it felt to be with her, she wants you to be thinking of her like you did when the two of you were together. Some people do this more subtly. For example, if you find yourselves spending extra time around each other, or even talking on the phone, there's a good chance both of you have been missing each other. The key element to look for here is 1 on 1 time. If the two of you share the same social circle, it's only natural that you'll see a lot of each other, but only when your other friends are around. If the two of you are spending time alone and it's enjoyable, that's a really good sign your relationship has resurrection potential. Sometimes your ex might prep a possible meet up by running into your friends and family more than normal. This is no accident, she's indirectly flirting with you by staying in your periphery. This one sign alone isn't enough to tell if she wants you back, but she's definitely trying to get your attention. A key point to look for is if she's alone or with another guy when she keeps running into you or your social circle. If she's with another guy, it's more likely that she's trying to make you jealous. Still, sometimes she wants to make you jealous so that you'll come and win her back.

Another key signal is any attempt your ex makes to mend the wrongs or errors of the past relationship. It can be something as simple as improving herself. For example, has she been getting in better shape and showing it off to you, has she taken up new interests, maybe some that you have in common now? Anything that is her showcasing herself as having improved some aspect of herself is her way of wooing you. She may also bring up how things could be better because she has improving it on her mind. She would never talk about these things unless she was seriously considering getting back together with you. She's thinking about you as the one that got away! This isn't just a small sign, this is the biggest one you can get short of her throwing herself into your arms. She wouldn't bother with trying to make things right if she wasn't interested in maintaining a relationship with you. Sexual or not, she is giving a clear sign that she wants to keep you in her life and quite possibly wants you back. If she isn't imagining a future where the two of you are together, then one might ask why she would care so much about fixing the past. She might not spell this out and she might only be talking about the two of you being lifelong friends and having future adventures together, but the subtext is that she's talking about your relationship as something that is going to keep growing as time goes on. She's all but saying she wants to spend her future with you.

By Scott Broome on Unsplash

Have you been seeing those signs? Depending on how many you've noticed, you want to choose a different path.

If you've been seeing a lot of these signs frequently, than your best bet is to approach directly.

There's no need to waste any time here, she's been giving you clear signs that she wants to get back together with you so it's perfectly normal for you to do the same. Since she won't voice it, it's up to you. Arrange a meeting and talk to her about it. Make sure that the two of you are on the same page with what you want from a relationship. Don't forget, this isn't just a "Hey, do you want to get back together?" conversation. The two of you should be flirting and seducing each other back.

If you've only seen a few of the signs than an indirect approach may suit your situation better. In this case, let your actions speak louder than words. For instance, a simple phone call with an "I was thinking about you" is a good way to show her that you're interested without putting pressure on her to make an instant decision. This is a good time to flirt with her. Making some improvements in your appearance will go wonders, even though she probably liked how you looked before, a few changes like a stylish new haircut and a different style of clothes will make her wonder what else about you has changed. She'll be dying to get those new clothes off you to see what else is different.

A second chance is a beautiful thing, so if you're lucky enough to get one, don't waste it, make the most of it!

Are you tired of the same old dating advice that doesn't seem to work for you? Do you want to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with women without feeling like you have to pretend to be someone you're not? If so, the "Relationship Rewrite Method" by James Bauer may be the solution you've been looking for.

By Candice Picard on Unsplash

James Bauer, the author of the "Relationship Rewrite Method," teaches men how to build strong, fulfilling relationships with women by harnessing the power of their own personality. This revolutionary approach to dating is based on the idea that being authentic and true to oneself is the key to attracting the right kind of women and building meaningful connections.

In "Relationship Rewrite Method," Bauer shares his proven techniques for developing confidence, charisma, and the ability to connect with women on a deeper level. He helps readers identify and overcome limiting beliefs that are holding them back in their dating lives, and provides practical advice for building the kind of self-assured, attractive personality that women find irresistible.

Whether you're new to dating or have been struggling to find success, "Relationship Rewrite Method" offers a fresh and effective approach to finding love and building fulfilling relationships. By tapping into the power of your own personality, you'll be able to attract the right kind of women and build meaningful connections based on authenticity, trust, and respect.

If you're ready to take control of your dating life and become the kind of man that women can't resist, the "Relationship Rewrite Method" by James Bauer is the book you've been waiting for.

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Alsong Dunstan

Hi, I create informative and educational articles that cover a wide range of topics. I strive for thorough research and fact-checking to provide the highest quality content. My articles are also enjoyable and easy to read.

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