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Your Money-Making Journey Can Be Affected by Your Body Odour!

Take Action! It Can Be a Major Obstacle to Your Progress

By Juma KillaghaiPublished 2 months ago 9 min read


The world of money is not a lonely one. Serious money involves business and social interactions. These interactions help to forge networks and networks are essential leverages for creating wealth. One of the things that can deprive you of peace of mind and limit your opportunities for personal development is having bad body odour. If your body emits an unpleasant odour, people will try to avoid being close to you, and for those close to you who cannot avoid you all the time, they will be living in very difficult circumstances.

Essentially it means you will have a hard time socializing and getting to be part of wealth generating networks.

Since people with bad body odour are often unaware of it, the problem becomes significant when they realize it, usually through being told by their close contacts. When someone discovers that they have bad body odour that makes others uncomfortable being around them, they experience significant distress, and their journey of loneliness begins.

Now, instead of people making an effort to stay away from them, they are the ones making efforts to distance themselves from others. In marriages, the issue of intimacy is greatly affected, and overall, the marriage may even become shaky, although no one will be willing to explain the source of the problem.

Furthermore, a person with bad body odour may miss out on economic and developmental opportunities due to their inability to socialize with others. Typically, someone who does not socialize with their peers is not understood, and a person who is not understood cannot be appealing.

Having an agreeable personality is a crucial factor for individuals who want to achieve progress, whether in their careers or economic endeavours. Typically, a person's aura can be surrounded by a bad odour originating from their armpits or from their mouth and nose.

This article aims to discuss the issue of bad breath or odour from the mouth and or the nostrils. Odours that can arise from the mouth or nose can be divided into several main categories based on their causes.

Dry Mouth...

Normally, when the mouth becomes dry due to any reason (such as certain medications, etc.), it produces a bad odour. The main reason is the lack of saliva. One of the major functions of saliva is to wash away and eliminate bacteria in the mouth, thereby reducing the chances of these bacteria breaking down food residues in the mouth and producing foul-smelling gases.

Usually, the odour resulting from this cause disappears when the mouth is sufficiently moistened with saliva or by drinking water and other fluids.

Infections in Teeth and Gums...

Furthermore, the mouth itself can emit a bad odour due to extensive bacterial infections in the teeth and gums. Often, this type of odour is persistent and unaffected by the elimination of dryness in the mouth. The primary reason is that the bacteria causing this condition have entrenched themselves in the tissues and are not easily removed by regular oral hygiene practices.

Usually, the odour temporarily diminishes or disappears shortly after brushing and flossing, only to return later. The only way to eliminate this type of odour is to treat the infections in the affected tissues until they heal completely.

Post-Nasal Drip...

Some foul odours can originate in the mouth but have their source in open spaces in certain areas of the skull, including the nasal passages. These spaces are known as sinuses. Due to various reasons such as infections, allergies, etc., an excessive amount of mucus can be produced within these spaces. This condition causes an overflow of excess mucus to drip down the back of the throat, creating an environment for the proliferation of a large number of bacteria. This condition is known as post-nasal drip. These bacteria cause the affected area of the mouth to emit a foul smell.

Sinus Infections...

Additionally, infections in the sinuses, known as sinus infections, can cause the tissues in those spaces to become inflamed. Inflammation can lead to a blockage in the sinuses, preventing mucus from draining properly and causing it to accumulate in one place. This accumulation becomes a breeding ground for a large number of bacteria, which in turn produce a strong odour.

Cleft Palate...

The problem of a cleft palate, which extends into the nasal cavity, can also create an environment for bacteria to multiply and thrive without disturbance. Sometimes, this condition can cause bad breath and/or odour from the nose. Unfortunately, there is no single solution that can address all cases of bad odour associated with sinuses. Each problem must be identified, and the solution should target the specific underlying condition. This means that for some issues, antibiotics may be a solution, while in other cases, more significant steps, including surgery, may be required.

Tonsil Stones...

Another group of bad odours that occur in the mouth are those caused by tonsil stones. Recurring bacterial infections in the tonsils lead to the formation of stones made up of dead bacteria and debris from attacked tissues. The best way to eliminate this odour is to remove the stones causing it. Fortunately, tonsil stones are often visible and can be removed easily.

Some people remove the stones by using a toothbrush to gently brush them away. However, the better approach is to see your doctor, who can use specialized tools for the task.

To prevent tonsil stones, it is highly recommended to maintain good oral hygiene by practicing regular mouth cleaning several times a day. This will reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that can spread to the tonsils. Another effective method is gargling with warm saline water at least twice a day. Half a cup of warm water mixed with a quarter teaspoon of salt is sufficient for this activity.

Bad Smells Arising from the Lungs...

Another group of bad smells that can occur in the mouth or nose originates from the lungs. There are two sources of odours emanating from the lungs. One source is certain types of diseases or infections that can be in the lungs or other internal organs.

The second source is some of the foods or drinks we consume, which release gases with odours into the bloodstream. When the blood carrying these gases reaches the lungs, it releases them to be exhaled and expelled from the body.

