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The Truth About Sex: Dispelling the Myth of Sex as a Biological Need

Distinguishing Desire from Survival: The Truth About Sex's Importance

By Rohit SinghPublished 11 months ago 3 min read


In the middle of the 20th century, prominent ethologist Frank Beach challenged the prevailing notion that sex is a fundamental biological drive. He argued that unlike thirst, hunger, or sleep, sex does not produce an uncomfortable internal experience that pushes an organism to seek it out for survival. Instead, it operates as an "incentive motivation system," where attractive stimuli pull individuals towards engaging in sexual activities. This distinction between sex as a drive versus an incentive motivation system is crucial in understanding human sexuality and debunking the myths surrounding it.

1. Sex: Not a Basic Biological Drive:

Sex, despite its importance in human life, is not a basic biological need like air, water, or food. While individuals may experience frustration when unable to fulfill their sexual desires, this sensation arises from a sense of unmet desire rather than a life-threatening need. Frustration is a common emotional response to unmet goals, and it does not equate to the discomfort experienced with essential survival needs. Sex is a fundamental aspect of human life, but it is not on par with essential biological needs such as air, water, and food. The frustration experienced when unable to fulfill sexual desires is a natural emotional response to unmet goals. However, this frustration is not comparable to the life-threatening discomfort caused by the absence of vital necessities. While sex holds significance in relationships and well-being, it is essential to distinguish it from basic survival needs. Recognizing this distinction helps foster a balanced understanding of human sexuality and avoids equating sex with primal instincts necessary for survival.

2. Pleasure-Based Motivation:

The motivation behind seeking sex is primarily rooted in pleasure and connection. When individuals encounter sexually relevant stimuli in their environment, their brains respond with turn-on signals, leading to pleasurable sensations. This pleasure is a crucial motivating factor for engaging in sexual activities. It is essential to understand that seeking pleasure through sex is natural and innate, but it should not be confused with a survival-driven biological urge.

3. Challenging the Entitlement Myth:

There exists a pervasive myth that sex is a biological need to which people are entitled. This belief can lead to a dangerous sense of entitlement and frustration when one cannot fulfill their desires. It is crucial to dispel this myth and recognize that no one is obligated to provide another person with sex. Understanding that sex is not a life-and-death necessity can free individuals from feelings of anger and failure when their desires are not met.

4. Addressing Misguided Motivations:

Unfortunately, some individuals have committed acts of violence due to perceived sexual frustration. It is essential to recognize that these actions stem from deeply misguided motivations and toxic beliefs surrounding sex. By educating ourselves and others about the true nature of sex as a pleasure-based motivation, we can work towards building healthier perspectives on human sexuality.

5. Embracing Pleasure, Connection, and Authenticity:

The new and radical idea is that pleasure, connection, and authenticity should be at the core of our understanding of sex. By letting go of societal "shoulds" and false entitlements, individuals can experience the joy and ecstasy that come from genuine connections and meaningful sexual experiences. Sex should not be treated as a mere means to an end but as a beautiful and fulfilling aspect of human experience.


Sex is an integral part of human life, but it is not a biological need in the same sense as essential survival requirements. Understanding sex as a pleasure-based motivation system allows us to embrace its positive aspects while dispelling the entitlement myths that can lead to negative outcomes. By promoting authentic connections and focusing on pleasure and genuine experiences, we can create a healthier and more fulfilling approach to human sexuality. Let us celebrate the innate beauty of sex while respecting the autonomy and boundaries of ourselves and others.

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About the Creator

Rohit Singh

Software developer, part-time content creator, and tech enthusiast.

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    Rohit SinghWritten by Rohit Singh

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