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The Key To Defeat Perfectionism and Live a Happier Life

Perfectionism can be a helpful trait in some instances. It inspires people to aim high, expect more from themselves, and achieve great things.

By Jimy LeePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Key To Defeat Perfectionism and Live a Happier Life
Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

Perfectionism, when taken too far, becomes a harmful habit that prevents people from living happier, stress-free lives.

We all have that voice that won't stop criticizing us for things like forgetting to call an old friend or not cleaning the house fast enough. This is what perfectionists tend to have in common.

However, most people don't let this inner critic get the best of them regularly. Most can shrug off those unhelpful thoughts and continue about their day without allowing them to hinder their happiness.

If you're reading this as someone who has struggled with being a perfectionist for too long and needs help overcoming it, we understand how difficult it can be to break free from these negative thinking patterns. The good news is that you aren't alone in your struggle, and there are ways to overcome the trap of perfectionism once and for all.

Keep reading to discover five simple strategies that can help you embrace a healthier mindset and live a happier life as a result.

Talk to a Counselor

While this may sound counterintuitive to those struggling with perfectionism, talking to a professional can help you become aware of your unhelpful thoughts and learn how to let them go.

Asking a therapist to help you break free from perfectionism is a serious first step toward reducing your anxiety and becoming a healthier person overall. It can be not easy at first to talk to someone about your feelings and inner thoughts. But once you get used to it, you should experience a significant reduction in the time you obsess over insignificant details.

Most therapists will also work with you to create a customized plan to help you break free from perfectionism. This can include techniques such as identifying your unhelpful thoughts, reframing them, and replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

Meditate Every Day

There are countless benefits to incorporating meditation into your daily routine. One of the most notable is that it can help people break free from perfectionism.

Meditation is a mindful practice that has been proven to help people become less stressed and anxious, enabling them to achieve a sense of calm even in stressful situations.

Additionally, it can help improve your focus, productivity, and creativity, making it a valuable tool for anyone who works in a creative field. Like all activities, you can try many different types of meditation.

You can even mix and match different types of meditation to find the perfect routine for you! There are guided meditation apps you can download to help you get started, and you can get your friends and family to join in, too.

Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful For Each Day

Research shows that gratitude is a powerful emotion that can significantly impact your mental health and well-being. Practicing gratitude can help you live a happier life by reminding you of the good things you already have in your life.

You can incorporate gratitude into your daily routine by writing down three things you're grateful for each day. This can be done in a journal, blog, or app such as Gratitude Journal.

The key is to ensure you write down these things every day, even when you don't feel grateful. This simple activity can help you break free from perfectionism by reminding you of how great life is.

You may find that as you continue to practice gratitude, you start to feel less pressure to achieve everything on your to-do list and more appreciation for the things you already have.

Go for a Walk and Spend Time in Nature

Recent studies have shown that spending time in nature can help people break free from perfectionism. Nature is one of the best remedies for stress and anxiety, and it can help reduce feelings of perfectionism by promoting a calm and relaxed state of mind.

If you’re feeling overly critical of yourself or your work, a walk in the park or a trip to the beach may be just what you need to relax your mind and ease your perfectionistic tendencies. This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours at a time in nature for the benefits to kick in. Just 20-30 minutes can do the trick!

If you can, go for a walk during the day when the sun is out. Spending time in nature has been shown to have even more benefits than relaxation. Sunlight exposure is also a great way to boost energy and fight depression.

Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Be Yourself

Being a perfectionist can make it difficult to accept your flaws and flaws in others. This can cause you to put unnecessary pressure on yourself and others, which can lead to unhealthy relationships.

That's why it's essential to stop trying to be perfect and be yourself. Being a perfectionist doesn't mean you need to achieve everything you set your mind to or that you need to work toward perfection in everything you do.

What it does mean is that you're being too hard on yourself and expecting more from yourself than most people would expect from themselves in the same situation. That's why it's essential to stop trying to be perfect and be yourself.

Start by letting go of your need to be the best in everything you do and accept that you aren’t perfect. Once you do, you’ll find it easier to let go of the negative thoughts that can come with perfectionism and let yourself relax more

Some Final Thoughts

People who struggle with perfectionism often let their unhelpful thoughts get the best of them. If you're reading this as someone who has worked with the trap of perfectionism for too long and needs help overcoming it, there are several strategies you can try.

Most importantly, you need to talk to a counselor, meditate, practice gratitude, go for walks in nature, and let go of your need to be perfect. These strategies should help you let go of your perfectionistic tendencies and live happier lives.

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About the Creator

Jimy Lee

Jimmy Lee is a self-help blogger who used to be a network administrator. He's retired now, but he blogs about how to live your best life and be the best version of yourself.

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