There are many diseases in the lungs that can produce certain odours. Among these are lung cancer, asthma, and a disease called cystic fibrosis. This disease, which is caused by damage to a specific gene in the DNA, leads to recurrent infections in the lungs. These infections cause the accumulation of thick mucus that blocks the airways in the lungs and makes breathing difficult.

Typically, the odour associated with asthma or cystic fibrosis has an acidic smell. Furthermore, diseases of other organs within the body can also produce odours that make them easily recognizable. For instance, many kidney diseases can cause the patient to exhale breath with a fishy odour.

Bad Smells Arising from the Stomach...

Among all the odours that can affect a person's breath or nasal passages, none is as unpleasant as those originating from the stomach.

Fortunately, bad odours originating from the stomach are relatively rare. It is believed that the reason for this rarity is our tendency not to delay seeking medical attention when we experience any stomach problems. The point is that once the underlying problem is addressed, the bad odour caused by that problem should also disappear.

Various factors can cause bad odours to emanate from the stomach, including stomach cancer, stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gas, bowel obstruction, and inflammatory diseases affecting the inner walls of the intestines, as well as certain foods or bacterial infections, particularly Clostridium difficile (C. difficile or C. diff).

Some individuals cannot tolerate gluten from wheat (and other grains in that family) or lactose sugar from dairy products. Consumption of these foods trigger chronic inflammation in the intestines, leading to various health problems, including bad odours.

Individuals with bad breath or nasal odour believed to originate from the stomach can alleviate this condition by avoiding the consumption of these foods, especially if tests have revealed that they do not have C. diff infections. Unfortunately, if the underlying cause of the problem is C. diff, then you are facing a significant challenge.

The reason for this assertion is that C. diff is among the most difficult bacteria to treat. Many antibiotics are ineffective against this type of bacteria and may even stimulate its growth and development of resistance. Some medical professionals recommend focusing on strengthening the body's immune system and allowing it to control the bacteria instead of fighting them with antibiotics.

One approach is to increase the population of beneficial bacteria in the stomach through the consumption of fermented foods like yogurt and certain pickles, or by taking commercially prepared probiotic supplements available at pharmacies.

Other measures include avoiding sugar and processed carbohydrates, drinking an adequate amount of water, making a significant portion of your diet consist of vegetables and fruits, increasing daily vitamin C intake, consuming five to ten garlic cloves per day, engaging in moderate exercise at least four times a week, avoiding overeating or eating on an empty stomach, and getting six to eight hours of sleep per day.

Some odour-related problems can be treated. If you have persistent bad breath or nasal odour that you believe is originating from your stomach, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a gastroenterologist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. They will be able to identify the underlying cause and provide guidance on the best course of action to address the issue.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to identify the odours emanating from diseases in various organs until the specific disease is diagnosed and treated. Before that happens, the patient must endure the inconvenience of using emergency measures to reduce the intensity of those odours.

These measures include chewing gum and using mint-flavoured mouthwashes. On the other hand, bad odours originating from the lungs due to substances we consume, such as smoking, can be controlled. It is evident that smoking will cause your lungs to emit an odour. No matter how much you brush your teeth, it cannot reach your lungs and eliminate the specific odour.

The only way to get rid of the lung odour caused by smoking is to quit smoking. Another odour that can arise in the lungs due to substances we consume is alcohol. Obviously, if you want to get rid of that odour, you have to abstain from alcohol consumption.

Some foods, such as onions and garlic, also release odorous gases that are carried by the blood to the lungs. These odours are expelled from the body through the mouth and/or nose during breathing. The only way to eliminate these odours is to avoid consuming these foods, particularly when they are raw.


Regardless of the source of your bad smell, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible so as to limit its negative impact in your personal, professional and social life. It is a riddle that may take you a long time to solve but there is no other option unless you want to lead a very unpleasant life. To lead a normal life solving it can’t be avoided.

Here is help for those whose foul smell is due to bacterial infections in the teeth and gums. HAIIBA DENTAL GUARD is a natural products mouth disinfectant capable of killing millions of bacteria upon touch.

Haiiba Dental Guard

Our clinic, HERBAL IMPACT has been using it for more than ten years to treat serious cases of gram-positive bacterial infections in the mouth and success rate has been more than 90%. A lot of people have avoided tooth extractions and root canals because of it. On top of that it is very cheap so by using it you save quite a lot. Currently a 100 cc bottle costs only 4.00 USD. If you throw in freight (From Tanzania) may be the bottle can cost 5.00 USD. Since this is a physical product you can’t just download it somewhere online. You can make further enquiries about it by e mailing us at [email protected] or through WhatsApp number +255655281131.

For more health and wellness insights visit HERE


About the Creator

Juma Killaghai

Juma Killaghai is a research chemist with over 30 years of experience in the field of research and development. He has a Master’s degree - Organic chemistry, from the University of Dar es Salaam. He resides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Juma KillaghaiWritten by Juma Killaghai

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