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how to make your life more fun

By muhammedaljaafrehPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Have you ever felt like every day you wake up and do the same thing, feeling like a robot and bored with life? About a year ago, I felt that way every single day and wondered why my life was so uninteresting.

If you have felt the same, this article is for you. I will share ways to add more excitement and happiness to your life.

First, consider changing your morning and night routines. If you enjoy structure, try switching up one thing in your routine, such as waking up at a different time or trying out a new morning ritual. You could also listen to manifestation frequencies while journaling and meditation, or try someone else's morning routine from YouTube. Additionally, consider trying a new skincare routine or playing music during simple tasks to liven up your daily activities.

Another way to spice up your life is by changing how you work out. Even a simple 10-minute ab workout can make a difference in how you working out, consider trying different exercises like a Soul Cycle or yoga class.

Hot yoga can help warm your muscles and improve flexibility. If you typically do cardio, incorporating strength training can be beneficial. Watching workout tutorials on YouTube can help you understand gym equipment. Engaging in evening workout sessions can be a refreshing change.

Spending time alone can also be enjoyable and freeing. Taking yourself on adventures and doing activities you enjoy can be a rewarding experience. While relaxation and self-care are important, it's also valuable to engage in exciting solo activities. Cultivating a strong sense of self-love and independence is essential.

Keeping a gratitude journal and setting personal goals can positively impact your outlook. Spending time alone, whether it's journaling, filming, or going for drives, can be fulfilling. Going for night time drives can provide a sense of calm and freedom, allowing for introspection and creativity. Engaging in activities that transport you from daily life, such as driving or walking, can be beneficial.

Playing music can also contribute to a positive mindset and relaxation. How you feel. Working out has been a great way for me to clear my mind and feel refreshed.

In my city, there's a nice spot where i can relax and enjoy the warm weather. Even though I'm a bit apprehensive about staying out for too long, I feel like I'm preparing for something special by getting ready for the day. It puts me in a positive mood and motivates me to be more productive.

I find that I'm more likely to engage in activities and feel more confident when I'm all set to go. I'm also excited by the idea of interacting with strangers, as it gives me a little thrill and adds a bit of spice to my daily routine. Experiencing new things can lead to unexpected opportunities, such as meeting interesting people and hearing their stories. Engaging with strangers can be enriching, especially in the current climate. I've come to appreciate the value of these interactions, realising that I previously took them for granted.

Elevating your mindset is a topic frequently discussed on the MMN podcast, which has had a profound impact on my life. It has made me more aware of the power of mindset in shaping our lives and manifesting our desires. Focusing on self-improvement in areas such as confidence, career, fitness, and personal identity has become a priority for me.

Journaling about who you are and who you aspire to be can be empowering, serving as a reminder to align your actions with your values.

Similarly, visualizing your ideal partner or writing down your aspirations can help manifest these desires into reality. Consistently reinforcing positive affirmations can lead to a shift in your beliefs and expectations. Looking forward to the future and setting intentions for the upcoming year or season can bring a sense of excitement and anticipation. Reading books on personal growth and mindset, can also contribute to a positive mindset shift.

I've personally experienced the transformative effects of changing my work environment and the positive impact it has had on my life. I used to wake up, do my morning routine, and then go straight back into my room to work. I felt like there was no separation between my morning routine and work time, or even between relaxation and work time.

Now, when I go to the coffee shop, it's dedicated work time. I don't see distractions like laundry or cleaning that need to be done. I get so much more done at the coffee shop, so the five dollars for a coffee is worth it.

Whether you have school work, want to journal, plan your week or month, set goals, edit videos or photos, or work on your vision board, a different environment can be very productive.

You can also try making to a little office in your apartment if there is a space to do so ,or to the lobby, if your working from home , or the library. if there was a one near by and work there from a distance just to change the environment you work in.

finally at the end of the day It will feels great to close your laptop and drive home, knowing that it's relaxation time.

how to

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