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The Ultimate Guide to Abs Workout for Beginners

Discover the secret to getting the toned abs you've always wanted with The Ultimate Guide to Abs Workout for Beginners

By John StallenbergPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Are you new to the world of fitness and looking to strengthen your core muscles? You have landed in the right place! In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to abs workouts for beginners, covering everything from the basics to advanced exercises that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Why is it important to have strong abs?

Before we dive into the workout, let's discuss the importance of having strong abs. Your core muscles are responsible for maintaining good posture, supporting your spine, and improving your overall balance and stability. A strong core can also help you avoid lower back pain, improve your athletic performance, and increase your overall strength.

Basic exercises for abs workout for beginners


 Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head, lift your shoulders off the ground, and exhale as you crunch forward. Hold for a second, then lower back down.


Get into a push-up position, but instead of lowering yourself to the ground, hold the position with your body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute, or as long as you can maintain proper form.

Leg raises

Lie on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. Slowly lift your legs off the ground and raise them as high as you can without bending your knees. Lower your legs back down and repeat.

Looking to get fit? Visit our gym equipment store for high-quality cardio and weightlifting equipment.

Intermediate exercises for abs workout

Bicycle crunches

 Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the ground and bring your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg out straight. Repeat on the other side.

Russian twists

 Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly, and twist your torso to the left while touching your left hand to the ground beside you. Twist back to the center and then to the right side, touching your right hand to the ground.

Side plank

 Lie on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and your legs stacked on top of each other. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side.

Looking to get fit? Visit our gym equipment store for high-quality cardio and weightlifting equipment.

Advanced exercises for abs workout

Dragon flag

Lie on your back with your hands gripping a secure object above your head, such as a bench or a pole. Raise your legs and torso off the ground and hold yourself in a straight line. Slowly lower yourself back down.

Hanging leg raises

Hang from a bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Slowly lift your legs up to a 90-degree angle, then lower them back down.

Ab wheel rollout

Kneel on the ground with an ab wheel in front of you. Roll the wheel forward, extending your arms out in front of you, and then roll back to the starting position.


In conclusion, having strong abs is essential for overall fitness and health. By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, you can strengthen your core muscles and improve your athletic performance. Remember to always maintain proper form and consult with a fitness professional before attempting advanced exercises.

We hope this comprehensive guide to abs workout for beginners helps you achieve your fitness goals. Don't forget to track your progress, stay motivated, and most importantly, have fun with your workout!

Looking to get fit? Visit our gym equipment store for high-quality cardio and weightlifting equipment.

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About the Creator

John Stallenberg

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